Just A Bit About MSGA

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is a non-profit membership organization that has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

We work to achieve our mission by representing our members and the policy they set at the Montana Legislature and U.S. Congress, with governmental agencies, in the media, and by promoting the work of Montana’s family ranchers to the general public.

We hope you will consider joining our association, or supporting our education and advocacy efforts to keep Montana’s family ranchers in business, on the land, and in our communities. We also look forward to connecting with you Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube!


The membership of MSGA consists of individual members and 22 local affiliate groups. Our members cover the state and include ranchers of all ages, ranching operations large and small, feedlot operators, affiliate businesses, private property owners, and supporters and friends of Montana ranchers.


“To protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.”


“To be the premier institution that exemplifies leading global beef innovation while preserving Montana’s complex natural landscape, history, economy, ethics and social values.”

The highest professional and ethical standards will govern our work and relationships with all stakeholders.
We will lead in a way that is decisive but also trusted, credible, courteous and open to all viewpoints on behalf of our membership and all of Montana’s ranch families.
We will always seek opportunities to work cooperatively with all stakeholders.
We retain a steadfast optimism about any and all possibilities to positively influence complex issues relevant to the prosperity and sustainability of Montana’s ranch families.
We will continually strive to explore and develop cutting edge approaches to provide better quality service and opportunities for our members and all of Montana’s ranch families.


Join MSGA to protect your way of life and your livelihood!