Advanced Genetic Technology in Beef Cattle Lectureship offered in Bozeman
In recent decades, genetic technology has evolved at a rapid pace. Keeping up with the genetic selection and evaluation innovations, and understanding which advancements are practical for your operation can be daunting. This lectureship will not only strengthen the foundational understanding of genetic principles among attendees, but it will also build upon them to enable attendees to apply advanced genetic technologies in the real world of seedstock and commercial cattle production.
Montana State University Extension has partnered with the King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management to offer its Application of Advanced Genetic Technology in Beef Cattle lectureship May 8-9, 2017, in Bozeman at the GranTree Inn.
Drs. Matt Spangler and Bob Weaber, beef cattle genetics experts, will lead the lectureship.
Registration is $300, which includes all workbook materials, refreshments, and meals. Online registration is available here or you may call the KRIRM office at 361-593-5401. Download the agenda, view location and hotel information, and learn more about the learning objectives here.