Western Montana Ranchers Elected to Stockgrowers Board of Directors

Race King of Dillon joins the MSGA Board as Western District Director

Race King of Dillon joins the MSGA Board as Western District Director

At the 130th Annual Montana Stockgrowers Association Convention and Trade Show last month, members elected two new ranchers to the MSGA Board of Directors. Race King of Dillon will join the 13-member Board for a two-year term, representing the Western Montana district; a seat previously held by Ray Marxer of Twin Bridges. Bryan Mussard of Dillon was elected at 1st Vice President.

Race King manages the LaCense ranch near Dillon. He and his wife, Rochelle, have four children, Cache (22), Carly (20), Carson (18) and Coby (14).

“My wife and I were both raised on livestock operations and we desired the opportunity to raise our children in that same environment,” says Race. “We feel truly blessed to have been able to spend our entire lives working with livestock and the great people in our communities. I’m grateful to be able to work alongside my family and watch them develop a passion for this great business and the way of life it provides us all.”

When asked what are the major challenges the beef industry will face in the next 10 years, Race recognized the ranching community’s need to focus on federal regulations, resource management and employee development.

Bryan Mussard was elected as first Vice President on the Stockgrowers Board of Directors. Bryan and wife Marcia have raised six children and operate Reminisce Angus near Dillon. Bryan has been actively involved in the commercial feeding business for 40 years. Today, his operation weans, backgrounds, and develops cattle, collecting genetic data for customers through the Tracker marketing program. Bryan also manages ranches through the Big West Management Program.

Bryan Mussard, Second Vice President

Bryan Mussard of Dillon was elected as 1st Vice President on the MSGA Board

Ray Marxer of Twin Bridges is the outgoing representative for the Western District on the MSGA Board of Directors. Marxer was elected in 2010 and has represented ranchers in Western Montana for two consecutive terms. Ray, along with his wife Sue, worked on the Matador Ranch for 37 years, where he retired as manager in 2011. Ray remains active in the livestock community through consulting and involvement in area youth and fair programs.

Other changes to the Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors include Tucker Hughes of Stanford completing his term as President. Gene Curry of Valier was elected as President, while Fred Wacker of Miles City joins the MSGA officer team as second Vice President and Jess Drange of Ismay joins as Director, representing Southeastern Montana ranchers.

The Montana Stockgrowers Association meets annually to discuss and vote on policy measures, which guide the Association in representing its members on local, state and federal issues. To learn more about Stockgrowers programs or membership, visit mtbeef.org or contact the office in Helena, (406) 442-3420.

Ranchers Roll Into Billings for MSGA Convention

Ranchers were rolling into Billings for the first day of MSGA’s 130th Annual Convention. Thursday’s agenda was filled with Cattlemen’s Colleges workshops, a Young Stockgrowers meeting, along with Membership and Land Use policy committees and the Opening Trade Show Dinner. Friday’s agenda will be highlighted by Beef Production & Marketing and Ag Policy committees. Governor Steve Bullock is scheduled to speak at Opening General Session and Cattlemen’s College workshops continue through Saturday. Be sure to see yesterday’s post for a list of those speakers.

MSGA Board Member, Ray Marxer welcomes the Land Use & Environment Committee on Thursday of Annual Convention

MSGA Board Member, Ray Marxer welcomes the Land Use & Environment Committee on Thursday of Annual Convention

During the Membership Committee meeting, attendees heard from a number of researchers and extension specialists from the Montana State University system. Montana’s research and extension program continue to leaders in the nation when it comes to contributions in the cattle industry. Research efforts continue to investigate aspects of cattle and ranch management and our extension programs are working hard to make that information available to the ranching communities.

The conversations in the Land Use & Environment policy committee were dominated by sage grouse conservation and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) Water Compact. Ranchers across the state may be affected in different manners by possible future agreements. Attendees spent much of the afternoon listening to updates from those familiar with the topics and discussed on how Sage Grouse management and the Compact may affect land owners and water rights in different regions of Montana. The Land Use Committee will continue Friday morning with land owner and land use topics, as well as program updates from several state agencies.

Montana State Map ConventionWe invite everyone to join us for the next two days to celebrate our 130th year. As you are at the registration desk, be sure to mark your spot on the state map so we can see where Convention attendees are traveling from across Montana. Be sure to look at our Convention programs for a full meeting agenda, or view an abbreviated version in our Online Agenda.

Annual Convention and Trade Show 2014

130th Annual Convention Hosts Featured Speakers

Our 130th Annual Convention kicks off today and we could not be more excited! Everything is coming together here at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings and attendees are already streaming in. To celebrate 2014 and the growth that our organization and the cattle business has experienced, we’ve greatly expanded the educational workshop opportunities during the 3-day Convention!

Along with featured speakers at our General Sessions, including Governor Steve Bullock, Lois Olmstead, and Greg Hanes from U.S. Meat Export Federation, we have 16 Cattlemen’s College sessions that will cover a vast number of topics directly related to cattle and ranch management. Below is an overview of their sessions and times of appearance. For a full Convention schedule, grab a program at registration or see our Online Agenda. Be sure to follow us on Social Media all week for continuous updates and use the hashtag #MSGA14!

Kurt Alme, Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch Foundation

Dec. 11 & 12 Cattlemen’s College – “Farm & Ranch Estate Planning”

Do I need a Will? Which is better, a Will or Revocable Living Trust? Do I need Powers of Attorney, a Living Will and Advance Directives? Is Uncle Sam going to be my heir? (Discussing gift, estate, income, capital gains and Affordable Care Act) How do I reduce the taxes I will pay?

Greg Nunnery, Ph.D, RangeMate America

Dec. 11 & 13 Cattlemen’s College – “Nutrition Concepts for your Cow Herd”

Dr. Kevin Hill, DVM, Merck Animal Health

Dec. 11 & 12, Cattlemen’s College – “Adding Value to Calves: Data from Superior Livestock”; “Vaccination Strategies for Lifetime Calf Health”; “Parasite Control Programs: Emerging Resistance to Ivermectins”

Dr. JP Pollreisz, Zoetis Animal Health

Dec. 11 & 12 Cattlemen’s College – “Judicious use of Anti-infectives”

Effective, appropriate and humane use of antibiotics in beef cattle while maintaining a safe and high quality product.

Larry Gran, Zoetis Animal Health

Dec. 11 & 12 Cattlemen’s College – “GeneMax Advantage”

GeneMax Advantage is a genomic test for 75% and higher Black Angus females. The test ranks heifers for net return using three economic index scores, indentifies genetic outliers for four additional traits and facilitiates multi-sire assignment from cadidate Zoetis HD 50-K-tested sires. GeneMax Advantage delivers more dependable information for heifer selection, mating, and marketing decisions.

ABS, Accelerated, Genex,Origen and Select Sires

Dec. 12 & 13 Cattlemen’s College – “Successful Strategies for your Breeding Program”

ABS, Accelerated, Genex,Origen and Select Sires are teaming up to present a interactive workshop for cattle producers to improve conception rates in their AI Programs. The workshop will include 5 different workshops: A breeding barn demonstration, proper semen handling and Synchronizing, AI techniques and a few tips on marketing your calf crop. This exciting hands on workshop will be presented twice during convention and we hope to see all of you there!

Matt Bitz, One Montana

Dec. 13 – “Beef Processing Plant Feasibility Presentation”

Can a meat processing plant be built in Montana?  This is the question that One Montana, a Bozeman-based nonprofit, has been working to answer for the last year.  They have conducted a feasibility study examining, marketing, location, design, labor, and economic impacts in order to answer the question.  President Bill Bryan and Program Manager Matt Bitz will present the project findings in a forum and take questions on Saturday morning at 10 AM.

Greg Hanes, U.S. Meat Export Federation

Dec. 13, President’s Lunch – “International Markets: The Importance of the American Beef Producer”

With 96 percent of the world’s population outside the United States and improving economies worldwide, the international markets will play a larger and more important role for the American beef producer.  A contractor to the Beef Checkoff, Greg Hanes, assistant vice president of international marketing and planning at the U.S. Meat Export Federation, will provide background on the organization, discuss the importance to Montana’s cattle producers, and highlight some of the challenges and opportunities in markets around the world.

Lois Olmstead

Dec. 13, Inspirational Breakfast – “Finding an adventure isn’t hard to do…just look from where you are standing”

Lois shares how to live with joy and courage. Inspiring others is something that has become part of her everyday life. She impacts audiences with her positive views of living a joyful life.

Brett Crosby & Cole Swanser, Custom Ag Solutions

Dec. 13, Cattlemen’s College – “Making the Most of a Strong Cattle Market”

Have you always thought that your price risk management skills were a little…lacking?  Record price movements in the cattle markets have increased the potential benefits of developing a strategy for taking advantage of high prices and protecting yourself from downturns.  Join cattle producer and industry expert Brett Crosby and agricultural economist Kole Swanser to learn how simple and effective risk management strategies can help you sleep better at night and keep a bigger share of the potential profits from today’s historically strong market.  Listen to a market outlook, learn about available tools and strategies, and then get “hands on” experience through a real world simulation to see just how much more control you can have over your bottom line.

Dr. Jeanne Rankin, DVM, MSU Extension-Agro-Emergency Project

Dec.13, Cattlemen’s College – “Biosecurity: How does it affect your pocket book?

Will your livestock operation survive a Foreign Animal Disease infection found in the United States? What if it is in Montana?  In YOUR County? ON YOUR RANCH? Dr. Rankin will share her insights on Foreign Animal Disease (like Foot and Mouth Disease) and new, emerging diseases like Porcine Endemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv):  what these diseases look like and how they spread, what producers can do to limit or prevent these diseases, what the state and federal government response will be and how producers can reduce these risks by having a good biosecurity plan in place. In the second hour participants will engage in a real-life FMD scenario, (table-top exercise) in Montana, actively responding to the findings of an index case within a herd and the implications to continuity of livestock business for all cloven-hoofed animals within a 20 mile radius. Beef, dairy, sheep and pork operations will be represented at 1/32 scale using toy barns, corrals and livestock; pastures, rivers and roads will complete the transportation corridors.  Come play in the sandbox!

Western Montana MSGA Director Reflects on Value of Involvement

Ray and wife, Sue

Ray and wife, Sue

Hello again from western Montana! What a summer and fall we have had. Pasture and hay production has been good and the markets for cattle never higher! We got a taste of reality in the last couple of days when we went from 60+ degrees to -15 with 20 Mph winds. These difficulties are quite common in the life and business of raising cattle.

Attitudes in general are quite good across the area but there are still many challenges facing us that can turn those attitudes south in a hurry. Those challenges are the reason we need all ranchers to be members of MSGA. While membership dues are very important to operate an organization like this, it is more important that we have everyone’s input and voice in making decisions that will affect us all.

It is essential that we know how issues affect each of us personally and have the facts about the issue before we make a decision as an organization that could affect us all and future generations as well. Many of the issues we are challenged with are quite large in scope and affect more folks than just us in Montana. So being involved is very important if you want to guide your destiny and protect your ability to ranch.

I have found two things to be quite sure: 1) Change is going to happen whether you like it or not and 2) It is a lot easier to accept change if it is your idea. So come to convention and let us hear from you. It is easier not to be involved and be just another victim, but you can be more effective by being part of the discussion prior to decisions being made. I for one would rather live with the choices I make than the chances I take.

Ray and family

Ray and family

One of the most valuable features of MSGA to all of us out on the ground is our leadership team and staff that have an understanding of issues that we may not. Many times the big picture effect on our industry is lost on us out in the country, and that is when it is important for leadership and staff to keep things in perspective for us. We are coming up on another legislative session in Helena that promises to be more challenging as the people of our state continue more toward urban lifestyles and less toward Agriculture.

This will be my last convention as a board member as I have fulfilled four years on the board. I have truly enjoyed the time spent and the great folks on the board and staff. I have had the pleasure of serving during two different presidencies: Watty Taylor and Tucker Hughes. Both are great guys who have done a great deal for our industry. I have also had the pleasure of serving on the executive board as well. This involves more budgets and nut and bolt issues that really affect the organization. The board and leadership have done some good things on behalf of MSGA membership throughout those years. One of the big tasks that was accomplished was helping Errol and staff operate without the aid of a huge grant. Another was divesting Stockgrowers’ shares of Verified Beef, a venture that had run its course. Still another was the additional membership level established for smaller producers.

We have an excellent staff and incoming leadership with very good candidates for the officer and board positions. They truly are the cream of the crop in our state. I want to thank you all for allowing me to serve on the board and represent you, and my family for supporting that service.
See you at the convention, Ray Marxer

Young Stockgrowers Encouraged to Attend Annual Meeting

Lacey Sutherlin from Stevensville, YSG Chair

Lacey Sutherlin from Stevensville, YSG Chair

I would like to personally invite all of you to attend our Young Stockgrower Meeting during annual convention on Thursday, December 11 in Billings. The meeting and social will start at 4:30 PM in the Big Horn Room, at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana.

During the meeting we will have a couple of guest speakers. Ryan Hughes will be doing a presentation on his trip to the Young Cattleman’s Conference. Our highlight speaker for the meeting will be Terrell Hibbard with GLCI to give a presentation on Web Applications for Range/Grazing Management. We also plan to get an update from the Collegiate Stockgrower groups from around the state.

Not only is this excellent chance to listen to a couple great speakers but it will give you the opportunity to network and meet new people that share same interests as you do in agriculture. During this meeting, we will take the time to highlight some of the many events happening during the convention as well as elect a new Vice Chairman. If anyone is interested in leading the group as our next Vice-Chair please contact myself, Travis Brown or Ryan Goodman.

We will also take the opportunity to discuss some of the policy information that will arise during convention. At this time you will be giving the opportunity to present and discuss any issues that you may have at your own operation that you think could use some added attention in Helena and furthermore Washington, DC. As officers, we realize the committee/policy meetings at convention can be intimidating, this is why we encourage the members to ask us questions and initiate discussion at this meeting for Young Stockgrowers. If anyone of you have any questions about the meeting or convention in general please contact myself or Travis.

Also the Montana Stockgrowers staff and board of directors have an excellent set of workshops for the Cattlemen’s College this year. A couple of the topics that will be covered are: Farm & Ranch Estate Planning, Adding Value to Calves, Vaccinations: Lifetime Calf Health, Making the Most of a Strong Cattle Market and Successful Strategies for Your Breeding Program. I am sure all of you can see how these would be very informative workshops to attend. This will all happen during the convention and the workshops are included with your convention registration.

We are looking forward to kicking off the convention with this informative meeting and social. I encourage all of you to attend the meeting and bring a friend. You do not have to be a member to attend the meeting please feel free to join us and use this as opportunity to decide you would like to be a member! Remember, if you decide to become a member, you do get a chance at winning at 2014 Ford F-250 pickup truck! We look forward to seeing all of you at MSGA Convention this week!

YSG Chair, Lacey Sutherlin, 406-544-0043, [email protected]
YSG Vice Chair, Travis Brown, 406-671-8088, [email protected]

Grazing Management Tools for Young Stockgrowers | Annual Convention Speaker

We’re excited to have a great line up of speakers for the 2014 Annual Convention, Dec. 11-13 in Billings. The featured speaker during our Young Stockgrowers meeting on Thursday night will be Tyrrell Hibbard with Montana Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative. Earlier this year, GLCI released a new web program to assist with grazing management. Tyrrell will be discussing this new tool and other uses of technology Young Stockgrowers can utilize when managing pastures and grazing forages. To learn more about the Annual Convention speaker line up, click here.

New Grazing Recordkeeping System Offers Ranchers Better Tool

Bozeman —The Montana Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) recently launched a new web-based planning and record keeping program for ranchers and grazing managers. GrazeKeeper is an electronic tool to manage livestock and pasture inventory, grazing plans, and grazing records.

“We are very glad to see GrazeKeeper become a reality,” said Chase Hibbard, Montana GLCI committee member who helped develop the program. “This will offer ranchers a tool they have not had before to make their recordkeeping and grazing decisions easier.”

GrazeKeeper, on the web at www.grazekeeper.com, allows users to inventory resources, track in- and out-dates of numerous herds, automatically track weather and precipitation using NOAA data, and map the ranch and pastures with Google Maps. GrazeKeeper is uniquely capable of providing reports by management group (animal herd) or by pasture and mining several years of data to compile in-depth reports.

Key Features of GrazeKeeper:

  • Simplifies the task of keeping pasture records
  • Simplifies the process of creating grazing reports, either by pasture or management group
  • Facilitates making informed decisions regarding stocking rates, carrying capacity, and grazing movements
  • Customizes pasture, livestock, and grazing reports

grazekeeperInterested users can sign up for GrazeKeeper at www.grazekeeper.com under a free 90-day trial period, which offers full functionality of the program and its valuable reports to users. After the free 90-day trial period, users will receive a payment window to purchase the product. Depending on the number of pastures a user wishes to track with GrazeKeeper, subscriptions run from $12 per month (for 10 pastures or less) to $48 per month (for unlimited pastures).

For more information about GrazeKeeper, and to sign up for a free 90-day trial, please visit www.grazekeeper.com.

Annual Convention and Trade Show 2014

Annual Convention to Feature Governor and Cattlemen’s Colleges

During next week’s 130th Annual Convention of the Montana Stockgrowers Association, ranchers will have the opportunity to attend several Cattlemen’s College education workshops, ranging from animal reproduction and nutrition, estate planning, and discussions on current markets and processing plant feasibility. Governor Steve Bullock is scheduled to be speak during Friday’s Opening General Session. All MSGA events will take place at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana, December 11-13 in Billings.

Be sure to register for Convention HERE!

“This year we are excited to host fourteen Cattlemen’s College sessions during the 3-day convention. With a great number of different subjects covered, there should be a workshop of interest for everyone in attendance” advised Katie Stokes, MSGA Associate Director of Member Services and Marketing.

The Cattlemen’s College courses are sponsored by several Allied Industry agricultural service companies, so that a variety of speakers may participate in the educational workshops. Topics covered will include estate planning, nutrition for the cowherd, antibiotic use, genetic selection, breeding program strategies, current cattle market trends, and biosecurity for the livestock herd.

In addition to Cattlemen’s College sessions, Matt Bitz, with One Montana, will lead a discussion on the feasibility of establishing a beef processing plant in Montana. The Bozeman-based nonprofit has been working to explore the possibility and will present the findings of marketing, location, labor and economic impacts during a session on Saturday morning.

2014 Annual ConventionGreg Hanes, U.S. Meat Export Federation, will highlight the President’s Luncheon on Saturday. With 96 percent of the world’s population outside the U.S. and improving economies worldwide, the international markets play a larger and more important role for the American beef producer. Hanes will discuss how Checkoff dollars contribute to these global beef marketing opportunities.

Working with multiple generations of managing ranch employees can often bring to light challenges in communication. Michelle Reines, Zoetis, will host a communication workshop on Friday morning to help ranchers better understand themselves and how to flex their leadership style with their teams, peers as well as in any other relationships.

Tyrrell Hibbard with Montana Grazing Land Conversation Initiative will discuss new web-based tools for pasture and grazing management during the Young Stockgrowers meeting on Thursday evening. Association Policy Committee meetings on Thursday and Friday will feature updates on several updates on water, wildlife, Department of Livestock, and livestock health topics.

Other featured speakers during general sessions will include Governor Steve Bullock on Friday morning; Montana’s Congressional representatives and a live broadcast with Northern Ag Network on Friday afternoon; and motivational speaker, Lois Olmstead, during Saturday’s Inspirational Breakfast.

All meetings are included in general event registration, which will be available on-site. For additional meeting information, a full agenda, or pre-registration, contact the Montana Stockgrowers office in Helena, (406) 442-3420, or visit our Event page.

Stockgrowers 130th Annual Convention Planned for Dec. 11-13 in Billings

Do not miss your chance to attend Montana’s largest ranching industry Convention and Trade Show. The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) and Montana CattleWomen invites you to join us for our 130th Annual Convention at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, December 11-13. This year’s Convention will be bigger than ever with an extended line up of Cattlemen’s College courses and live entertainment from Wylie and the Wild West.

“2014 marks 130 years for the Montana Stockgrowers Association and we will be closing out the year in a big way,” says MSGA President, Tucker Hughes of Stanford. “We want to invite everyone to come participate in the fun, gain valuable insight from speakers from across the cattle industry, and participate in our policy meetings.”

This year’s Annual Convention will feature a great line up of speakers for the extended Cattlemen’s College. Topics covered will include fetal development, nutrition for the cowherd, health strategies for calf health, biosecurity, genetic selection for replacement animals, and hands-on workshop with reproductive technologies.

Several top speakers including Greg Hanes from US Meat Export Federation, Lois Olmstead, and a live broadcast with Northern Ag Network will highlight the agenda. Everything will wrap up on Saturday night with the Grand Finale Banquet featuring the annual live Cattle Directory auction and special entertainer, Wylie and the Wild West!

A major component of the convention is the setting of new policy and the review of past policies to guide the association through its day-to-day work. MSGA’s annual policy meetings will take place on Thursday and Friday, discussing topics in the areas of membership, land use, environment, agriculture policy, beef production and marketing.

This year has been active in several policy areas as Montana ranchers have dealt with sage grouse conservation, changes to EPA water jurisdiction, challenges for the national Beef Checkoff program structure, and Board of Livestock budget deficits. These issues, plus discussion leading up to Montana’s 2015 legislative session will be covered during the meeting.

MSGA and Montana Ford Stores have teamed up to give a Ford F-250 Super Duty truck to one lucky member who attends convention. The drawing will be held on Saturday during the Grand Finale Banquet. To be eligible for the truck drawing, you must attend convention, be a current Rancher, Stocker/Feeder or Young Stockgrower member, and fill out the truck entry form.

Other prizes to be awarded during the convention include a raffle drawing for an 8-month/200 hour lease on a 130-HP tractor and loader from Montana Massey Ferguson dealers, a John Deere Gator courtesy of Frontline Ag, and a trip to San Antonio, Texas for the 2015 Cattle Industry Convention sponsored by Northwestern Energy.

This year’s Trade Show will feature over 100 companies providing all types of products, services, and the latest technology to the cattle industry. The Trade Show is open to the public all three days during Convention until 9:00 p.m.

To learn more, please call the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420, or visit www.mtbeef.org. If you would like to reserve a trade show booth or sponsor part of the convention, please contact the MSGA office soon as there are limited spaces open at this time. Preregistration for attendees in currently open at a discounted price for those that register prior to December 1.