Beef Quality Assurance Twilight Training to be held at Midland Bull Test in Columbus, Aug. 5
The Midland Bull Test Center in Columbus will host a free Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Twilight Training session on Aug. 5, from 4-7:30 p.m. The session will include low-stress cattle handling demonstrations, chute-side cattle treatment, animal care discussions and an industry update. A free dinner will be provided and attendees have the opportunity to become BQA certified. A special BQA project, “Ranchers Care,” will also be introduced.
This event is sponsored by Stockman Bank and the Montana Stockgrowers Association through a grant from the Montana Beef Council. For more information, contact Midland Bull Test at (406) 322-5597; Lars Hanson at the Stockman Bank in Billings at (406) 655-3943; or Clint Peck of Billings, Montana BQA director, at (406) 896-9068. To learn more about BQA programming, go to
Upcoming BQA Twilight Training Sessions will be held Aug. 27 at Ehlke Herefords in Townsend, Sept. 2 at the Wang Ranch in Baker, Sept. 10 at Thomas Herefords in Gold Creek, and Sept. 16 at Reminisce Angus Ranch/Big Sky Management in Dillon.
For more information about hosting a BQA Twilight Training session, contact Rose Malasani at (406) 442-3420.