Montana Ranching FAQ | Feeding Cows For Cold Weather

PBS Ag Live Answering Montana Ranching QuestionsWhat questions do you have about ranching in Montana? We’re teaming up with Montana PBS’ Ag Live program to bring you the answers. The Ag Live program from Montana PBS teams up with experts from Montana State University Extension to discuss everything from pesticide use and agricultural techniques involved in ranching and the cattle business. We ask that you submit questions to [email protected]. These questions will be answered by PBS and MSU Extension, then published in our monthly Digital Newsletter.

Q: During the recent cold spell, my cows were eating me out of house and home! Is there a rule of thumb about how much extra feed cows should get during cold weather?

A: The range of temperatures where cattle (or other mammals) don’t have to expend any energy to maintain body temperature is called the thermoneutral zone. When it gets warmer than the upper critical temperature, cattle have to use energy to cool down. When it gets colder than the lower critical temperature, cattle have to use energy to warm up. You might be wondering, “what is the lower critical temperature?” Like any good animal science question, the answer is, “it depends!” In this case, it depends on hair coat and weather conditions (see table).

Estimated lower critical temperatures for beef cattle. From Beef Production and Management Decisions (Field, 2007)

Coat Description Critical Temperature
Summer coat or wet 59° F
Fall coat 45° F
Winter coat 32° F
Heavy winter coat 18° F

With a summer hair coat, or a wet (to the skin) hair coat at any temperature, the lower critical temperature is quite warm at 59° F. On the other hand, the lower critical temperature for a cow with a heavy winter coat is 18° F. When a cow is experiencing cold stress, the major effect on nutrient requirements is an increased need for energy, which generally indicates the total amount of feed needs to be increased. A simple rule of thumb (more detailed information is available) is to increase the amount of feed 1% for every degree of coldness below the appropriate lower critical temperature.

For example, let’s say you have a 1200-pound cow with a winter hair coat. It’s currently 20° F with a 15 mph wind and you normally feed 24 pounds of hay per day. The effective temperature with the windchill is 6° F, and the appropriate lower critical temperature is 32° F. Subtracting 6 from 32 yields 26, so the amount of hay needs to be increased by 26%. This would be just over 6 pounds of additional hay for a total of about 30 pounds.

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Importance of Environmental Stewardship with Padlock Ranch’s Wayne Fahsholtz | Montana Rancher Q&A

Wayne Fahsholtz Padlock Ranch

Wayne Fahsholtz

Each year, the Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Beef Council and the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation, honors a Montana ranch that exemplifies environmental stewardship and demonstrates a commitment toward improved sustainability within their communities. This award recognizes Montana ranchers who are at the forefront in conservation and stewardship and are willing to serve as examples for other ranchers.

The Padlock Ranch, located in both Montana and Wyoming, has won both the respective state awards, and received the Regional ESAP recognition. Ranch manager Wayne Fahsholtz has worked with the ranch crew and family owners to implement outstanding stewardship practices and continues to strive daily to create an environmentally sustainable beef cattle operation. Wayne answered a few questions for us about winning the award and some advice for other ranchers:

Why do you think the Environmental Stewardship Program is important for Montana (and Wyoming)? 

The award is a way to communicate with others about good practices that are occurring on the land.  With rancher to rancher communication, we learn from each other and can improve or avoid costly mistakes.  With rancher to customer, it allows us to visit about what is happening and help dispel some of the myths about land management.  

In your opinion, what makes a Montana/Wyoming rancher a good steward of the land?

Good stewards know what condition their resource is in and have plans that will maintain or improve those resources.  

Can you give us a few examples of innovations and projects you are most proud of at the Padlock Ranch? 

The biggest impact was the implementation of a planned time rotational grazing system. This keeps livestock from being in pastures season long and it rotates the time of use for a pasture. It is fairly simple but has great results.  

Cattle on the Padlock RanchThe Padlock Ranch is a great example of how a beef cattle business and the western landscape can co-exist…how can other ranches follow this lead?  

One of the things that I have tried to do is to be transparent about how we operate.  Over 95% of our population is far removed from production agriculture.   We need to be creative in the ways we communicate and educate this population.  So, I would urge ranchers to share their stories and ranches with others around them that may not understand about agriculture.  

How did you feel when you learned that the Padlock Ranch was selected as both state and regional winner? 

It was a great honor and great to be able to share that with everyone involved with the ranch.  At the same time, it was humbling because I know what a good job my fellow ranchers do and to be singled out was an honor and hopefully I represented everyone well.  

Do you have any advice for ranches considering to apply for the award? 

Just do it! The application process can be intimidating but once you get started it flows fairly well. You can get help from stockgrowers staff and past winners.

Ranches wishing to apply for the award and recognition are asked to complete an application packet (available at; due to the MSGA office by June 30. Nominations can be submitted by contacting the MSGA office. Ranches must be a member of the Montana Stockgrowers Association to qualify for the award. A committee, which will include representatives from Montana Stockgrowers, Montana Beef Council, past Environmental Stewardship Award winners, and others invested in Montana stewardship and conservation will evaluate the applications after all applications are completed.

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Montana Range Days Havre Montana

Montana Range Days Coming to Hill County

Montana Range Days Havre Montana2014 marks the 38th year of Montana Range Days and the final time this premier range education event is coming to Havre. It’s not very often when your four year old can become a buckaroo for the day; your 13 year old can become a wrangler; and parents get a taste of the rancher division and learn about one of Montana’s most important resources: Range.

Montana Stockgrowers Association Research and Education Endowment Foundation, Montana Cattlewomen, and Montana Association of Grazing Districts are proud to sponsor Montana Range Days.

This year’s event begins Monday June 23rd in Beaver Creek Park, the Nation’s Largest County Park. Having Range Days in this part of the state introduces new grasses, forbs, trees and possibly weeds, both noxious and introduced, that perhaps participants haven’t seen before. The first day will be an opportunity for those serious about the competition to get onto the practice site and begin studying plants that may or may not be in the contest. Those interested in weed control can tour Dalmatian Toadflax biological control plots in the area.

Tuesday, June 24th is full of activity, with workshops for all ages going on at Camp Kiwanis, Beaver Creek Park. The 4 to 6 year old (Buckaroos) will learn about rangeland environments with lots of hands-on activities. The 7 to 8 year olds (Ecosystem Explorers) will learn about range and our ecosystem through fun games and activities. For the 9 to 11 year olds (Superstarters) they get a little more serious and begin to learn about plant anatomy and identification to prepare them for the contest on Wednesday. The Wrangler division is for those junior high age students who want to learn about proper grazing, stocking rates, plant anatomy and identification. There are also the Open and FFA Divisions for 14 to 19 year olds to learn about the many aspects of range. While the kids are learning, the adults can be participating as well in the Rancher / Open Adult workshops or attend the tour slated for Tuesday. Tuesday’s tour includes: The Blaine County Wildlife Museum, the Blaine County Historical Museum and the Bear Paw Battlefield.

Montana Range Days Havre Montana WorkshopsWednesday, June 25th is the final day of Montana Range Days and also marks competition day in which teams of 3 or 4 members will compete on what they learned the day before in such areas of plant ID, soils, anatomy, monitoring and range management. There are several awards like Top Superstarter, Top Wrangler, and the Top Range Hand award of the event. Those participants who are too young to participate in the competition can take part in an educational program put on by the Montana Cattlewomen’s Association at Camp Kiwanis, while adults can tour Havre Beneath the Streets and the Wahkpa Chu’gn Archeological Site.

Montana Range Days is open to all families, all ages, and all skill levels. Come be a part of an event that has been going on for more than 30 years and has encompassed more than 15 communities in our great State and learn about this wealth of nature that covers nearly 70 percent of Montana better known as Rangelands.

Find the online electronic registration form at

For more information you can call Jennifer at the Hill County Conservation District at 406-265-6792 ext.101 or email [email protected] or go the website at

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Beef Quality Assurance Programs

Beef Quality Assurance Program and Animal Welfare

Beef Quality Assurance ProgramsWhat is the Beef Quality Assurance program and what does it have to do with Animal Welfare standards for ranchers and cattle producers in the United States?

Beef Quality Assurance is a national program that provides guidelines for beef cattle production. The program raises consumer confidence through offering proper management techniques and a commitment to quality within every segment of the beef industry. Producers have embraced BQA because it is the right thing to do; but they have also gained through increased profitability. As an educating program, BQA helps producers identify management processes that can be improved.

Below is a bit of background information on the programs. For more on National BQA programs, visit For contact information in Montana, click here. For online BQA certification, click here.

History of the Beef Quality Assurance Program

The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program was established in 1987 by The Beef Checkoff to provide cattle producers with the tools and training necessary to assure animal health and well-being as well as provide a safe, quality product. BQA is a pre-harvest supply chain management program that applies the latest science and technology to ensure beef quality and safety. It unites animal scientists, veterinarians, feed suppliers, animal health companies, meatpackers, retailers and state and federal regulators with producers to achieve this common goal.

BQA Certification Process

BQA encourages anyone who works regularly with cattle – on the farm, ranch or feedlot – to become BQA certified by one of nearly 100 state coordinators through hands-on, classroom-style and online training. BQA influences the management practices of more than 90 percent of U.S. cattle.

BQA Guidelines Relating to Animal Care and Husbandry

The BQA principals on cattle care and treatment are captured within the foundational document, the “Cattle Industry’s Guidelines for the Care and Handling of Cattle.” The “Cattle Industry’s Guidelines for the Care and Handling of Cattle” is based on the “Producer Code for Cattle Care.” The Code, first developed in 1996, is a comprehensive set of “must-dos” for proper cattle care that includes the following:

  • Provide adequate food, water and care to protect cattle health and well-being.
  • Provide disease prevention practices to protect herd health.
  • Provide facilities that allow safe and humane movement and/or restraint of livestock.
  • Use appropriate methods to euthanize sick or injured livestock.
  • Provide personnel with training to properly handle and care for cattle.
  • Minimize stress when transporting cattle.

The Code is clear on another important point: persons who willfully mistreat animals will not be tolerated.

In 2003, the beef industry expanded the Code into a best practices guide. Developed through the interaction of animal health and well-being experts and cattle producer leaders, the “Cattle Industry’s Guidelines for the Care and Handling of Cattle” sets forth recommendations for every aspect of cattle production and provides producers a self-evaluation checklist to help improve their production practices. The Guidelines include best-management practices for feeding and nutrition, disease prevention practices and health care, identification, shelter and housing, cattle handling, transportation, non-ambulatory cattle, euthanasia and heat stress.

BQA Acknowledges Leaders for Applying Best Practices

For the first time in 2008, a National BQA Award was established to reward leaders in the industry who exemplify BQA principles and share their outstanding individual practices with the broader industry. Two producers were awarded the National BQA Award in 2008.

New BQA Programs Address Livestock Auction Markets and Transportation

In 2008, every auction market in the country received the checkoff-funded BQA DVD “Focal Point: An Auction Market Beef Quality Assurance Guide,” which demonstrates best practices for facility design and handling techniques. Cattle handling experts also conducted hands-on staff training sessions at livestock markets.

BQA’s Master Cattle Transporter Training program, launched in 2008, recognizes that cattle transporters play a critical role in the health and welfare of cattle by delivering cattle safely to their destination. The program emphasizes low-stress handling, frequent cattle checks when on the road and special care when transporting cattle during hot or cold weather conditions. Additionally, the program specifies that moving aids should replace electric prods and sick or weak cattle shouldn’t be accepted for transport, including debilitated thin animals, “downers” and animals that show symptoms of sickness. The National Trucking Association encourages its members to comply with these guidelines.

For more information about the BQA program, please visit National BQA programs are funded in part by The Beef Checkoff.

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Beef Meals in 30 Minutes for Millennial Lifestyle | Beef Briefs

beef meals beef briefs

Did you know…

…that providing 30-minute nutritious meal solutions is just one of the things that your checkoff is doing to show millennials how beef can fit into their lifestyle? The checkoff also motivates foodservice chefs and other professionals to sell more beef by providing them with a steady flow of knowledge, fact-based information and inspiration to keep their menus alive and active with beef. This includes new opportunities for preparing beef, through preparation methods, new flavor combinations and profiles and new equipment and appliances.

Learn more at
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.


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Easy Fresh Labels for Cooking Tips | Beef Briefs

Easy Fresh Cooking shot beef brief march 21Did you know…

…that your checkoff’s “Easy Fresh Cooking” labels provide recipe, cookery and safe-handling information in one convenient on-pack sticker on fresh beef products? The labels are proven to build consumer confidence in purchasing a wider variety of beef cuts: 72 percent of shoppers say they have bought a product because of the on-pack marketing, and 46 percent say they are more likely to purchase new or different cuts as a result. Easy Fresh Cooking takes the guess work out of the meat case, making beef easier to shop for and easier to stock. More than 10,000 stores nationwide use the checkoff program or a similar customized offshoot of it.

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Scholarship Available: Montana Educational Heritage

The Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Research & Education Endowment Foundation is offering a scholarship for one MSGA member student.

Montana Educational Heritage Scholarship PromoFor current college students, the Montana Educational Heritage Scholarship of $1,000 is available. To be eligible, students must be currently enrolled in college and have completed at least one semester in college, be a member of MSGA, or have at least one parent who is a member, and demonstrate a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

Applicants must complete the application form, include a copy of their current transcript, write a 500-word essay discussing their educational pursuits and what they hope to do with their education, and include two letters of recommendation.

Applications are due April 15, 2014. You can apply online at

Kelsey Haughian Heritage Award “The Foundation’s continued support of college students is imperative for ranchers like me to further our education goals. The scholarship I received has allowed me to feel financially secure in my junior year of college at Montana State University,” said Kelsey Haughian, 2013 award recipient from Miles City, MT.

For more information on these scholarships and to apply online, visit the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s website at For questions, please email Lauren Chase at [email protected]. If you are interested in these scholarships but are not currently a member of MSGA, join today. Student memberships start at just $20.


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MSU Extension offering new publications on soil nutrient management for forage crops

montana state extension logoBOZEMAN – Forage crops provide substantial income to many Montana farmers. They are also an integral part of livestock production systems. Improvements in forage production through good soil fertility practices have the potential to increase income for farmers and ranchers.

Montana State University Extension has recently published two bulletins, “Soil Nutrient Management for Forages: Nitrogen” and “Soil Nutrient Management for Forages: Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, and Micronutrients.” These publications present soil nutrient management options for Montana forage production systems based on regional research results.

The key to nutrient management for optimal forage yield and quality is to select the right fertilizer source, rate, placement and timing for your operation, known as the 4R concept.

“These are usually interrelated. For example, the right rate, placement and timing are very dependent on the source,” said Clain Jones, co-author and Extension soil fertility specialist in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences (LRES) at Montana State University. In addition, selecting the right crop and the best management practices to maximize legume nitrogen fixation are also critical. “Getting it ‘right’ not only increases your bottom line, it also protects soil, water, and air resources,” said Jones.

Nitrogen is the most common nutrient that needs to be added for production of forages containing a low percentage of legumes, while phosphorus and potassium are more important for those dominated by legumes. The correct balance of nutrients can influence stand species composition and is important for efficient fertilizer use and forage yield and quality. Fertilizer rates should be based on soil tests or plant tissue concentrations to ensure adequate amounts, yet minimize the risk of forage nutrient concentrations that are toxic to livestock.

Timing of fertilizer application depends largely on the source in order to optimize the amount of nutrient that gets taken up by the crop, rather than lost to the environment. “Nutrient sources that slowly release their nutrients over time, such as manure, phosphate rock or elemental sulfur, can extend benefits over years, while many commercial inorganic fertilizers are more immediately available,” said Jones. Legumes may be the most economical source of nitrogen. “Because fertilizer can become tied up temporarily in the soil and plant material, the economic benefit of fertilization should be evaluated over several years,” said Jones.

Adequate nutrients are key to sustaining stand health and most likely are less expensive than reseeding or interseeding. If stands are largely desirable species, rejuvenating old forage stands with fertilizer is more effective than mechanical rejuvenation methods such as aeration or harrowing. “Well thought out nutrient management on forages can easily pay for itself,” said Jones.

The bulletins are available as printed copies from MSU Extension,, or (406) 994-3273, as well as online at Jones’ webpage at

Beef Checkoff Launches Online Community for Popular Training Program

Beef University Boosts Foodservice and Retail Professionals’ Beef Knowledge

beef checkoff logoDENVER (Feb. 26, 2014) – The Beef Checkoff Program unveiled a new web-based platform for its popular training program, Beef University. For nearly a decade, foodservice and retail professionals have relied on checkoff training tools to educate staff on how beef is brought to market, from farm to fork.

Beef University educates retailers and foodservice operators on all facets of beef from production and product quality to marketing and merchandising. Downloadable tools include PowerPoint presentations, fact sheets and videos; all of which can be used for self-directed education or part of a customized training session facilitated by Beef Checkoff staff or utilized within a company’s training program.

“Retail and foodservice operators have a direct connection with the people that consume the beef raised by my family and the entire beef community, and so it’s important that we share the knowledge and insights on the care that goes into raising American’s favorite high-quality protein,” said Sid Viebrock, a beef producer from Washington and chairman of the checkoff’s Value Subcommittee. “Because of this, we saw an opportunity to create a forum for increased engagement with those who are on the front lines serving and selling beef every day.”

The online community enables users to directly connect with beef subject matter experts and share feedback on resources, express interest in additional education needs and more. To explore the fully-customizable and free resources, become a member of the Beef U online community at or

About the Beef Checkoff
The Beef Checkoff Program ( was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. In states with qualified beef councils, states retain up to 50 cents of the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.

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Montana Beef Ambassadors

Montana Beef Ambassador Contest – March 26

Montana Beef AmbassadorsThe National Beef Ambassador Program is a great opportunity for youth to get involved in advocacy on a national scale and to connect with consumers as they travel across the country sharing the message of the hard work ranchers put in to raise great beef products. Montana has had some great Ambassadors over the years and sent some great representatives to the National competitions as we featured on the blog last Fall (click here for that story).

The 2014 Montana Beef Ambassador Competition is coming up this month and we would love to see a great turn out for this year’s competition. If you are between the ages of 17, but not over the age of 20 by Sept. 1st, and feel motivated to tell your story about the Beef Industry, then you would be a great candidate to compete for the title of Montana Beef Ambassador 2014.

The MSU Collegiate CattleWomen will be hosting the Montana Beef Ambassador Contest at the Trades and Industry building, Great Falls Fair Grounds, on Wednesday March 26, 2014. You will be asked to give a Consumer Presentation, and a media interview.

Consumer Presentation, you will choose from assorted informational pamphlets to help you do this and the setting will be you as a vendor at a trade show promoting Beef.

Media Interview: Be able to discuss current issues affecting our beef industry today and how the National Beef Ambassador Contest is important.

By winning the state contest, you qualify to go to the National Contest and compete to be a National Beef Ambassador. For more rules and regulations go  to or contact [email protected]. Your local Extension office also has the entry forms. The deadline for registration will be March 14, 2014.


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