Ranching, Meet Technology! Technology, Meet Ranching!

The following is a special guest post from Walker Milhoan, a Collegiate Stockgrowers member at the University of Montana in Missoula. Walker attended the recent Ranch Sustainability Forum with the Padlock Ranch near Sheridan, Wyoming. His presentation covered technology to be used on the ranch and we believe it’s very valuable insight for the ranching community.

Walker MIlhoan Montana Collegiate StockgrowersLast week my colleague Jen Livsey and I were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to present at the First Annual Ranch Sustainability Forum in Sheridan, Wyoming. Jen and I presented on behalf of our newly minted company, RanchHacks.com, and we covered the topic of how technology can help streamline productivity on the ranch. The event was successful and our presentation drew more interest than we had anticipated.

The three day forum focused on ranch sustainability with the overarching goal of defining (in broad terms at this point) just what that means. This topic means lots of things to lots of different folks but the general consensus is that there are three pillars to a sustainable ranching operation: Profit, People, and Planet. Without profitability no business is successful in the long run. Without good people, the business will most likely suffer and eventually fail. And, without a healthy planet, your operation will certainly grind to a halt at some point in the future.

This is where our technology presentation comes into play. First, technology can’t and won’t solve all the problems on your ranch. However, technology can help you manage your finances better, leading to more profitability. Technology can help you improve communications with your people, leading to increased productivity and eventually higher profitability. Technology can also help you manage your resources better (planet), leading to healthier soils, better forages, and happier animals, and you know where this goes — happy cattle grow better, potentially adding more profit to your bottom line.

There are three web-based (meaning you can access them from your computer, your phone, or your iPad) software applications that can help you move towards these three pillars of success: Google Drive, Evernote, and Trello. The breadth of these applications could easily turn this short write-up into something akin to War and Peace, so I will briefly touch on how each one can help your ranching entity. Also, if you readers out there have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will be willing to help you in any way.

So without further adieu, here are the three productivity apps in no particular order:

Google Drive – This is a FREE office management suite that allows users to seamlessly collaborate on spreadsheets, documents, and presentations. It has amazing features like HelloSign that allow you to digitally sign legally binding documents without having to download and fax them. You can build spreadsheets in real-time with up to 50 different people from anywhere in the world, on any device.  You can collaborate on word documents with up to 200 people at the same time! The point that I’m trying to make here is that Google Drive is perfect for organizations who have employees/members who all live in different places that are very far away from each other.

Evernote – This is also a FREE software application that allows you to collect, store, and easily find anything in your life. The best use we have found for the ranching community is Evernote’s ease of collecting and managing receipts. Here is an example: your employee just signed off on a large purchase from the supply store and they have the receipt in hand. The employee needs to get this receipt to the accountant but he still has hours of work ahead and it’s raining. With Evernote, he can take a picture of the receipt and “tag” it with “Fencing Supplies.” The accountant can then easily access the receipt in Evernote by performing a general search for the price, the name, or the tag. What this means in layman’s terms is this: the accountant (in Billings) will have the receipt on their desk in the same amount of time as is takes the employee (in Miles City) to snap a picture of it on his smartphone.

TrelloWow, FREE again! Trello is the best “to-do” list on the face of the earth! Trello is very robust, but to simplify, we have found that using it as a “to-do” list is the most practical application for ranchers, and the best feature is there are already three columns created for you: To-do, Doing, Done. Users can add “cards” to these columns, and within the cards you can add checklists, photos, documents and spreadsheets. You can then assign someone (via their email address) to a chore or task and they can access it on their phone, iPad or computer. This is perfect when you send an employee to town with a list of items to pick up from the hardware store and then realize that you forgot to add an item to the list. You simply add the item on the go and it’s automatically added to their list too!

Ok, if you are still reading this, thank you! If what you are reading comes across as Japanese (in other words totally foreign and confusing) then like I mentioned before, please email me at [email protected] and I will be glad to help you navigate the digital spiderweb.

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Lisa Murray Montana Beef Council

Beef and Heart Disease: Should It Be What’s For Dinner?

Lisa Murray Montana Beef CouncilLisa Murray, Director of Nutrition, Montana Beef Council

Although many people may think there’s little place in cholesterol-lowering diets for beef, research suggests just the opposite. According to a clinical study, Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet (BOLD), published in the January 2012 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, including 4.0 to 5.4 ounces of lean beef daily in the gold standard heart-healthy diet (DASH – Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) lowered participants’ LDL “bad” cholesterol by 10 percent.

This study provides new insights about beef’s benefits in a heart-healthy diet; demonstrating that lean beef, in addition to being satisfying and great-tasting, can be part of a solution to building a heart-healthy diet.

Mike Roussell, PHD, a researcher for the BOLD study, will be presenting the BOLD study to Registered Dietitians, during the Annual Montana Dietetic Association meeting in Billings May 28-30.

Dr. Mike will examine the changing nutritional role of beef in a heart healthy diet. Specifically, he will delve into the disconnect between population based studies and clinical trials regarding the impact of red meat on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and CVD risk factors.

Author, speaker, and nutritional consultant Mike Roussell, PhD is known for transforming complex nutritional concepts into practical nutritional habits that his clients can use to ensure permanent weight loss and long lasting health. Dr. Mike holds a bachelor degree in biochemistry from Hobart College and a doctorate in nutrition from Pennsylvania State University.

The BOLD study sets the record straight about beef’s benefits in a heart-healthy diet. The study proves that nutrient rich lean beef, in addition to being satisfying and great-tasting, can be part of a solution to building a heart-healthy diet.

Most of the heart-healthy beef recipes used in the study came from The Healthy Beef Cookbook, a collection of delicious, nutrient-rich recipes for America’s favorite protein, beef. For more information on the BOLD study, meal plans and The Healthy Beef Cookbook visit www.BeefNutrition.org.

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Restaurant Education | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

Beef Briefs Restaurant education…your beef checkoff is inspiring restaurants to innovate with beef?

To help foodservice operators get more value for their top-selling beef cuts in foodservice – sirloin, top loin and ribeye – the checkoff introduced new cut utilization tools on BeefFoodservice.com. The site offers insights about how to cut and menu these three cuts in new, innovative dishes – like the Ribeye Ramen, Beef Bim Bop or Steak Shawarma – that resonate with millennials. Since its February launch, the cutting tools have registered among the top 10 most-viewed items on the website.

Learn more at www.MyBeefCheckoff.com
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

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PBS Ag Live Answering Montana Ranching Questions

Montana Ranching FAQ | Cattle Industry Trends

PBS Ag Live Answering Montana Ranching QuestionsQ: Are there trends in the cattle industry that Stock growers should know?

A. Gary Brester, MSU Ag Economist, shared some current research findings with us – these are preliminary and he will share the entire report when it is finished – but there were about 80 M cattle in US in 2011 – down from an all-time high of about 130 M in the late 1970s. The good news is that domestic demand is a little stronger today than in previous years, and foreign demand is also increasing – they have more money and their populations are growing (don’t hold your breath, this is slow growth).

But there are supply declines –drought in the past 15 years in various parts of the US has increased the price of hay. Also, ethanol policy has increased the price of feed grains…so folks are planting more grains in what were once hay fields. Studies are showing that there are also reductions in the availability of public and private grazing lands and, with higher productivity our cows are bigger so they require more feed. Livestock is labor intensive and labor costs have increased. The livestock industry has improved its production, but fewer outside inputs are decreasing access to supplies.

Odd thing to watch here – technology has enabled the crop producers to produce more efficiently (GPS, for example, lets them know where to spray more efficiently), but there is no comparable technology boost in the cattle industry. Also, crop subsidy programs make raising crops a bit less risky, and with no comparable program for cattle, producers are opting for crop production.

So, cattle production is down from its heyday for a variety of reasons, but rising feed costs, smaller availability of grazing lands, and higher labor costs are factors. On the up side, demand is rising. Stay tuned for the full report that Dr. Brester will be sharing soon.

Want to submit a question? Send an email to [email protected] or use our contact form.

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Changes in the Use of Feed Grade Antibiotics | Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum

MSU Extension Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock ForumMontana Stockgrowers was proud to sponsor the 2014 Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum. The following is a recap of the issues covered from the May Cow Sense Chronicle by Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. To view speaker slides from the conference, follow this link to MSU Extension’s website. To view the monthly Cow Sense Chronicle, click here.

Greetings from Bozeman! It’s hard to believe the month of May has already arrived. This year’s Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum was held April 22‐23. Among the many great presentations was a wonderful overview from Dr. Russ Daly about the changes coming down the line in regard to the use of feed‐grade antibiotics for livestock. Dr. Daly is the South Dakota State University Extension Veterinarian, and also serves as the State Public Health Veterinarian for the South Dakota Department of Health. For this month’s Cow Sense Chronicle, I will provide a highlight of his remarks. You can find his and other conference speaker’s slides at www.msuextension.org/beefcattle, then click “Resources”.

The FDA has published two “Guidance for Industry” proposals, #209 and #213 (click here for FDA info). The first deals with the use of medically important (to human medicine) antibiotics in food‐producing animals, and the second recommends that drug companies voluntarily align their product use with GFI #209.

Guidance #209 has two main proposals: 1. the use of medically important antibiotics in food‐ producing animals should be limited to those uses that are considered necessary for assuring animal health; and 2. the use of medically important antibiotics in food‐producing animals should be limited to those uses that include veterinary oversight or consultation. Guidance #213 asks drug companies to voluntarily revise their product labels to remove growth promotion and feed efficiency claims and provides for moving over‐the‐counter products to prescription or veterinary feed directive (VFD) status.

A VFD consists of paperwork for the drug in question which is filled out by a veterinarian (a veterinary‐client‐patient relationship should be in place) and gives a description of the livestock to be treated, some instructions to the feed mill, and an expiration date. The feed mill must have the VFD before feed can be distributed, and the feed mill must notify the FDA.

What will change for livestock producers and veterinarians as a result of these FDA Guidances? Growth promotion uses of antibiotics in feed will no longer be allowed (examples: CTC, Aureomycin, virginiamycin), and use of “medically important” feed antibiotics will need a VFD and can only be used for treatment, control, or prevention. Each state’s regulations or veterinary board will define what is a valid veterinary‐client‐patient relationship, and “medically important” water medications will move to prescription status.

What won’t change? Use of non‐medically important drugs such as ionophores and coccidiosis treatments will remain unchanged. The ability to use feed‐grade antibiotics that are currently labeled for treatment, control, and prevention won’t change, but will need a VFD. Injectable medication uses will remain the same, and extra‐label uses of feed‐grade medications is currently and will continue to be illegal. Feed mill operators will continue to supply feed medications and veterinarians should still be involved in medication decisions.

As Dr. Daly discussed, antibiotic resistance is a complex topic involving both animal and human health professionals. Hopefully this overview gives you some additional understanding of how these changes will impact the feed and livestock industry and your operation.

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Masters of Beef Advocacy Informs Producers | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

Beef Briefs Masters Beef Advocacy… the checkoff’s Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA) program equips beef producers across the country to tell their stories in presentations to schools and church/civic groups, through local media, at the local coffee shop, and in the “virtual” world of the Internet? The MBA program is a self-directed online training program designed to equip beef producers and industry allies with the information they need to be everyday advocates for the beef industry.

Five years after its launch, the MBA boasts more than 5,000 graduates in 48 states and around the globe, in countries including Australia, Canada and Mexico! Locally, Montana State University College of Agriculture students studying agriculture communication will be participating in an intense training to enhance their agriculture advocacy as they pursue careers far and wide. Join the thousands who have dedicated themselves to becoming everyday advocates. Earn your MBA today!

Learn more at www.MyBeefCheckoff.com
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

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Winner of the Montana Educational Heritage Scholarship

Ariel - Scholarship Winner.jpgEach year, the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation awards a student with the Montana Educational Heritage Scholarship, worth $1,000. This year, we are proud to announce that Ariel Overstreet-Adkins has been selected as the winner.

Ariel served as MSGA’s director of communications for five years and has been actively involved in bettering the ranching industry through journalism, lobbying and leadership roles. Currently, Ariel is attending the University of Montana School of Law where she is pursuing a juris doctor (J.D.) degree. She says her goal is to become a more effective advocate for agriculture and rural Montana and focus on natural resource and environmental water law.

“I believe that having strong advocates for agriculture with legal experience and expertise will be very important for the future of our industry,” said Ariel.

Ariel grew up on a small horse ranch outside of Big Timber and attended high school in Reed Point. She went on to study at Princeton University, earning a degree in cultural anthropology with honors. Her senior thesis “High School Rodeo: Growing Up Cowboy,” was based on original field research at high school rodeos in Montana, and was awarded the Senior Thesis Prize in Anthropology.

While working for MSGA, Ariel learned about the many different issues facing Montana’s ranching families, which is what inspired her to go to law school.

“I believe a law degree will help me work to ensure the continued influence of agriculture and rural Montana, and improve the legal, policy, and business climate for farmers and ranchers in Montana and the nation,” said Ariel.

Ariel also volunteers with groups like the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame, Montana Board of Milk Control, Rural Advocacy League, Princeton Alumni Schools Committee and the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance.

“I was honored and thrilled to be selected for the scholarship. I am so thankful to the great people involved in REEF and MSGA for the assistance and support in my pursuit of a law degree,” said Ariel. 

If you’d like to help support Montana’s students, please consider making a donation to the Foundation. In order to keep our scholarship program active, we need your help! Please call our office at (406) 442-3420 for questions or email Lauren: [email protected].

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Montana Ranching FAQ | Copper Deficiency in Cattle

PBS Ag Live Answering Montana Ranching QuestionsWhat questions do you have about ranching in Montana? We’re teaming up with Montana PBS’ Ag Live program to bring you the answers. The Ag Live program from Montana PBS teams up with experts from Montana State University Extension to discuss everything from pesticide use and agricultural techniques involved in ranching and the cattle business. We ask that you submit questions to [email protected]. These questions will be answered by PBS and MSU Extension, then published in our monthly Digital Newsletter.

Q: The hair coat on my black cows is turning red. My veterinarian said something about minerals. Can you help me?

A: The first visible sign of a copper deficiency in cattle is often a bleaching of the hair coat, which may result in a change to a red/brown color in black-haired cattle. Copper deficiencies may result from a primary deficiency, where copper itself is deficient in the diet, or from a secondary deficiency, which can result when dietary concentrations of copper are adequate, but absorption of copper is limited by the interference of other minerals, such as molybdenum, sulfur, or both. High dietary iron can also reduce copper absorption.

Copper is a critical mineral in the immune and reproductive systems, so if an imbalance is suspected, it is important to investigate further. Samples of forage (grazed pasture, hay, etc.) should be sent to a laboratory for a full mineral screen to determine whether a primary or secondary deficiency is at hand. Once results are obtained, an alteration to the mineral supplementation plan may be in order. Your local county Extension agent can help you with forage sampling, analyses, and interpretation of results.

This week’s question was answered by Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist.

Related information:

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Beef Checkoff and Consumer Confidence | Beef Briefs

Beef Briefs Consumer Confidence Beef Quality AssuranceDid you know …

… your Beef Checkoff Program helps build consumer confidence?

Today’s consumers want to know more about how their food was raised, and the checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program can be a positive influence in sharing with consumers how cattlemen and women provide the best care possible for their cattle. BQA is based on sound management practices developed from years of practical experience and research and helps beef producers raise safe, high-quality beef.

The BQA program focuses on education and training and can help enhance carcass values by reducing animal illnesses and treatment. BQA practices, such as safe handling techniques, help reduce stress and bruising, which aids in producing quality beef and can directly impact producers’ bottom lines.

BQA training encompasses animal health, handling, record keeping, nutrition and general animal care that improve beef products and help maintain consumer confidence in the sound production practices endorsed by the cattle industry.

Learn more at www.MyBeefCheckoff.com
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

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Montana Range Days Scholarship Applications Havre Montana

Montana Range Days Offers Three Scholarships – Due April 30

Montana Range Days Scholarship Applications Havre MontanaMontana Range Days, Inc. is an annual event that celebrates the importance of range and provides opportunities for learning about range and range management. To encourage young people to continue with education and careers in Range Science and related fields, three scholarships are offered through Montana Range Days.

Montana Range Days Scholarship ($1,000.00)

To assist young Montanan’s education of rangeland, Montana Range Days, Inc. has established the Montana Range Days Scholarship. To be eligible, the applicant must be majoring in Range Science or a related field. The scholarship winner will be awarded $1,000.00 upon successful completion of the semester of college.

Harold and Lillian Jensen Scholarship ($1,000.00)

Harold and Lillian Jensen, long time ranchers from Baker, established a scholarship of $1,000.00 annually, to assist a young person who has an interest in Range Science. Harold was a past Chairman of the Montana Range Days, Inc. Steering Committee, and was the local Chairman for the 1985 and 1986 Range Days events hosted in Baker by the Fallon county Range Committee. The recipient must be present for the presentation of this scholarship at Range Days in June! The Scholarship has to be used at a Montana University or college.

Bob Sitz Memorial Scholarship ($1,000.00)

Bob Sitz was a rancher committed to improving range management. He believed in the youth of Montana and sought to ensure a bright future for Montana’s rangeland through education. Bob was a strong supporter of Montana Range Days. In memory of Bob, the Sitz Family has established a scholarship of $1,000.00 annually and to be announced at Montana Range Days. The winner will receive this scholarship upon successful completion of one semester at a Montana university or college.

Montana Range Days, Inc. is committed to providing learning opportunities, which enable participants to develop a better understanding of the importance of Montana’s rangelands. To further this commitment, Montana Range Days, Inc. encourages high school seniors or college students to apply for the Montana Range Days Scholarships. Members of the Montana Range, Inc. Steering Committee will select the scholarship winners based on the following criteria:

  1. Involvement in range activities and youth events.
  2. Leadership in school and community activities.
  3. Academic achievement.
  4. Financial need.

Applications must be received by the Montana Range Days, Inc. Steering Committee by April 30, 2014. Submitting one application qualifies the applicant for all three (3) scholarships. For more details and a copy of the application form, visit the Montana Range Days website.

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