Range Ruminations: Are Range Grasses Vulnerable to Grazing during Early Fall?

Jeff Mosley MSU ExtensionIn ranching it’s often necessary to spend money to make money. Funds from savings accounts or operating loans are spent to purchase inputs such as vaccine, seed, fertilizer, or feed. These inputs help fuel the engine that hopefully returns enough income to replenish the savings account or repay the bank, and also cover enough living expenses that you can afford to play the game again next year.

Range grasses often play a similar game during early autumn. Most years range grasses go dormant in late summer when days get hot and soils get dry. If more mild temperatures return in September and October accompanied by rain or early wet snow, grasses respond by breaking summer dormancy. To initiate this new growth grasses must draw upon stored energy reserves in their roots and stem bases. In other words, grasses must spend some of their savings to kick-start the new growth in early fall.

After the new leaves reach one-third to one-half their mature size they produce enough energy via photosynthesis to fuel their own growth and begin replenishing the plant’s energy reserves (i.e., begin repaying the bank). With enough time and leaf area, grasses are able to repay the bank, cover their living expenses, and can afford to play the game again next year. However, if grazing during early fall removes too much of this new leaf area before plants replenish their reserves, range grasses enter winter in a weakened condition, may not survive winter, won’t produce as much forage next spring, and won’t compete as well against weeds next year.

Similar situations occur in hay fields cut too late in the season, prompting recommendations that the last cutting of hay should occur at least three weeks before the killing frost to enable plants to recover before winter, or swathing should wait until later in the season when cold temperatures prevent plants from expending stored reserves to fuel regrowth.

Few ranches, however, are able to stop grazing three weeks before the first killing frost in order to manage their livestock grazing enterprise as they do their hay enterprise. One approach that can help is to move livestock from rangelands to seeded pastures comprised of grass species that better tolerate grazing during early fall. If this is not feasible, another approach is to reduce grazing intensity during early fall. Grazing lightly during early fall (i.e., leaving more than three to four inches of residual forage height after grazing) provides grasses more leaf area for photosynthesis to produce energy that can restore the reserves used to break summer dormancy. Rotational grazing also works well during fall. The first grazing period can be brief during early fall when grasses are growing, followed by heavier grazing during late fall when it’s too cold for plants to initiate regrowth after grazing.

In summary, close grazing of range grasses during early fall can be very damaging when growing conditions have enabled grasses to break summer dormancy. Avoiding heavy grazing during these times will keep grasses healthy going into winter and help grasses produce more forage next spring. Happy ruminating.

In ranching it’s often necessary to spend money to make money. Funds from savings accounts or operating loans are spent to purchase inputs such as vaccine, seed, fertilizer, or feed. These inputs help fuel the engine that hopefully returns enough income to replenish the savings account or repay the bank, and also cover enough living expenses that you can afford to play the game again next year.

Range grasses often play a similar game during early autumn. Most years range grasses go dormant in late summer when days get hot and soils get dry. If more mild temperatures return in September and October accompanied by rain or early wet snow, grasses respond by breaking summer dormancy. To initiate this new growth grasses must draw upon stored energy reserves in their roots and stem bases. In other words, grasses must spend some of their savings to kick-start the new growth in early fall.

After the new leaves reach one-third to one-half their mature size they produce enough energy via photosynthesis to fuel their own growth and begin replenishing the plant’s energy reserves (i.e., begin repaying the bank). With enough time and leaf area, grasses are able to repay the bank, cover their living expenses, and can afford to play the game again next year. However, if grazing during early fall removes too much of this new leaf area before plants replenish their reserves, range grasses enter winter in a weakened condition, may not survive winter, won’t produce as much forage next spring, and won’t compete as well against weeds next year.

Similar situations occur in hay fields cut too late in the season, prompting recommendations that the last cutting of hay should occur at least three weeks before the killing frost to enable plants to recover before winter, or swathing should wait until later in the season when cold temperatures prevent plants from expending stored reserves to fuel regrowth.

Few ranches, however, are able to stop grazing three weeks before the first killing frost in order to manage their livestock grazing enterprise as they do their hay enterprise. One approach that can help is to move livestock from rangelands to seeded pastures comprised of grass species that better tolerate grazing during early fall. If this is not feasible, another approach is to reduce grazing intensity during early fall. Grazing lightly during early fall (i.e., leaving more than three to four inches of residual forage height after grazing) provides grasses more leaf area for photosynthesis to produce energy that can restore the reserves used to break summer dormancy. Rotational grazing also works well during fall. The first grazing period can be brief during early fall when grasses are growing, followed by heavier grazing during late fall when it’s too cold for plants to initiate regrowth after grazing.

In summary, close grazing of range grasses during early fall can be very damaging when growing conditions have enabled grasses to break summer dormancy. Avoiding heavy grazing during these times will keep grasses healthy going into winter and help grasses produce more forage next spring. Happy ruminating.

Watch for Nitrate Toxicity in Forages

Emily Glunk Montana State Forage ExtensionBy Dr. Emily Glunk, MSU Extension Forage Specialist

Nitrate toxicity is a problem that many producers have to deal with in Montana. Particularly this year, with a large amount of cereal grains being harvested for hay, it is something that should be kept in the back of your mind at harvest and feedout.

Nitrate toxicity is an accumulation of nitrates in the plant. Typically, the lowest third of the plant stem will have the highest level of nitrates. Why are these high levels of nitrates toxic to the animal? When the animal consumes a large amount of nitrates, it is unable to be completely converted to microbial protein in the rumen. Instead, an intermediate in the conversion of nitrate to protein, nitrite, will be transported to the small intestines and absorbed into the blood system. This is where the real problem starts. Nitrite will bind to hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying component of blood, to form methemoglobin. Methemoglobin is unable to supply oxygen to the rest of the body, and the animal will start to become stressed.

Acute toxicity signs include things such as labored breathing, muscle tremors, weakness, and ultimately death. Animals that have chronic toxicity, or have been consuming high levels over a long period of time, will have decreased production, rough hair coat, and reproductive issues, among others.

What is happening in the plant to cause increased nitrate levels? Nitrate accumulation can occur for many reasons: environmental stress such as drought or hail, excessive application of Nitrogen fertilizer, deficiency of other nutrients such as K and S, shade, prolonged cool temperatures, the list goes on. Another important factor is plant species. Cereal grains tend to accumulate nitrates more-so than cool-season forages. Oats have been found to be the most prone to accumulating toxic nitrate levels, with wheat and barley a little less likely. Warm-season grasses such as sorghums and sudangrasses also have potential to accumulate nitrates.

If any of these situations occurs, or the plant becomes stressed, the likelihood of accumulating toxic levels is increased. In most of these situations, photosynthesis is inhibited or decreased, which supplies the Carbon, or energy, that is required to convert the nitrate to plant protein. Without the required Carbon, similar to in the rumen, the nitrate will not be converted to the final, desirable product, protein.

How can we decrease the chances of nitrate toxicity? There are a few things that we can watch out for. Always make sure that you are monitoring soil nutrient levels, and try to apply fertilizer according to soil and plant needs. Make sure to not overlook other soil nutrients, like Potassium and Sulfur, as they can have a significant impact on Nitrate uptake and accumulation in plants. Take care when applying and handling any N fertilizer, so that large amounts don’t get spilled or over-applied in one particular area. When harvesting, wait for several days after a drought-ending rain before harvesting, or after a hail event.

If you suspect your forages may be “hot”, I would advise to test them before harvesting or feed out. Your local county agent has an in-field test called the Nitrate QuikTest, which allows them to qualitatively estimate whether your forages may have toxic levels or not. This test does not provide a level of nitrate, but rather advises you as to whether there may be toxic levels or not based on what color the testing solution turns, and how rapidly that change occurs. We are also looking to test some in-field quantitative nitrate testing kits, to evaluate whether these commercially available products are accurate and reliable ways to determine nitrate levels in standing forage.

If your forage tests hot, or may be marginal, I always recommend sending it in to a lab for a quantitative nitrate analysis. This will help you determine if you need to dilute the hay in the ration by feeding it with a low-nitrate forage, or if it is safe to feed. Toxic levels also depend on production stage of the animal, with young and pregnant animals having low tolerance to nitrates, as depicted in the table below. You can contact your county agent, or myself, to help develop a ration that is suitable to feed to your animals.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Emily Glunk at 406.994.5688 or at [email protected]. For more detailed information on nitrate toxicity, you can also reference the Montana Extension MontGuide “Nitrate Toxicity of Montana Forages” (MT200205Ag).

Importance of Soil Testing Livestock and Hay Pastures

Image via: nrcs.usda.gov

Image via: nrcs.usda.gov

By Dr. Emily Glunk, Montana State Forage Extension Specialist

I get a lot of questions on the importance of soil testing, and if it’s worth it. My answer: yes.

A soil test can give you a lot of very helpful information that can help in your forage production, for a relatively small amount of money. I like to use the comparison of feeding your livestock to feeding your forages. When we develop a ration for our cattle, we make sure that they are meeting their energy, protein, vitamin and mineral needs so that they can perform to the best of their abilities. Why wouldn’t we do the same for our forages? By neglecting to ensure that there is sufficient Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), Sulfur (S), etc. in our soils, we are decreasing that plant’s ability to produce to its maximum potential, also decreasing the amount of nutrients that it can supply to the foraging animal.

The first thing I always ask when people look for advice on forages to establish is “what is your pH?” This piece of information is so important, and can save you a lot of time, money, and headache down the road. However, the only way to accurately estimate this is by performing a soil test.

The pH of a soil is important for a couple of reasons. 1. It gives you an idea of whether or not a species will be able to establish in your soils. For example, sainfoin does not particularly like acid soils, so if your pH comes back at a 6, then you may have some issues getting sainfoin seeds to germinate. And 2. It gives you an idea of the availability of the nutrients in your soil

Not every nutrient is going to be highly available at every pH. Macronutrients, such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium are usually more available to a plant at a more neutral to alkaline pH, or a pH greater than 7. Micronutrients like Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mo), and Manganese (Mn) are typically more available at slightly lower pH, say around 6. Knowing this helps us to cater to the soils, and provide adequate amounts of necessary nutrients for plants.

Image via extension.org

Image via extension.org

Soil tests will also give us an idea of how much of a particular nutrient is already in the soil. This will help us in developing a fertilizer regimen, and potentially save us some money in the long term. Instead of applying the same amount of fertilizer year after year, which may or may not be needed in that particular amount, we can provide only what is necessary to produce a healthy plant.

Nutrients will differ in how long they “stick around” in the soil. Nitrogen is a highly mobile nutrient, and fertilizing annually (if recommended from the test) is usually appropriate. However, because it is highly mobile, we don’t want to over-fertilize, which can lead to nutrient leaching, and wasted money on fertilizer. Nutrients such as Potassium and Phosphorous are relatively immobile, and usually are in the soil for longer periods of time after fertilization. In fact, if a stand is deficient in Phosphorous, and adequate amounts of P are applied, you may not see a huge increase in yield or quality until up to a year after that first application, due to its slow release.

When soil testing and fertilizing, don’t forget to look at the micronutrients. While needed in much smaller amounts that the macronutrients, these can play just as important of a role in forage production and quality. Things like Selenium (Se), Boron (B), and Manganese (Mn) can all be limiting to plant growth if they are in too small of amounts, or too large of amounts as well. With Boron, for example, it can be easy to surpass sufficiency needs and enter into toxic levels of applied B. Soil testing is extremely important in determining exactly how much your plant needs so that you can feed it properly. To help in developing these recommendations, Montana State University Researchers are looking into fertilization guidelines, and have developed several publications, with more still on the way. Most can be found on my website (http://animalrangeextension.montana.edu/forage/) or on the other Extension specialists’ websites as well.

For more information on how to soil test, or if you have any questions, please contact Dr. Emily Glunk at 406.994.5688 or [email protected].

What’s the deal with sainfoin?

Emily Glunk Montana State Forage ExtensionBy Dr. Emily Glunk, Montana State Extension Forage Specialist

I have been getting a lot of questions on my travels around the state about sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), and how can it fit into forage production in Montana.

Sainfoin is a legume, with a bright pink flower (although they can also be white or purple), and leaves with 11-21 leaflets. It may grow a little taller than alfalfa in certain environments, but a lot of times we are seeing similar production results.

One of the biggest benefits of sainfoin is that it is a non-bloating legume, which means that not only is it valuable in hay production, but we can also safely graze our livestock on it without having to worry about any bloat issues. In addition, because it is a legume, it is providing Nitrogen back to the soil via nitrogen fixation, which is a huge benefit and a large reduction in cost. Because let’s face it, the cost of fertilizer these days can be a little hard to swallow. When we add sainfoin, or other legumes, in a mixture with other grasses, we can significantly reduce or eliminate the amount of Nitrogen that we need to apply (however, soil samples should always be taken to know exactly how much we need to fertilize and with what).

We also know that sainfoin is very palatable. I have even heard it described as being “too palatable” (if you can imagine that) with it being preferred by wildlife over alfalfa and other forages. It has been described as being slightly more drought-tolerant than alfalfa, although it likes a little higher average precipitation, typically over 14” of annual rainfall. However, some producers actually state that they have had better luck with sainfoin in dryland situations than alfalfa, although this may not always be the case. It also likes soils with a pH above 7, and it seems to prefer coarser soils, or calcareous soils.

Another huge benefit is that sainfoin does not exhibit the allelopathic, or autotoxic effect that we see in alfalfa. This means that when we have a declining stand, or one that is producing below our desired goals, we can interseed more sainfoin, or allow itself to interseed naturally. This is a huge benefit, as we don’t have to worry about completely renovating our stand.

Typically, we see sainfoin mature at a quicker rate than alfalfa. One study found that sainfoin reached full maturity (100% bloom) while alfalfa was only at 78% bloom.

The same study also recommended that for the highest yield of both dry matter and nutrients that you harvest when sainfoin is closer to full maturity, a little different than that of alfalfa. We do see slightly lower crude protein values when the plants are compared at similar maturities, but they have similar TDN (total digestible nutrients) concentrations, and in some cases the NDF and ADF (see previous column, “The case for RFQ” for an explanation) were actually lower in the sainfoin compared to alfalfa. Because sainfoin is able to retain its lower leaves better than alfalfa, we see a slower decline in nutrient quality through the growing season, another added benefit.

Another interesting thing about sainfoin is that it seems to have a natural resistance to glyphosate (Roundup). This does not mean that it won’t have significant yield reductions like RoundUp Ready alfalfa  after glyphosate application, but when varying rates of glyphosate were applied to a stand of sainfoin over two years in Wyoming, the stand was able to survive glyphosate application. However, it should be noted that it did have a significant reduction in yield. Even glyphosate applied at a rate of 8 fluid oz. per acre resulted in a significant yield loss. However, the stand was able to recover the following year after in the low-rate treatments. So while it may potentially be a tool for weed control, it should not be a first resort.

So what are the drawbacks? Sainfoin can be finicky to get established, and it seems to take a little bit longer than other forages such as alfalfa. It also requires significantly higher seeding rates than alfalfa, which can prove costly. Also, when being grown in a mixture with many forage species, alternate seeding is more conducive to adequate stand establishment than a complete mixture.

This is especially important when it is grown with bunchgrasses like Russian wildrye and crested wheatgrass. Another limitation to establishment is that it does not like soils with high water tables, or soils that are poorly drained. We also recommend that you do not graze for two seasons after planting to allow it to get established.

Care should be taken when harvesting and grazing sainfoin so that there is still some leaf area remaining. Sainfoin does not store carbohydrates during the summer, and relies on photosynthesis for regrowth, hence the need for extra leaf area.

On average, we typically see alfalfa persisting for longer periods of time than sainfoin, but there are stands that are over 20 years old in Montana. The biggest problem that producers have is that it is a little more susceptible to root and crown rots than alfalfa, this typically being the reason that a stand needs to be terminated. But, especially in a rotational setting, sainfoin can be a great option to look at.

Overall, sainfoin is a great forage, with a lot to offer to Montana producers. If you have any questions or comments, contact Dr. Emily Glunk at 406.994.5688 or [email protected].

Grazing Management Tools for Young Stockgrowers | Annual Convention Speaker

We’re excited to have a great line up of speakers for the 2014 Annual Convention, Dec. 11-13 in Billings. The featured speaker during our Young Stockgrowers meeting on Thursday night will be Tyrrell Hibbard with Montana Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative. Earlier this year, GLCI released a new web program to assist with grazing management. Tyrrell will be discussing this new tool and other uses of technology Young Stockgrowers can utilize when managing pastures and grazing forages. To learn more about the Annual Convention speaker line up, click here.

New Grazing Recordkeeping System Offers Ranchers Better Tool

Bozeman —The Montana Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) recently launched a new web-based planning and record keeping program for ranchers and grazing managers. GrazeKeeper is an electronic tool to manage livestock and pasture inventory, grazing plans, and grazing records.

“We are very glad to see GrazeKeeper become a reality,” said Chase Hibbard, Montana GLCI committee member who helped develop the program. “This will offer ranchers a tool they have not had before to make their recordkeeping and grazing decisions easier.”

GrazeKeeper, on the web at www.grazekeeper.com, allows users to inventory resources, track in- and out-dates of numerous herds, automatically track weather and precipitation using NOAA data, and map the ranch and pastures with Google Maps. GrazeKeeper is uniquely capable of providing reports by management group (animal herd) or by pasture and mining several years of data to compile in-depth reports.

Key Features of GrazeKeeper:

  • Simplifies the task of keeping pasture records
  • Simplifies the process of creating grazing reports, either by pasture or management group
  • Facilitates making informed decisions regarding stocking rates, carrying capacity, and grazing movements
  • Customizes pasture, livestock, and grazing reports

grazekeeperInterested users can sign up for GrazeKeeper at www.grazekeeper.com under a free 90-day trial period, which offers full functionality of the program and its valuable reports to users. After the free 90-day trial period, users will receive a payment window to purchase the product. Depending on the number of pastures a user wishes to track with GrazeKeeper, subscriptions run from $12 per month (for 10 pastures or less) to $48 per month (for unlimited pastures).

For more information about GrazeKeeper, and to sign up for a free 90-day trial, please visit www.grazekeeper.com.

Concerns When Feeding Frosted Alfalfa

Emily Glunk Montana State Forage ExtensionBy Emily Glunk, MSU Extension Forage Specialist

I have been getting many calls and emails from agents and producers about how to graze their frosted alfalfa. The biggest concern with grazing frosted alfalfa is the potential for bloat. Bloat is a serious problem in livestock, especially cattle, and preventative measures must be used when animals are placed in bloat-inducing situations, such as grazing alfalfa.

While a very nutritious forage, with high energy and protein values, grazing of fresh alfalfa comes with its risks. Typically, if a pasture is less than 50% alfalfa, there is a reduced occurrence of bloat. Care must always be taken when grazing alfalfa, even “non-bloating alfalfa”. “Non-bloating” or “bloat-safe” alfalfa have lower amounts of soluble proteins, the cause of bloat in ruminants. However, animals should still be monitored, because even though it is considered “safe”, bloat can still occur.

Why does alfalfa cause bloat in the first place? Soluble proteins in forages and other small particles within the cells of the plant are rapidly released once they reach the rumen. These proteins and particles are attacked by slime producing rumen microbes, which cause a buildup of stable foam. The foam decreases the animal’s ability to expel rumen gases that are created from fermentation of plant material. These gases begin to accumulate, causing pressure on the diaphragm, leading to bloat. In severe cases, the rumen can become distended, and death may occur.

montana alfalfa bloom feeding ranching hay cattleSo when does alfalfa become “safe” to graze? This seems to be the money question, as you will find several different answers. We know that we can feed pure alfalfa hay to ruminants, without causing any issues. This is because that forage has gone through a drying process, and the soluble proteins are significantly decreased. But at what point does it become safe, and what are some strategies that we can implement to decrease the risk of bloat?

Some things to consider are the environmental effects. Freezing of alfalfa, and grazing frosted/ frozen alfalfa, can significantly increase the chance of bloat. After a frost, the intercellular liquids freeze, and can puncture the cell walls, causing the cell to “burst” and contents to leak out. Soluble proteins will be released, and the incidence of bloat will be increased. If cattle are out grazing alfalfa during a frost, remove them immediately.

Some studies say that only three days are necessary after a frost to allow soluble proteins to decrease, however others cite that waiting five to seven days is safer. As a precaution, I generally recommend waiting about a week after a hard killing frost before grazing the alfalfa, at this point the plant has significantly dried down and the risk of bloat will be reduced.

Other recommendations for grazing frosted alfalfa include:

  • If it was not a killing frost, then wait until the alfalfa is in full bloom rather than bud to early bloom to graze. Soluble proteins decrease with increasing maturity.
  • Make sure that cattle are not turned onto alfalfa hungry. Feeding with a non-bloating forage beforehand will decrease the likelihood of bloat as they will not consume the alfalfa as rapidly
  • Monitor cattle for bloat several times throughout the day, especially when they begin to graze
  • Consider including the bloat preventative poloxalene (Bloat Guard) into your ration

Livestock that are suffering from bloat will begin to swell rapidly on the left side. If it is a severe case, the animal can die within the hour, which is why it is important to be constantly monitoring your animals. Kicking at their sides or stomping their feet are other signs that the animal is experiencing discomfort. If you notice any of your animals exhibiting these signs, make sure to call your veterinarian immediately.