Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit membership organization, has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

Witnesses Explain Multiple Benefits of Public Lands Grazing at Congressional Hearing

WASHINGTON (July 12, 2018) A lieutenant governor, a scientist, and an agricultural industry leader made the case for eliminating regulatory burdens and legal loopholes impacting livestock grazing on federal land during a House Natural Resources subcommittee hearing held today.

Idaho Lieutenant Governor Brad Little, University of Montana Professor Dr. Dave Naugle, and Arizona Farm Bureau President Stefanie Smallhouse provided testimony to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands hearing entitled “The Essential Role of Livestock Grazing on Federal Lands and Its Importance to Rural America.” The witnesses emphasized the valuable contribution public lands ranchers make to the economic viability of rural communities and the health of America’s shared natural resources.

“Ranchers are indispensable in the successful management of our public lands. Unlike government administrators, who are only there for a few years, ranchers have been on the land for generations,” said Little, a third-generation rancher testifying on behalf of the State of Idaho, the Public Lands Council, and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. “If ranchers are regulated off, our country loses the most effective and efficient public lands managers, and the private inholdings are likely sold for development.”

Species conservation is one of the benefits of public lands ranching. The Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI), part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) species conservation model, demonstrates the potential of collaborative conservation efforts between ranchers and federal agencies. Naugle, who has served as a third-party science advisor to SGI for eight years, believes it is vital to ensure ranchers can continue raising livestock on public lands.

”To date, 2,154 producers have partnered up to conserve 7.5 million acres of grazing lands, an acreage equivalent to three Yellowstone National Parks, benefiting hundreds of rural communities and countless wildlife resources,” Naugle said. “Rancher participation in SGI remains high post-listing decision because WLFW provides win-win solutions that are ‘good for the bird and good for the herd’.”

Despite the proven benefits or grazing, activist groups have increasingly targeted the livestock industry. According to a study by the Mountain States Legal Foundation, a group of eight environmental activist groups filed over 3,300 lawsuits nationwide over a ten-year period. Little said many of these lawsuits exploit regulations found in environmental policy, limiting grazing on public land.

“While well-intended when enacted in the seventies, ESA and NEPA have evolved into weapons for habitual litigants, and the regulations they produce are as ineffective as they are burdensome,” Little said. “Species conservation doesn’t work from the top-down.”

Public lands ranchers see an opportunity to work with the federal government and the environmental community to achieve desired outcomes in land management and species conservation across the West. However, this can only be achieved through regulatory reform that will allow their industry to continue to serve as stewards to America’s public land.

“I urge you to address the burdensome regulatory environment which threatens our way of life and those rural communities where ranching is the year-round backbone that sustains our schools, healthcare, and economies,” Little said.

USDA-NRCS Montana Offers Funding for Conservation Gardens, High Tunnels

Bozeman, Mont., July 11, 2018–The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting applications for grants to establish community gardens, pollinator gardens and seasonal high tunnels through the Montana NRCS Conservation Garden Project.

Proposals will be accepted from eligible entities for projects located in Montana, including city or township governments, county governments, special districts, state governments, nonprofit organizations, independent school districts, institutions of higher education, and Federally recognized Native American tribal governments.

The NRCS has funding available for the Montana NRCS Conservation Garden Project as follows:

  • Grants up to $4,000 will be available for a community garden. Funds are to be used for garden supplies which can include tools, seed, fertilizer, soil and soil additives, irrigation materials and garden materials. Technical assistance by NRCS staff will be available to help determine site, slope, placement, etc.
  • Grants up to $3,000 will be available for pollinator gardens. NRCS will provide technical assistance based on pollinator specifications.
  • Grants up to $6,500 will be available for construction of a seasonal high tunnel. NRCS specifications for the construction of a Seasonal High Tunnel will be followed.
  • Grant applicants may request funding for a combination of the choices above:  community garden, pollinator garden and seasonal high tunnel.

Applications for the Montana NRCS Conservation Garden Project are due by Aug. 10, 2018. The Notice of Funding Opportunity is available at The Opportunity number is USDA-NRCS-MT-18-01, and the title is Montana Conservation Garden Project. Applicants must have a DUNS number and an active registration in SAM. Questions can be directed to Lori Valadez, (406) 587-6969.

Join our team – MSGA is hiring!

The Montana Stockgrowers Association is hiring for the Director of Natural Resources position. This position is responsible for the formulation, institution, and monitoring of policies, programs, and issues related to natural resources that are affecting the cattle industry. This position also serves as the executive assistant for the Montana Association of State Grazing Districts and the Montana Public Lands Council and represents the associations at the state legislature. A full job description is included below.

Director of Natural Resources

Oversees natural resource division, represents MSGA at the state legislature, serves as the executive assistant for Montana Association of State Grazing Districts (MASGD), and the Montana Public Lands Council (MPLC).

Reports to: Executive Vice President (EVP)


  • Formulate, institute, and monitor policies, programs, and issues related to natural resources that are affecting the cattle industry.
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and performance of all natural resource department programs, activities, and services, ensuring that program goals are being met.
  • Collaborate with the Communications Director on natural resource issues updates to MSGA membership.
  • Monitor state and federal agencies meetings and activities to provide necessary input that advances MSGA policies, programs, and issues:
    • Environmental Quality Council
    • Board of Environmental Review
    • Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission
    • State Land Board
    • NRCS Technical Advisory Committee
    • Board of Livestock  


  • Serve as Executive Assistant for MASGD Board of Directors.
  • Analyse and monitor regulatory activities of state and federal agencies impacting livestock management on federal and state lands. Including, but not limited to BLM planning process documents.
  • Submission of detailed comments representing the livestock industry on regulatory or legislative actions
  • Oversee departmental operations including business planning and budget development.
  • Prepare financial statements, reports, memos, dues invoices, and related documents as needed for MASGD
  • Plan all necessary arrangements for MASGD meetings and events.
  • Represent MASGD on range tours, natural resource-related meetings, and field activities that have a focus on grazing management.
  • Attend grazing district annual meetings and provide updates.  
  • Support EVP in representing  MASGD and grazing interests at the Montana legislature.
  • Establish and maintain communications strategy with Grazing Districts.
  • Coordinate activities with the Montana Grass Conservation Commission.
  • Assist grazing district members with issues affecting individual state or federal grazing permits.
  • Actively promote the establishment of new grazing districts.
  • Coordinate with the staff of the National Public Lands Council regarding national issues.
  • Responsible for MASGD Membership database development.


  • Monitor and engage in state and federal agency actions impacting livestock grazing permittees use of public lands.
  • Submission of detailed comments representing the livestock industry on regulatory or legislative actions impacting federal or state lands.
  • Assist in representing MPLC and public land interests at the Montana legislature.
  • Provide general administrative support for MPLC.
  • Plan all necessary arrangements for MPLC meetings and events..
  • Maintain a database of all federal grazing permittees in the state.
  • Responsible for the development and implementation of the MPLC Membership Marketing Strategy.
  • Prepare financial statements, reports, memos, dues invoices, and related documents as needed for MPLC.  
  • Oversee departmental operations including business planning and budget development.
  • Provide a communication strategy for MPLC members on public land issues.


  • Staff support for MSGA Standing Committee.
    • Provide administrative support for the committee chairman and vice chairman.
  • Additional duties as assigned by Executive Vice President.


The Director of Natural Resources is expected to demonstrate professional skill, high standards, sound judgment, and professionalism. It is important for this position to exhibit a high level of communication to enhance working relationships both internally and externally. Successful applicants will have the ability to manage multiple priorities while maintaining a calm and pleasant demeanor. Problem-solving and an attention to detail will be critical in this role. A prior knowledge of the demographics served by the Montana Stockgrowers Association is preferred. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree and experience in a related field.

To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to Kori Anderson at [email protected]. The application deadline is July 31, 2018.




MDOL Accepting Public Comment for Administrative Rule Changes

The Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) will be holding public meetings seeking comment on a number of proposed rule changes. Click here for a complete list of the proposed rule changes.

Public Meetings have been scheduled in the following communities:

  • July 17th, 9 am at Absarokee Elementary School
  • July 17th, 2 pm at Bridger Elementary
  • July 18th, 9 am at The Eagles in Big Timber
  • July 23rd, 10 am at Jefferson High in Boulder
  • July 24th, 10 am at Townsend School

Of particular note are the changes to rule 32.3.436. The change would require all female cattle over 12 months of age to be official vaccinates for brucellosis in any county that contains or borders a brucellosis designated surveillance area (DSA). Currently, female cattle in Gallatin, Madison, Park, and Beaverhead Counties are required to be vaccinates; the proposed rule would expand that requirement to Carbon, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Jefferson, and Broadwater Counties.

The mission of the Montana Department of Livestock is to control and eradicate animal diseases, prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans, and to protect the livestock industry from theft and predatory animals. For more information on the Montana Department of Livestock, visit

Livestock Groups Urge Swift Passage of ESA Amendments of 2018

The Public Lands Council (PLC), the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), and the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) today urged swift passage of the Endangered Species Act Amendments of 2018. The amendments, introduced today by Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, are based on the Western Governor Association Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiative bipartisan policy recommendations. In a letter of support, PLC President Dave Eliason, NCBA President Kevin Kester, and ASI President Mike Corn stated:

“As the nation’s largest non-governmental bloc of land managers, ranchers take great pride in their integral role in species conservation and recovery. For generations, livestock producers have been dedicated to improving the health of landscapes where wildlife call home. Over the years, they have grown frustrated by the lack of commonsense ESA implementation and being put on the sidelines while those decisions are made. This legislation will help bring them back to the table to craft recovery plans that are workable and produce favorable results.”

MSU Extension Ag Alert: Soil Acidity, An emerging issue that requires scouting

MSU researchers encourage crop producers and crop advisers to be on the lookout for decreasing soil pH leading to low production and sometimes crop failure. Farmers in several Montana counties are experiencing nearly complete yield loss in portions of their fields due to soil acidity (low pH). This is an emerging issue in the state, where low soil pH has traditionally not been a concern. MSU soil scientists, Extension Agents, crop advisers, and producers have now identified fields in 20 Montana counties with soil pH levels below 5.5, some as low as 3.8. MSU will be hosting a field day at the Post Farm (west of Bozeman) on July 13, where Clain Jones, Extension soil fertility specialist, will share research-based information on the topic in the afternoon.

Bulked soil sampling (containing multiple subsamples) in the top 0 to 6-inch depth across large field landscapes may not be helpful in identifying fields with soil acidity problems. Many Montana fields have wide spatial variances in soil pH. Often soil pH in low lying areas will be considerably lower than in summit hillslope positions only a 100 yards away. Also, many Montana fields exhibit pH differences of up to 3 units (e.g. 5 to 8) between the surface and 18 inches down. Because the lowest pH is generally in the top 2 to 3 inches of soil, this low pH may be masked by collecting soil samples in a standard 0 to 6-inch depth increment.

At pH levels below 5.0, naturally-occurring soil metals like aluminum and manganese become more soluble and can stunt root and shoot growth. Young plants in acidic areas are often yellow (similar to nitrogen deficiency, yet less uniform) or even pink with club or “witch’s broom” roots(similar to nematode damage). Substantial yield losses occur at pH levels below 4.5. The most sensitive cereal crops appear to be barley and durum, followed by spring wheat. Legumes can develop nitrogen deficiency in low pH areas before they exhibit aluminum toxicity because nitrogen fixation is impacted below about pH 6 (see photograph below).

Acidity problems usually start in low lying areas of a field, where yield has historically been high, and acidity symptoms spread outward. Producers are encouraged to look at pH values in top 6- inch soil tests. If the pH is consistently above 7.5, it’s unlikely the field has a problem. If pH is below 6.0, the producer should consider sampling different topographic areas of their fields. If pH is between 6 and 7.5, a judgment by the crop adviser and/or producer will need to be made if additional soil sampling or scouting is worthwhile. Surface soil pH can vary more than 2 pH units over short distances (< 100 yards). For example, the soil pH in low lying areas may be less than 5, and then abruptly change up a small hill/slope. Soil sampling is recommended even if no symptoms are observed because once low pH symptoms are observed, yield has likely been lost.

On fields where standard bulked soil test pH levels are below 6.0 scout for yellow seedlings and club roots. To verify that those symptoms are caused by low pH, the top 3 inches of soil can be analyzed for pH, either with a field pH stick, probe, color strips, or lab analysis. The soil in the zone at the edge of poor growth areas should also be sampled to determine if the pH is close to toxic on the margins but crops do not yet exhibit symptoms. The potential is there for problem areas to grow in size. Areas, where pH is less than 6, should be managed differently to prevent further acidification.

Based on regional research, the major cause of acidification appears to be ammonium fertilizers, including urea, applied in excess of crop uptake. No-till concentrates the acidity near the surface where fertilizer is applied. A cooperative research study led by Rick Engel (LRES) and including Dr. Jones, and people from the Central Ag Research Center, the Montana Salinity Control Association, Chouteau County Extension, Chouteau County Conservation District, and producers are in progress to develop prevention, mitigation, and adaptation options for Montana croplands.

For additional information on cropland soil acidification, go to this site or contact Clain Jones, 406-994-6076.

To view pictures visit the MSU Extension Ag Alerts page.

USDA Report Highlights Benefits of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for Farmers

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today highlighted a new report showing the positive impacts of President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on American farms. Six months after the President signed the tax cuts and reforms into law, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) has released a report, titled “Estimated Effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Farms and Farm Households.”  The report examines in detail how the historic tax cuts and reforms will alleviate the tax burden on American farms to help them grow and prosper.  According to the report, average tax rates are expected to decline across all farm sizes and commodity specializations and fewer farm estates will be subject to the Death Tax.

“Most family farms are run as small businesses, and they should be able to keep more of what they earn to reinvest in their operations and take care of their families,” Perdue said.  “Simplifying the tax code and easing the burden on farmers will free them up to make choices for themselves, create jobs, and boost the overall American economy.  This report just shows what we knew all along: the tax cuts and reforms will benefit farmers.”

The TCJA significantly reformed the Federal income tax system, including individual and business income tax rates, business expenses, taxable income deductions, and the alternative minimum tax. The TCJA also doubled the Federal estate tax exclusion. The USDA ERS report estimates the impact of current Federal income tax provisions on farm households by using 2016 tax-year data.

Montana Department of Agriculture Awarded USDA Farm to School Grant

Funding will help schools with procurement, distribution of local foods

Helena, Mont. – Producers and students throughout Montana have reason to celebrate, as the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) has been awarded a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to enhance farm to school efforts throughout the state. MDA was awarded $99,980 and will partner with the National Center for Appropriate Technology and Montana Farm to School to increase the procurement and distribution of local food in K-12 schools in Montana.

“Farm to school initiatives continue to grow throughout Montana and this grant will build upon those efforts,” said Ben Thomas, Director of MDA. “When we can give our producers another market opportunity, while also providing our students with nutritious, local foods, everyone wins.”

The project will focus on three school districts in Montana: Browning, Fort Benton, and Malta. Each of these districts are in the early stages of implementing farm to school activities but have limited access to local foods. Sourcing and access to Montana foods is one of the key challenges to farm to school initiatives in Montana. The Montana Farm to School Leadership Team will research distribution opportunities and challenges on a statewide level while learning first-hand from the participating school districts. By coordinating with state-level farm to school partners, including supply-chain stakeholders, and bringing together local teams in each of the communities, the project will create a plan that will impact the entire state.

“By working with local-level teams in these communities, we expect to expand connectivity and distribution of local foods throughout the state, especially in north and eastern Montana,” said Aubree Roth, Montana Farm to School Coordinator, Montana Team Nutrition. “Our larger goal here is to take the lessons learned from this project, and scale it up so that we can better implement these activities on a state-wide level.”

The Montana Farm to School Leadership Team, sponsored by Montana Office of Public Instruction, works through partnerships across the state to build farm to school initiatives that help kids eat healthy, connect kids with agriculture and nutrition through education, support Montana farmers and food producers, foster economic vitality, and strengthen communities.

The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

Public Lands Council Announces 50th Anniversary Celebration 

The nation’s voice for western public lands ranchers will commemorate its 50thanniversary this fall in Park City, Utah during the Public Lands Council (PLC) Annual Meeting, September 27-29, 2018. The meeting, held at the Grand Summit Resort, will bring together cattle and sheep producers, industry partners, government officials, and lawmakers to reflect on the past five decades of the PLC and the strong future ahead for the public lands ranching industry.  

“Our annual meeting is always special, but this celebration will allow us to reflect on the tremendous impact of public lands ranching and to recognize the men and women who helped us achieve some of our key milestones,” said Dave Eliason, PLC President, and Utah public lands rancher. “It is also about coming together with our neighbors and friends and looking forward to the promising future of our industry.”

 In addition to the informative speakers, issues discussions, and policy-making that occurs at every PLC meeting, this year’s celebration will include a special Welcome barbeque, receptions, historical retrospectives, and a 50thAnniversary Banquet at the Red Pine Lodge perched high above the Canyons Village on the ski slopes. Invited guests include leadership of all federal land management agencies, leading scholars from the best land-grant universities around the west, and PLC leaders and alumni from throughout the years.  The $250 full-registration includes all conference events and meals. Discounted family registrations and one-day registrations are available.

To learn more about PLC’s 50th anniversary and to register for the PLC Annual Meeting visit