Highlights from MSGA’s 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show

Attendance was up at MSGA’s 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show, held Dec. 10-12 at a new location—the Crowne Plaza hotel and Metra Park in Billings, Mont. Nearly 750 registrations were recorded.

“We had a wonderful convention this year,” said Tom Hougen, MSGA’s President. “A large number of people participated in the committee meetings where policy is set and enjoyed our expanded trade show and educational seminars. The Von Trapp Children Singers provided entertainment that everyone enjoyed. Overall, it was a great convention in a great location!”

Below, please find some of the highlights:

-Tom Hougen, President, Watty Taylor, 1st Vice President and Tucker Hughes, Second Vice President were re-elected to the second year of their two-year terms.

-Michael “Mick” Denowh of the Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch in Sidney was elected to the Board of Directors representing the Northeastern District. Heath Martinell of Lee Martinell, Co. in Dell was elected to the Board of Directors representing the Western District.

-Policy to guide MSGA officers and staff through 2010 was set in a process that began with committee meetings, progressed to the second reading and finished at the third reading. Notable new policies address brucellosis, cap and trade legislation, export certification, wolf management, grazing issues, public lands access, the EQIP program, predator control, trapping, workman’s comp and property taxes.

-The Ranchers Stewardship Alliance (RSA) in Malta was awarded with the 2010 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award sponsored by MSGA and the Montana Beef Council at the Northern Ag Network Lunch. RSA is the 17th winner in the history of the award and the first group to be honored. MSGA will submit RSA for the regional and national Environmental Stewardship Award in February. Learn more about RSA at http://www.ranchersstewardshipalliance.org/.

-Governor Brian Schweitzer addressed 500 people at the Northern Ag Network Lunch.

-Radio and TV personality, and agriculture advocate, Trent Loos, entertained the attendees of the Opening General Session with stories about people who are out of touch with agriculture. He urged the group to get out and tell their stories about ranching and raising cattle.

-The Trade Show boasted nearly 100 booths, several large equipment displays, a lineup of Ford vehicles, free boot shines, a kid’s play area, free silk scarves, and sponsored dinner stations and “watering holes.” This year the Trade Show also included the First Annual Cattle Pen Display with 11 seedstock exhibitors.

-Curt Pate and Ron Gill’s two-hour “Effective Stockmanship” clinic headlined a full and diverse group of Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges that educated attendees about cattle handling, estate planning, and cattle nutrition and reproduction.

-Clarence Blunt of Malta was named MSGA’s “Top Hand” for recruiting 23 new members this year. He won a $1,000 gift certificate to the trade show exhibitor of his choice. Jim and Tammi Sitz of Dillon were second place top recruiters with 13 new members recruited. They were awarded $500 to spend at one of the trade show exhibitors.

-Carol Mosher of Augusta, Mont. was named “Ranching Woman of the Year” at the Grand Finale Banquet on Saturday night, Dec. 12.

-Ty Thompson, the 2009 World Champion Livestock Auctioneer was on hand to auction off many items during the Grand Finale Banquet including the Brett Badgett Bronze, a kids’ saddle donated by Bank of Baker, Basin State Bank, and Nutra-Lix, and reels of Ralgrow donated by Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health. The Cattle Directory Priority Page Auction raised $49,600 to go towards marketing Montana’s seedstock and commercial cattle and allied services.

-Pauline Webb of Townsend won the zero-turn lawnmower donated by Torgerson’s LLC. She donated it to the Montana CattleWomen scholarship fund.

-The Von Trapp Children Singers, the great grandchildren of Captain and Maria Von Trapp from the Sound of Music, provided entertainment at the Montana CattleWomen Inspirational Breakfast and the Grand Finale Banquet on Saturday. The Von Trapps were raised in Kalispell, Mont. and perform all over the world.

-Michael and Paulette Keller of Sulphur Creek Cattle Co. in Lloyd, Mont. were the lucky winners of the 2009 Ford F-150 given away by MSGA and the Montana Ford Dealers at the Grand Finale Banquet.

-Copies of “The Weak Ones Turned Back, The Cowards Never Started: A Century of Ranching in Montana,” which was commissioned by the MSGA Board of Directors to celebrate ranching’s history in Montana and MSGA’s 125th Anniversary, were sold out with pre-orders and sales at convention. Editor Linda Grosskopf and artist Aubry Smith were on hand during the Trade Show to sign copies of the book.

-This year’s convention was marked by a special note of generosity by attendees. Over $12,000 was raised for the Younkin family who lost their brother and son in a car accident that also injured the family’s three other children. The giving began when Board of Director Jeff Pattison won the raffle of the David Graham painting and put it up for auction to benefit the Younkins. Arvin Arthun followed suit when he won the NutraLix saddle raffle. Mark and Patti Harrison of Harrison Land and Livestock won the print auction, and donated it back to be auctioned again, and then it was won by Bill and Betsy Donald of Cayuse Livestock Company, who also donated it back. The print ended up being donated to the MSGA office after the MSGA officers were the high bidder on the third raffle. The saddle went to high bidder Thompson Cattle Company and was donated back for another auction, the high bidder being Nick Schultz with the Grand Prairie Ranch in Roundup. Air Design donated a rock design that was auctioned for the Younkins. Also, many people dug in their pockets and donated what they could to help the family.

-Plans are already underway for MSGA’s Mid-Year meeting which will be held in Dillon, June 10-12.

***Visit our Facebook page to see photos from the event!***

MSGA’s 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show kicks off today!

MSGA’s 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show begins today with board meetings at the Crowne Plaza hotel. Tomorrow we move to the MetraPark. See the full schedule below. If you haven’t registered yet, you can register on site. We hope you’ll join us to “Celebrate the Ranching Spirit!”

Schedule of Events
Subject to change

Thursday, December 10
All meetings and functions to be held at the Crowne Plaza hotel. Trade
Show Big Equipment Move-In to be held at the Expo Center building at
7:00 a.m. Coffee Break
7:00 a.m. MSGA Executive Committee Meeting
8:00 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. Grass Conservation Commission Meeting
9:00 a.m. MSGA Board of Directors Meeting
10:00 a.m. Montana Hereford Assoc. Annual Meeting
10:20 a.m. MPLC/MASGD Joint Board Meeting
12:00 p.m. REEF Trustee Meeting
2:00 p.m. MPLC Annual Meeting
2:00 p.m. Trade Show Big Equipment Move-In
3:30 p.m. Steer of Merit Committee Meeting
5:00 p.m. Focus Group Meeting
5:00 p.m. MSGA Committee Leadership Orientation
6:00 p.m. MCW Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 p.m. MSU College of Agriculture & MSU Alumni Social
6:30 p.m. “Has Beens” Dinner
7:00 p.m. Montana Cattle Feeders Annual Meeting
7:00 p.m. Montana Simmental Association Meeting

Friday, December 11
All meetings and functions to be held at the MetraPark unless otherwise
6:30 a.m. Registration
7:00 a.m. Billings Chamber of Commerce Breakfast
7:00 a.m. Coffee Break
7:00 a.m. Trade Show Move-In
8:00 a.m. MCW Past Presidents Breakfast (Crowne Plaza hotel)
8:00 a.m. MSGA Committee Meetings
9:00 a.m. MCW Annual Meeting & Instillation
12:00 p.m. Northern Ag Network Lunch
1:30 p.m. Montana Ag Safety Recertification Program
1:30 p.m. MCW New Board of Directors Meeting
1:30 p.m. Trade Show Sneak Peek
1:30 p.m. Young Stockgrowers Caucus
2:00 p.m. Montana Range Days Steering Committee
3:00 p.m. MSGA & MCW Opening General Session
4:00 p.m. Second Reading of Resolutions
5:30 p.m. MCW Officer Reception
6:00 p.m. Trade Show Grand Opening
6:00 p.m. Young Stockgrowers Social

Saturday, December 12
All meetings and functions to be held at the MetraPark.
6:30 a.m. Registration
7:30 a.m. Inspirational Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Coffee Break
9:00 a.m. MSGA Business Meeting
9:00 a.m. Trade Show Opens
9:00 a.m. Women of the West Fair
10:00 a.m. Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges
12:00 p.m. President’s Lunch
2:00 p.m. Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges
5:00 p.m. Trade Show Finale
5:00 p.m. MSGA Membership Top Hand Club Reception
7:00 p.m. Grand Finale Banquet

Sunday, December 13
MSGA Board of Directors Meeting to be held at the Crowne Plaza hotel.
Trade Show Move-Out to be held at the Expo Center building at MetraPark.
7:00 a.m. MSGA Board of Directors Meeting
8:00 a.m. Trade Show Move-Out

Centennial ranch book selling out fast; WAR to host book signing at MSGA convention

Time is running out to reserve your copy of “The Weak Ones Turned Back, The Cowards Never Started: A Century of Ranching in Montana.” We have fewer than 50 copies left for mail orders and will only have 50 copies available for sale at our 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show in Billings, Dec. 10-12. Don’t miss your chance to own a copy of this beautiful and important tribute to Montana’s ranching heritage! Mail order copies are $50 each, including shipping and handling. Books will sell for $45 at convention. Call (406) 442-3420 to reserve your copy!

Book orders will be available for pickup at convention

If you have already purchased/reserved your copy and will be attending convention, you will have the option to pick up your order then. We will gladly refund you $5 per book for shipping and handling by check in January, or you can donate the money to MSGA’s Advocacy Fund, which helps fund MSGA’s legislative and litigative efforts, or MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation, which helps fund various educational, research, and leadership development programs for the Montana livestock industry. (Gifts to REEF are tax-deductible.)

Get your book signed by the editors and artist!

The Western Ag Reporter will host a book signing at the Trade Show Grand Opening on Friday, Dec. 11 at 6 p.m. during MSGA’s convention. Book editors Linda Grosskopf and Nancy Morrison, and book artist Aubry Smith, will be on hand to sign your copy of “The Weak Ones Turned Back, The Cow­ards Never Started: A Century of Ranching in Montana” at the WAR booth, #78. Pick up your book at registration, or buy one for $45, and have it signed!

MSGA to “Celebrate the Ranching Spirit” for 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show, Dec. 10-12

MSGA is gearing up for its 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show, Dec. 10-12 at the Crowne Plaza hotel and MetraPark in Billings. To continue the celebratory mood of MSGA’s 125th Anniversary this past June, the theme of convention is “Celebrating the Ranching Spirit!”

MSGA’s convention will feature a great lineup of speakers, entertainment, educational seminars, policy discussions and business meetings.

“This year’s convention is a ‘can’t miss’ for anyone involved in Montana’s livestock industry,” said Tom Hougen, MSGA President. “We have a lot of important issues to address in our business meetings, but we also have some great entertainment lined up so we can relax a little and enjoy ourselves. We’re especially excited about our lineup of speakers and Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges this year. There will be plenty of opportunities for all of us to learn things that we can take home and implement on our own operations.”

Cattle rancher and Montana’s Governor, Brian Schweitzer, will address the Stockgrowers during the Northern Ag Network Lunch on Friday, Dec. 11 at the MetraPark Expo Center. Trent Loos, radio and TV personality and sixth generation farmer, will speak during the Opening General Session on Friday afternoon. Montana’s Congressional delegation, Senator Max Baucus, Senator Jon Tester and Congressman Rehberg, have been invited to address the Stockgrowers during Saturday’s President’s Lunch. Tester will send a video message and Congressman Denny Rehberg is planning to make a personal appearance. The Von Trapp Children singers, great-grandchildren of Captain Von Trapp, father of the famous singing family whose story captivated the world in the musical “The Sound of Music,” will provide entertainment during Friday’s Inspirational Breakfast and Saturday, Dec. 12’s Grand Finale Banquet.

Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges scheduled for Saturday morning and afternoon at the MetraPark Expo Center will include: “Effective Stockmanship” with renowned Montana horseman, rancher and stockmanship instructor, Curt Pate, and Texas A&M livestock specialist and beef nutritionist, Ron Gill. Effective Stockmanship is an innovative hands-on training session using live cattle demonstrations to inform cattlemen about the importance and benefits of proper cattle handling—and its critical role in increasing the consumers’ confidence in beef; “Searching for the cows that will consistently make money for my ranch” with John Paterson, PhD, Extension Beef Specialist for Montana State University, focusing on research to better understand ruminant nutrition; “Animal husbandry, science & health in beef production” and “Doing your best, does it still pay?” by Gerald L. Stokka, DVM, MS, of the Pfizer Animal Health Veterinary Operations team; “Benefits of and tips to achieve a short calving season” by Rick Funston, PhD, the reproductive physiologist for the University of Nebraska, concentrating on reproduction advancement in cattle; “Getting to know your estate plan…before you die,” a panel discussion featuring speakers Curt Barnekoff, Bill Honzel, and Max L. Erickson who will answer questions like, how do I determine if my estate will owe a tax? How much will it be? Who will pay the tax and how will it get paid? And, who will assume operating and management responsibilities when I’m gone?

The expanded Trade Show on Friday and Saturday at the MetraPark Expo Center will feature cattle industry exhibitors, including indoor equipment displays, complimentary silk scarves, the First Annual Cattle Pen Display, beef dinner stations and complimentary “watering holes.”

The Grand Finale Banquet on Saturday evening will feature the Von Trapp Children singers, auctions of the last Brett Badgett bronze to commemorate MSGA’s 125th Anniversary and priority pages for the 2010-2011 Montana Seedstock and Commercial Cattle Directory, a saddle give-away by NutraLix and the MSGA/Montana Ford Dealers 2009 Ford F-150 XLT Truck give-away.

Business meetings will take place throughout convention with meetings of MSGA’s executive committee, board of directors, and the trustees of MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation being held at the Crowne Plaza hotel on Thursday, Dec. 10. The Grass Conservation Commission, the Montana Hereford Association, the Joint Montana Public Lands Council and Montana Association of Grazing Districts Board, the Montana CattleWomen, the Montana CattleFeeders and the Montana Simmental Association will also meet Thursday at the Crowne Plaza. Committee meetings will take place Friday, Dec. 11 at the MetraPark Arena to begin developing new policy for the year. The second reading of resolutions will follow the Opening General Session at 4 p.m. on Friday, along with reports from the committee chairs. The final reading of resolutions will take place at the MSGA business meeting on Saturday, Dec. 12. MSGA members will also vote on two new Board of Director members during convention and the winners will be announced on Saturday evening’s Grand Finale Banquet.

Other convention events include meetings of the Montana CattleWomen, Young Stockgrowers caucus and social, a Montana Ag Safety Recertification four wheeler safety demonstration, the Women of the West Fair, and the announcement of the 2010 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award winner. For more details, or to register, visit www.mtbeef.org or call (406) 442-3420.

Bill Davis Elected President of American Angus Association

American Angus Association® delegates elected five members to its Board of Directors Monday, Nov. 16 at the 126th Annual Convention of Delegates in Louisville, Ky.

Newly elected Board Directors include: Charlie Boyd II, Mayslick, Ky.; Scott Foster, Niles, Mich.; and Vaughn Meyer, Reva, S.D. Steve Olson, Hereford, Texas; and Cathy Watkins, Middletown, Ind., were both elected to a second term on the Board.

Bill Davis, Sidney, Mont., was elected the American Angus Association president and chairman of the board. He succeeds Jay King, Rock Falls, Ill.

Joe Hampton, Mount Ulla, N.C., was chosen by delegates to serve as vice president and vice chairman of the Board. Jarold Callahan, Edmond, Okla., will serve as treasurer for the year.

More than 340 elected delegates from throughout the United States and Canada represented American Angus Association members and conducted the business of the Association during the annual meeting and election. The meeting was at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Super-Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show.

Bill Davis, the Association’s newly elected president and chairman of the Board, recently completed his term as vice president and vice chairman of the Board. He and his wife, Jennifer, operate Rollin’ Rock Angus near Sidney, Mont.

Davis has a bachelor’s degree in ag business from Montana State University and is a past director of the Montana Stockgrowers Association and Montana Angus Association, in addition to being past director and president of the Montana Beef Performance Association.

As Association president, Davis will serve as chairman of the Executive Committee and will work closely with all directors to lead the board during the next year.

Joe Hampton, newly elected vice president and vice chairman of the Board, most recently served as treasurer. He and his wife, Robin, operate Back Creek, a cattle operation near Mount Ulla, N.C., focused on the production of Angus bulls for commercial cattlemen. Hampton received his bachelor’s degree from North Carolina State University and has been involved with agricultural research for more than 25 years. He has served as president of the North Carolina Angus Association and as board director for the North Carolina Cattlemen’s Association.

As vice president and vice chairman, Hampton will serve on the Executive, Breed Improvement, Finance & Planning, and Information & Data Management committees. He will also serve as chairman of the Research Priorities Committee and Angus Productions Inc. (API) Board, and as a member of the Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) Board.

Also during the Annual Meeting, delegates approved an amendment to the Bylaws permitting reinstatement of a Life Membership option, allowing members to purchase memberships valid throughout the life of the member. Life memberships cost $1,500.

A list of Board of Directors committee assignments and brief biographical sketches of newly elected Board directors follows.

The American Angus Association is the nation’s largest beef organization, serving more than 30,000 members across the United States and Canada. It provides programs and services to farmers, ranchers and others who rely on the power of Angus to produce quality genetics for the beef industry and quality beef for consumers.

For more information about Angus cattle and the American Angus Association’s programs and services, visit www.angus.org.

MSGA seeking internship applicants for annual convention!

MSGA is seeking three interns to help at our upcoming annual convention, Dec. 10-12. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable career experience and network with important industry members. Interns will be expected to help MSGA staff members in a variety of capacities during the convention so we require that all applicants have completed at least one year of undergraduate education. If you are interested, please send a resume with a cover letter explaining your interest in being a convention intern, plus one letter of reference by Nov. 20th to [email protected] or by mail to MSGA, Attn: Jessica Kirschten, 420 N. California, Helena, MT 59601. If you would like more information, please call Jessica at (406) 442-3420.

MSGA kicks off Fall Membership Roundup and reminds ranchers about the importance of being involved

Helena – The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) recently launched its 2009 Fall Membership Roundup and MSGA President Tom Hougen is taking this opportunity to remind Montana ranchers about the importance of being involved in associations such as MSGA.

“With all the things happening right now in Washington, D.C. that have the potential to drastically change the way we are allowed to do our work as ranchers, everyone needs to get involved in their associations, local and statewide,” Hougen said. “It is vitally important to join groups like MSGA to let your voice be heard and help direct the work done to protect our livelihoods and way of life.”

MSGA has served and advocated for Montana cattle ranchers since 1884. As a leader in the agriculture industry, MSGA actively participates in state and national legislative processes. MSGA attends a significant number of regulatory meetings and provides a voice for the interests of its members.

MSGA is currently working on a number of issues on the behalf of its members including the newly released concept papers for federal rule rewrites on brucellosis and tuberculosis; the estate tax; Senator Tester’s Forest Jobs and Recreation Act in regards to grazing; endangered species issues including wolves, grizzly bears and sage grouse; climate change legislation; the Clean Water Restoration Act; and opening more markets overseas to U.S. beef. MSGA is also actively involved in improving issues of importance to beef consumers including food safety, nutrition, animal welfare, and the environment.

Each year MSGA members create policy that directs the efforts of MSGA’s volunteer board of directors, officers and staff. Policy is set at MSGA’s annual convention, which will be held this year on December 10-12 in Billings at the Crowne Plaza and MetraPark. MSGA also provides important educational opportunities for its members through Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges at annual convention covering Beef Quality Assurance, low stress cattle handling, beef reproduction, beef nutrition, and estate tax planning.

This fall, please consider joining or rejoining MSGA to help us protect Montana’s ranching heritage. Members receive monthly newsletters, daily update emails, representation at industry meetings and educational materials about important industry issues. MSGA members are also eligible to win a new 2009 Ford F-150 truck at the 2009 Annual Convention. For more information visit www.mtbeef.org or call (406) 442-3420.

MSGA will be at the NILE in Billings, Oct. 10-17

MSGA will be in Billings for the Northern International Livestock Exposition at the MetraPark, Oct. 10-17. The Ford F-150 truck that we will be giving away to one lucky member at our Annual Convention, Dec. 10-12 at the Metra, will be featured in the NILE Ranch Rodeo on Oct. 10. The truck will also be at MSGA’s booth in the Expo Center, Oct. 12-17. Ariel and Rose will be manning the booth so be sure to stop in and say hello! At the booth, you can enter to win the truck and buy raffle tickets for a chance to win tickets and hotel for two to the 2009 NFR, for three days and three nights, plus $500 traveling money! The winner will be drawn Oct. 17, and you don’t have to be present to win. We’ll also be selling raffle tickets for a two-day getaway to the Wilderness Edge Resort in Ennis. The winner will be drawn at our Annual Convention in December. If you haven’t ordered your copy of “The Weak Ones Turned Back, The Cowards Never Started: A Century of Ranching in Montana,” edited by Linda Grosskopf and Nancy Morrison, you can do that at the booth too. You can also take a look at our latest newsletter and pick up a Montana Seedstock and Commercial Cattle Directory. If you’re not a member, visit us and find out why you should be member! Also be sure to check out the Merit Heifer show, Oct. 15-16, which we’re sponsoring! For more information about the NILE and its events, check out the NILE’s website.

MSGA excited to announce partnership with Montana Ford Dealers; members will have chance to win brand new Ford F-150 truck!

Today the Montana Stockgrowers Association announced its exciting new partnership with Montana Ford Dealers, designating Ford “The Official Truck of the Montana Stockgrowers Association.”

“We are so thrilled to have partnered with Ford,” said Tom Hougen, MSGA president. “Ranchers rely on quality, dependable trucks that can hold up to the demands of a working ranch. Ford trucks have a rich history and a strong reputation with ranchers, so we think this is going to be a great program for our members.”

One lucky MSGA member will drive home with full ownership of a 2009 Ford F-150 truck at MSGA’s annual convention in Billings, December 10-12. Must be current MSGA member and present at the Grand Finale Banquet to win.

MSGA is also kicking off its “Spring Membership Roundup.” In honor of MSGA’s 125th anniversary this year, MSGA is offering a special new membership for $125. MSGA will celebrate its 125th anniversary June 10-13 in Miles City. Planned events include a joint anniversary party with the Miles City Club, complete with a traditional pork dinner, period dress and a mustache/beard contest; a breakfast celebrating frontier photographer Evelyn Cameron and honoring 100 year-or-older working livestock ranches; the Stockmen’s Ball; a horse drawn parade down Main Street, including wagon trains; a ranch rodeo; and a street dance. There will also be a golf scramble, a variety of tours in the Miles City area, wonderful music performances, commemorative item auctions and great food!

“If you are not already a member, there has never been a better time to join,” Hougen said. “We are celebrating a great history of serving the cattle industry in Montana, and now members have about a 1 in 500 chance of winning a brand new Ford truck!”

For more information about the MSGA/Ford partnership, MSGA’s 125th Anniversary Celebration, or to find out how to become a member, please visit www.mtbeef.org or call (406) 442-3420.

2008 MSGA Convention Highlights

This year, despite sub-zero temperatures and terrible road conditions, 644 people attended the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s 124th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, Dec. 11-13. Below, please find some highlights from the convention:

-Tom Hougen of Melstone was elected the 59th President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association.

-Walter “Watty” Taylor of Busby was elected 1st Vice President. He previously served as 2nd Vice President from 2006-2008.

-Tucker Hughes of Stanford was elected 2nd Vice President. He served on the Board of Directors from the South Central District from 2004-2008.

-New Board of Directors:
Northeast District – Jeff Pattison of Glasgow
Southeast District – Dean Wang of Baker
South Central – Larry Berg of Judith Gap

-Wesley Batista president and CEO of JBS Swift, a division of JBS S.A., currently the world’s largest beef producer and exporter, was unable to attend the convention as planned due to a death in his family. Chandler Keys, vice president of government affairs for JBS Swift, filled in as the keynote speaker at the Opening General Session. He discussed the history of the Batista family and how they built up JBS S.A. from humble roots to being a global meatpacking powerhouse. Keys also described JBS’s business model and explained how the company has made inroads in global markets for both Brazilian and U.S. beef. Chandler fielded many questions from the audience and met with the media after his speech.

-Policy to guide MSGA officers and staff through 2009 was set in a process that began with committee meetings, progressed to the second reading and finished at the third reading. Notable new policies address livestock theft awareness, livestock biosecurity education, horse slaughter, the promotion of U.S. beef, bison reintroduction to the Chares M. Russell Wildlife Refuge, carbon sequestration, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks wolf kill projections, and the Clean Air Act.

-Chances to win a 12-inch fully tooled kid’s saddle, sponsored by Nutra Lix, Basin State Bank, Ruby Valley National Bank, and MSGA, were auctioned off at the Grand Finale Banquet to benefit MSGA’s Advocacy Fund. Harrison Land and Livestock was the original winner, and Mark and Patti Harrison donated the saddle back for one last auction. Tucker Hughes was lured into a bidding war with Bill Donald and Gene Curry and ended up with the saddle with a high bid of $4,800. Overall, $27,300 was raised for the Advocacy Fund which goes toward MSGA’s legislative efforts.

-In addition to being elected 2nd Vice President, serving as emcee of the Grand Finale Banquet on Saturday night, Dec. 13, and being the highest bidder for the kid’s saddle, Tucker Hughes was named MSGA’s “Top Hand” for recruiting 15 new members and won an all-expense trip to Mexico sponsored by Valley Bank of Helena.

-The Cattle Directory Priority Page auction raised $42,000.

-Donna Sitz-Arthun of Billings was named “Ranch Woman of the Year” at the Grand Finale Banquet.

-Chelsea Phipps of Brussett won the Nutra Lix saddle giveaway.

-Rochelle Brownlee of Big Timber won the Torgerson’s LLC lawnmower giveaway.

-Rachel Endecott of Miles City won the WALCO Animal Heath and Intervet /Schering-Plough Animal Health Young Stockgrower membership drawing.

-The Trade Show offered 100 booths with various products and services for convention attendees. On Friday night, the “Night around the Campfire” Trade Show Grand Opening offered four beef dinner stations, entertainment by the Ringling 5, and a silk scarf giveaway. Saturday night’s Trade Show Finale featured a poker run that drew a huge crowd.

– Plans are already underway for MSGA’s 125th Anniversary Celebration to be held in conjunction with MSGA’s mid-year meetings in Miles City, June 10-14, 2009. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting milestone event!