FWP looking for input on the future of wild bison in Montana

FWP – What is the future for wild bison in Montana? That’s the basic question at least one Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks biologist will wrestle with over the coming year. Arnold Dood, a 33-year FWP veteran, will crisscross the state to talk about bison with groups and communities.

“We’ll talk about bison and whether or not it makes sense to have a wild, free-ranging population somewhere in Montana,” Dood said. “Where can wild bison exist and be managed like wild deer, elk, or antelope?”

In addition to statewide presentations and discussions, FWP has created a way for others to offer opinions via an online survey. Results will help FWP design a scientific survey of randomly selected Montana households later this year.

“There are wild bison in other places,” said Dave Risley, administrator of FWP’s fish and wildlife division in Helena. “Bison have strong romantic and emotional ties to Western history. As the state agency responsible for Montana’s wildlife, we need to explore all alternatives for bison management.”

Presentations and discussions on the future of bison in Montana will be accommodated on request. FWP will also develop a schedule of presentations for various groups. To arrange for a presentation call Dood at 406- 994-6780.

For more information, or to take the online survey, visit FWP’s Web site at fwp.mt.gov. Click Bison Future. Or send an email to [email protected] .

MSGA seeking summer communications intern

The Montana Stockgrowers Association is looking for a junior, senior, or graduate student in journalism, communications, public relations or a related field for a 12-week internship this summer. MSGA is looking for someone to assist us in creating multimedia projects featuring ranchers discussing important issues they face on their ranches. The internship will take place May 24-August 13, 2010 (dates are flexible).

The primary duty will be to assist MSGA in creating multimedia projects that will be posted online to help educate the media, general public and legislators about the issues facing Montana’s family ranchers today. The intern will travel to ranches to interview ranchers on camera and will be required to prep interviewees, conduct the interview, shoot video, edit video and produce a one-minute clip to be uploaded on YouTube and shared on other social media sites. Multimedia efforts will be expected to include photographs and well-written articles that may be published in our monthly newsletter or on our blog.

Other duties will include working with the MSGA communications staff to enhance the organization’s social media outreach, including creating unique content for MSGA’s blog and Facebook page; issues research and message crafting; photography; reporting and writing; creation and organization of video b-roll; and providing assistance at MSGA’s summer Media

This internship is a great opportunity to practice the skills that are becoming more and more important in the fields of journalism, public relations and communications. It is also an opportunity to learn about family ranchers and the livestock industry in Montana. You will meet some fascinating people, research challenging and complex issues, and have the opportunity to
create memorable and lasting multimedia projects.

Applicant must meet the following required qualifications:
• Junior, senior or graduate student in journalism, communications, public relations or a
related field.
• Available for the entire 12‐week duration of the position.
• Experienced in video production/editing and conducting interviews.
• Excellent communication skills and the ability to build and maintain positive rapport
with interview subjects.
• Able to create multimedia stories including video, photographs and well‐written articles.
• Website and social media experience is not required but is a plus.

Compensation for the internship will be $5,000 for the 12-week period.

Please complete the application form and submit it no later than April 16, 2010.

Today’s Friday Video Update – MSGA’s Week in Review with Errol Rice

Errol Rice, MSGA’s executive vice president, talks about the Board of Livestock meeting, a letter to the Montana Attorney General about EPA’s greenhouse gas rule, and next week’s National Public Lands Council meeting in Washington, D.C., in this week’s Friday Video Update.

Highlights and notes from March Board of Livestock meeting

The Montana Board of Livestock (BOL) met March 15 & 16 in Helena. Two of the highlights of the meeting were a continuation of the discussion on a proposal for mandatory statewide official calfhood vaccination (OCV) for brucellosis, and a visit from Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock.

In February, the Department of Livestock (DOL) held several information gathering sessions across the state on the proposed OCV rule, Dr. Zaluski, Montana State Veterinarian, told the board. The proposal would require OCV for all sexually intact female cattle and bison not destined for slaughter. (The proposal is available here.) He said it seems there is almost universal agreement from ranchers across the state that Montana needs to vaccinate its breeding herd, but there is no agreement as to how to go about it. Board member Stan Boone said that ranchers’ concerns at the Miles City meeting, which he attended, were mostly economical. He said that he thought ranchers would be more likely to agree to mandatory OCV if it wouldn’t cost them anything. The board did not take any action on the proposal at this meeting. This issue will likely be voted on in May. Dr. Zaluski said that a “yes” vote in May will not mean implementation of the rule, it will simply be a vote to proceed on a second draft and allow more comment from ranchers.

Errol Rice, Executive Vice President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association, addressed the board during the producer organization updates on the OCV issue. He asked that the board consider the risk of brucellosis across the state before deciding whether mandatory statewide OCV is warranted.

Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock spoke to the board about the U.S. Department of Justice/U.S. Department of Agriculture Joint Workshop on Competition in Agriculture that he attended in Ankeny, Iowa on March 12. He said that competition in agriculture has been discussed many times in the past, with little or no action taken. However, this year, he said he feels confident it will be different. First, 800 farmers and ranchers attended the first meeting in Iowa, surprising the officials from both the USDA and the DOJ and demonstrating that the issue is important. Second, as he said Senator Grassley from Iowa pointed out, there has never before been this level of coordination between the USDA and the DOJ. (A press release from Bullock with his full testimony from this meeting is available here.)

Bullock also told the BOL that the MT AG’s office has a new consumer protection position relating to agriculture, which is held by Chuck Munson. Munson has been working hard on this issue both statewide and nationally.

Other board actions and notes:

-The board passed a motion to continue meeting with the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission.

-John Grainger, head of the DOL’s Brands Enforcement Division, said his division will be drafting a new grazing permit rule in the next weeks to clear up some confusions. The Board will review the new rule at their May meeting.

-The Legislative Audit Committee completed an audit of DOL’s brand rerecord system after a legislator proposed staggering rerecord throughout a ten year period instead of doing all 55,000 brands once every ten years. The board was presented with the report of the committee’s findings which included 10 recommendations to improve efficiency of the process, though it recommended that the Department continue with its current schedule. The board passed a motion for the staff to proceed in reviewing the audit and bringing a new rule for brands procedure to the May meeting.

-During public comment time on Monday, a rancher from Choteau County asked the Board to provide some assistance on resolving a conflict he and other neighbors are having with cattle trespassing on their property, tearing down fencing and destroying crops and hay. The local authorities were not dealing with the problem or following state law in the matter, the rancher said. After much discussion of jurisdictional authority—because Choteau County has its own Livestock Protection Association and the local brand inspector is employed by the county—the Board unanimously approved a motion that the state Brands Division investigate the matter.

-The BOL turns 125 years old this year. The Department is working on holding an event in Miles City on June 10. There was also talk of a potential tour of the Historical Society’s archives or a party for all past BOL members.

The BOL’s next meeting will be May 17 & 18 in Bozeman. The board will invite the new MSU president and possibly tour some of the bison operations outside of Yellowstone National Park.

MSGA asks MT AG to intervene in EPA GHG rule

The Montana Stockgrowers Association sent a letter to Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock today asking him to intervene independently or in support of current petitions challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recent greenhouse gas endangerment rule. The Montana Farm Bureau also joined MSGA in this request.

Due to probable legal challenges, literally thousands of Montana family ranchers would be compelled to comply with a new layer of bureaucracy and expense if this rule is enacted. The EPA says that it does not want to burden family ranchers but we fear that the rule in which they have authored to supposedly protect ranchers will not stand up to legal scrutiny. MSGA is concerned that by proceeding with these rules as they stand, the EPA is willfully exposing agriculture to new and costly requirements.

MSGA will continue to follow this important issue, which supports our mission “To protect and enhance the ability of Montana ranch families to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.”

MSGA offers two great scholarships to MSGA member students

This spring, MSGA is offering two great scholarships for MSGA member students.

For graduating high school seniors we have the Swede Schlesinger Scholarship worth $2,500. To be eligible for this scholarship students must be graduating from a Montana high school this year, be a member of MSGA, or have at least one parent who is a member, and demonstrate a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Applicants must complete the application form, include a copy of their current high school transcript, include three sealed letters of recommendation, and answer a series of essay questions. For the full details, click on the link above! Applications are due March 31.

For current college students, we have the MSGA Educational Heritage Scholarship worth $1,000. To be eligible, students must be currently enrolled in college and have completed at least one semester in college, be a member of MSGA, or have at least one parent who is a member, and demonstrate a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Applicants must complete the application form, include a copy of their current transcript, write a 500-word essay discussing their educational pursuits and what they hope to do with their education, and include two letters of recommendation. For more information, or to apply, click on the link above. Applications are due April 15.

If you are interested in these scholarships but are not currently a member of MSGA, join today! Student memberships start at just $20! Click here for more information!

MSGA President attends breakfast meeting with Ag Secretary Vilsack

On Saturday morning, March 6, MSGA President, Tom Hougen, along with leaders from other Montana agriculture groups and agencies met with Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack. Hougen had an opportunity to speak briefly and also presented a letter to the Secretary.

Hougen emphasized the need for more cooperation between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Interior to address brucellosis in the wildlife in and around Yellowstone National Park.

“I just stressed that Montana ranchers have done everything they can do to keep brucellosis out of their herds, now we need to get it out of wildlife,” Hougen said after the meeting.

In Hougen’s letter to Vilsack, he asked that USDA develop an action plan for brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Area that includes: (1) creating a new, full-time GYA leadership position to be held by a veterinarian experienced with brucellosis who will work to create partnerships and coordinate efforts, and be the “go-to” resource person for the issue; (2) developing a strategic plan for moving forward with addressing the issue of mitigation strategies, eventual elimination of brucellosis from the GYA and research regarding brucellosis in the GYA; (3) developing appropriate MOUs with all involved entities, including wildlife authorities; and (4) clarifying federal funding support for mitigation strategies and other activities.

Hougen said that many of the leaders of agriculture groups commented on brucellosis and that the Secretary seemed to be taking notes on the comments.

“I think he did get an earful that brucellosis is a big concern in the state of Montana and that we need to address the wildlife side of it,” Hougen said.

Hougen’s letter also discussed the proposed use of eminent domain to obtain access to Forest Service lands through private property. Specifically, Hougen referenced the Cherry Creek Road dispute in South Central Montana.

USDA’s use of eminent domain puts our ranch families at a big disadvantage, and as an alternative, we ask that USDA instead seek to provide public recreational access through a voluntary and willing seller,” the letter stated. “In the event this is not possible, USDA should identify and use routes that exclusively cross public lands from existing public roads or trails on those public lands, and avoid impacting private lands and private land values for perceived public good.”

Hougen said that Secretary Vilsack opened up the meeting with a few comments about his concerns for American agriculture and that his biggest concern was the decline of rural America.

“I gathered from his comments that he felt the government needed to help rural communities stay viable to keep food on the table for our nation,” Hougen said.

Hougen said he was impressed by the Secretary’s comments and by how well he seemed to listen to the comments that were made.

Animal Welfare & MT Livestock Nutrition Conference

MSGA is very excited to sponsor this year’s Montana Livestock and Nutrition Conference on April 6th and 7th. The focus will be on animal welfare. In my travels, animal welfare is the biggest question I get from people around the country who are not involved in ranching. MSGA is working hard to bring meaningful messaging to this topic for our ranchers.

The following comments by Dave Daley who is an Associate Dean at Chico State provides some interesting approaches to dealing with this issue.

How to lose the argument on animal welfare…Top 10 reasons
D. A. Daley, PhD – CSU, Chico

1.Assuming science will give us all the answers; it only gives us some of the answers. I believe strongly in science but science doesn’t solve ethical questions. Also, the public does not trust scientists and assumes they can be bought! Watch the news and it is easy to find “scientists” on both sides of almost every issue. It has become a contest of “my science is better than your science”.

2.Using economics as the justification for all of our practices. Although it makes sense to those of us who raise animals for a living, saying “well of course we treat them well or we won’t make money” really hurts our efforts with the public. In other words, if this is all about making money rather than working with animals we would probably be in another line of work! We need to convince the public that we truly care about animals not just about dollars. Besides that, it is not always true. You can have extreme conditions that are not good for animals that can be profitable.

3.Assuming that you have to defend all agricultural practices, regardless of what they are. Why? I believe you defend those that are defensible. Period. Defending all practices makes no sense and causes you to lose credibility with the public.

4.Assuming we can’t do better at animal welfare. Agriculture is about evolving practices. Why can’t we continue to improve a system that is already good but will continue to change?

5.Attacking everyone who disagrees with you in a negative, critical manner. We get angry very easily and that generally means we aren’t comfortable with what we are doing, so we have to defend at the top of our lungs.

6.Not being willing to listen because we are so busy responding.

7.Assuming that the lunatic fringe is the general public. We spend way to much time focusing on lunatics and not working with the public.

8.Being reactive rather than proactive.

9.Assuming that because someone disagrees with you they are stupid, evil or both. Good people can look at the same issue differently.

10.Not working hard enough to build coalitions that include the public (consumers), Most of our coalition efforts are focused on bringing agricultural groups together. There aren’t enough of us, and we don’t represent enough votes.

11.Bonus – Criticizing/mocking any animal production system that is not “conventional”. There is room in agriculture for lots of different methods of production. Let the market determine their success rather than hoping for them to fail.

12.Bonus -Trying to lead a parade without seeing if anyone is following…..Have you asked producers about the issue? I have surveyed over 200 cattlemen in three locations and 90%+ of them say “animals have the RIGHT to be treated humanely and ethically”!

Livestock, nutrition conference to “reclaim high ground” for ag

MSU News Service – This year’s Montana Livestock Forum and Nutrition Conference will address misinformation, innuendo and anti-meat agendas that have plagued the agriculture industry in the past year, said organizer and Extension Beef Specialist John Paterson at Montana State University.

The conference, titled “Challenge for Agriculture: Reclaiming the High Ground,” will be held April 6 and 7 in the ballrooms of the Strand Union Building on the MSU campus. That is a change in location from previous years.

“It is no secret that animal agriculture has been under attack by organizations that want to change the way that livestock producers raise and care for animals,” Paterson said. “… We must become better informed.”

Speakers will discuss a variety of topics, including “Taking Back Agriculture for the Beef Industry” and “The Science and Politics of Animal Welfare.” The keynote speaker, who will address animal welfare, is Janice Swanson, director of the Animal Behavior and Welfare Group at Michigan State University. Her lecture is funded by a new endowment created by Paul and Barb Grieco with the MSU Foundation. Paul Grieco is a professor in MSU’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

In other presentations, MSU economist Gary Brester and Butch Bratsky from Stockman Bank will predict calf prices. Mark Petersen, the new research leader at Fort Keogh, will discuss protein supplementation, while another nationally known scientist, Bret Hess, will discuss fat supplementation. Mac White, a rancher from Two Dot, will give his perspective on the true costs of feeding hay during the winter.

The cost to attend both days of the conference is $70. The price for attending one day only is $50 for Tuesday and $25 for Wednesday. Parking permits are required on the MSU campus. They cost $2.50 per day.

To register, call (406) 994-3414, send an e-mail to [email protected] or mail a check to Anita Gray, 221 Linfield Hall, MSU, P.O. Box 172820, Bozeman, MT 59717.

The conference schedule is:

Tuesday, April 6:
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. — Registration.
12:30 p.m. — Welcome. Dave Whittington, Montana Feed Association.
12:40 p.m. — Comments by MSU President Waded Cruzado.
1 p.m. — Taking Back Agriculture for the Beef Industry. Charlene Rich of the Montana Beef Council and Jackie Matsen of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.
2 p.m. — Windshields and Rearview Mirrors. Tom Field, NCBA.
3 p.m. — Break
3:30 p.m. — Deja vu All Over Again. The 2010 Cattle Price Outlook. Gary Brester, MSU.
4:30 p.m. — Outlook for 2010 Montana Cattle Industry. Butch Bratsky, Stockman Financial Corporation.
5:30 p.m. — Social.
6:15 p.m. — Dinner.
7 p.m. — Scholarship Presentations. Keynote Address on The Science and Politics of Animal Welfare. Janice Swanson, Michigan State University.

Wednesday, April 7:
7 a.m. — Poster judging. Pat Hatfield of MSU.
8 a.m. — Thoughts on Strategic Protein Supplementation. Mark Petersen, Fort Koegh.
9 a.m. — Winter Hay Management. Mac White of Two Dot.
9:30 a.m. — Fat Supplementation of Beef Cattle. Brett Hess, University of Wyoming.
10:30 a.m. — Poster presentation results. Pat Hatfield.
10:45 to 11 .m. — Questions, comments and closing remarks. John Paterson, MSU.

MSGA nominates Malta-area Ranchers Stewardship Alliance for Environmental Stewardship Award

Helena, Mont. – The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) recently nominated the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance (RSA) in Malta, Mont. for the 2010 regional and national Environmental Stewardship Award, sponsored by Dow AgroSciences, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, and the National Cattlemen’s Foundation. This annual award recognizes the outstanding stewardship practices and conservation achievements of cattle ranchers across the nation. Award winners have been commended for their commitment to protecting the environment and improving fish and wildlife habitats while operating profitable cattle ranches.

“We are very proud and excited to nominate RSA for this prestigious award,” said Tom Hougen, president of the Montana Stockgrowers Association. “RSA ranchers exemplify the best of ranching. They are excellent stewards of the land and animals under their care, and contribute greatly to the economy and culture of their local area. Plus, RSA, as a group, has become a strong and trusted leader through its willingness and ability to reach out to diverse interests to find common ground in implementing the conservation goals shared by ranchers and conservationists alike.”

RSA is a non-profit group of about three dozen ranching families who have joined together to find solutions to some of the most vexing land use dilemmas facing our country today. The ranchers of RSA steward nearly one million acres in Phillips County, Mont., an area that has been heralded by international conservation biologists as a model of land care and condition. Numerous wildlife species that are struggling elsewhere thrive on these ranchlands. Sage grouse, black-tailed prairie dogs, black-footed ferrets, burrowing and short-eared owls, mountain plovers, and long-billed curlews are among hundreds of species that call RSA’s ranches home.

RSA first began meeting in 2003 to address endangered species issues, and since then, the group has shown that ranchers are the most cost-effective and time-proven conservationists by implementing on-the-ground conservation swiftly throughout the area. RSA has been able to do this by forging unique partnerships that draw on the strengths and knowledge of both the ranching and environmental communities.

“The on-the-ground stewardship of RSA’s ranching families is impressive and progressive enough on its own merits,” Hougen said. “What stands out most to me, though, is the way RSA has brought neighbors together, both ranchers and conservationists, and the way they work with, not against, others who have an interest in the continued stewardship of the prairie that has been under ranchers’ care for more than a century.”

RSA was named winner of the 2010 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award during MSGA’s 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the MetraPark in Billings, Mont. in December. The Montana Environmental Stewardship Award is sponsored by MSGA with support from the Montana Beef Council. RSA is the 17th winner in the history of the award and the first group to be honored.

“No group has ever received the national award,” Hougen said. “But MSGA felt strongly that this group exemplifies a passion for the land, and a commitment to teamwork and collaboration to achieve shared goals, that sets a great example for the rest of us. We feel that it is time to honor groups like RSA, not just for their on-the-ground stewardship, but also for their efforts to bridge the gap between ranchers and conservationists to find solutions to even the most difficult of natural resource issues.”

Regional winners of the Environmental Stewardship Award will be notified in April with a public announcement to follow in July. The national winner will be announced at the 2011 Cattle Industry Convention in Denver.

Click here to learn more about the Montana Environmental Stewardship Award and see RSA’s application for the national award. For more information on the national Environmental Stewardship Award Program, click here. Learn more about RSA here.