To view the current bill language to House Bill 119 visit:
❌ MYTH: House Bill 119 (HB 119) – Montana Cattle Committee will require cattle producers to pay an additional $1 checkoff.
✅ FACT: HB 119 creates a new attached agency to the Montana Department of Livestock. HB119 also creates the Montana Cattle Committee, which will be appointed by the Governor of Montana. The Montana Cattle Committee will have the ability to execute a producer referendum. The referendum will determine if a $1 assessment is put in place. If the bill passes, the committee will have until June 20, 2027, to complete a referendum. If a cattle assessment referendum fails to receive approval by June 30, 2027, then the bill is void.
❌ MYTH: HB 119 is a Montana Stockgrowers Association bill.
✅ FACT: HB 119 is a bill created by a third-party working group of cattle producers. To view working group members visit:
✅ FACT: Montana Stockgrowers Association supported HB 119 in the House Agriculture committee as its members policy states: “supports the establishment of a statewide Cattle Committee that is producer driven and producer-led.”
❌ MYTH: Not all producers will get to vote in the referendum.
✅ FACT: All cattle sellers in Montana will have the ability to vote in the referendum.
✅ FACT: Following HB 119’s first billing hearing in House Agriculture committee, MSGA requested amendments in the committee to the bill to ensure ballots were sent to all cattle owners who have paid per capita in the most recent year. The amendments also allowed for producers who do not receive a ballot the ability to request a ballot from the Montana Department of Livestock. That amendment passed in committee and is now part of the bill.
✅ FACT: HB 119 does not create a $1 assessment. The bill creates a new attached agency to the Montana Department of Livestock and the ability for the Montana Cattle Committee to execute a producer referendum vote. Producers will ultimately be responsible for determining if the $1 assessment is implemented through the referendum vote.
❌ MYTH: MSGA snuck HB 119 through and did not inform members.
✅ FACT: HB 119 is a bill created by a third-party working group of cattle producers. HB 119 is not a Montana Stockgrowers bill.
✅ FACT: MSGA supported HB 119 in the House Agriculture committee. HB 119 is currently an active piece of legislation and has not been passed by the Montana Legislature and signed into law.
✅ FACT: MSGA is a grassroots membership organization. Members of the organization have discussed and passed policy on the concept of a state checkoff dating back to 2010. In recent years, members of MSGA have initiated discussion on the concept of a state checkoff at membership meetings. Support for a state checkoff is included in MSGA’s policy book, and updates on HB 119 have been provided in member newsletters and other organization communications.
❌ MYTH: This committee will be an independent committee like the Montana Beef Council.
✅ FACT: If the bill passes, it will create an attached agency to the Montana Department of Livestock.
❌ MYTH: HB 119 is NCBA driven and the Montana Cattle Committee will be under the National Checkoff.
✅ FACT: The bill creates an attached agency under the Montana Department of Livestock and has no connection to NCBA, the Federal Checkoff, or the Montana Beef Council. The Montana Cattle Committee will be under the purview of the State of Montana.
❌ MYTH: There is not a way to get a refund on the assessment.
✅ FACT: If the bill passes, it includes a refund provision where producers can request back the assessment as long as it is over $5.
✅ FACT: MSGA supports a state refundable assessment.
❌ MYTH: MSGA will be in sole control of appointing members to the Montana Cattle Committee and the Committee will be a “pay-to-play” committee.
✅ FACT: The committee will be appointed by the Governor of Montana. As the bill is currently written, MSGA, Montana Cattlemen’s Association, Montana Association of Livestock Auction Markets, Montana CattleWomen, Montana Beef Council, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, and Montana Farmers Union can provide nominations to the Governor for consideration.