Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg Testifies Against NREPA

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Public Lands Council and the Montana Association of State Grazing Districts all have been in opposition to The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act, proposed in 2007 and again in 2009. Representing livestock producers, who make a living on operations of combined private, state and federal lands, we know this means fewer livestock in these designated areas. This piece of legislation, introduced by Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY),most recently on May 5th, would designate nearly 7 million acres of public land in Montana as wilderness. The livestock industry in Montana takes exception to this type of wilderness designation from a Representative that has never even set foot in our state.

Our organizations have historically supported the multiple use of public lands, but the designation of additional wilderness eliminates many multiple uses and will seriously curtail others, such as livestock grazing.

We support Congressman Rehberg’s statement, “This approach may work in Manhattan, New York, but it doesn’t work in Manhattan, Montana.” Any effort of this magnitude needs to be developed from the ground up. It is Montanans that know what is best for Montana.

Thank you, Congressman Rehberg, for your efforts in opposing The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act.

Cattle Theft Bill Becomes Law

On April 28, 2009, Senate Bill 214, better known as the Cattle Theft Bill, became law. This bill set a minimum fine of not less than $5,000 or more than $50,000 for a person convicted of the theft of any commonly domesticated hoofed animal. This bill also allowed for a prison term not to exceed 10 years, or if deferred, the court shall order the offender to perform 416 hours of community service during a 1-year period, in the offender’s county of residence. In addition to the fine and imprisonment, the offender’s property is subject to criminal forfeiture pursuant.

This bill was the result of policy started at the local level from the Carter County Sheep and Cattle Growers, vetted through the MSGA policy process and finally through the Montana legislative session. This is a great example of the effective policy process MSGA has in place to address issues in our industry.
During the Session, this bill did face some real challenges and was met with some real opposition, with many thinking the penalties were too steep. MSGA took the lead on the bill, found acceptable compromises on the fine amounts and seizure of property and worked with both chambers to pass this legislation.
Many legislators did not realize the cattle theft is continuing occurrence in our industry. MSGA worked during the session to highlight some of the more recent cases in Poplar and Carter County to make our case. In the end, the point was made to the seriousness of this crime and Senate Bill 214 was passed into law.

Ranchers Have Been Paying for Conservation

In today’s Bozeman Daily Chronicle an opinion was published by a Belgrade, MT resident titled, “Everyone must be required to pay for conservation.” Essentially, the opinion was of the nature that the legislature did not devote enough money for the conservation of nongame wildlife. Perhaps that is true but the letter struct a deeper message with me. I extracted a message from the letter that suggested that conservation is only funded by anglers and sportsmen and that the general public should have to pay more.

Ranchers, who are tax paying members of the general public seem to rarely get a fair shake in the eyes of the environemental, conservation and sporting community for doing good conservation work. Media outlets like the Bozeman Daily Chronicle who often print opinions like the aforemention one will rarely recognize or report on the stewardship successes of ranching. As a result, the general public has a limited understanding of what ranchers do that is healthy for the land and the ecosystems which inhabit the Montana landscape. Ranchers are managing 65.2 percent of Montana’s agriculture land. Out of a total of 61.3 million acres. If the lands are not managed properly then the ranchers cannot sustain. Here are two examples of what the ranching and livestock community are doing to pursue good conservation. Visit and I hope media outlets like the Bozeman Daily Chronicle can begin to research sites like these and write positive stories about the ranchers being good stewards to the land and working to protect the non game species that inhabit the land. Ranchers are already paying for this conservation on their own with very little media recognition.

Grazing a major threat to wildlife on Western public lands?

Last week the WildEarth Guardians, a group that “protects and restores the wildlife, wild places and wild rivers of the American West” sent out a press release detailing the results of its recent report “Western Wildlife Under Hoof.” The report claims that “incessant, ubiquitous public lands livestock grazing has contributed to the decline of native wildlife” and “public lands grazing continues within the much reduced current ranges of these species, complicating their recovery and in some cases, threatening them with extinction.” The report also claims that “There is a greater economic value in non-consumptive uses of public land — hunting, fishing, birdwatching, hiking, camping — than livestock grazing.” Check out the press release below and click on the link at the end to view the entire report. Post a comment here if you would like to chime in on this report.

New Report Finds Western Public Lands Grazing as a Major Threat to Wildlife Geographical Analysis Depicts Extensive Grazing in Wildlife Habitat

Date: 4/30/2009
Press Release Author: WildEarth Guardians
Contact: WildEarth Guardians (505) 988-9126
Email: [email protected]
Additional Contact: Mark Salvo, WildEarth Guardians, (503) 757-4221

SANTA FE, N.M. – Dozens of species of wildlife, ranging from wolves to the Sonoran Desert tortoise, are threatened by public lands livestock grazing in the West, according to a report released today by WildEarth Guardians. The report, Western Wildlife Under Hoof, documents, for the first time, the expansive overlap between federal grazing allotments and distribution of iconic species in the region.

Livestock grazing is permitted on approximately 80 percent of public land in the historic range of numerous native trout, more than 75 percent of the historic range for four prairie dog species, 84 percent of the current range of the Gunnison sage-grouse and 91 percent of the current range of greater sage-grouse, according the geographical analysis. The direct and indirect effects of livestock grazing, amplified by its ubiquitousness, are a threat to each of these species.

“It’s confirmed: public lands grazing is permitted all over the West, and it’s nearly impossible for displaced wildlife to escape the impacts of domestic livestock production,” said Mark Salvo, WildEarth Guardians’ grazing program specialist and author of the report.

WildEarth Guardians conducted the analysis by overlaying its comprehensive Geographic Information System data of active grazing allotments with current and historic range of selected focal species. The report confirms that millions of cattle, sheep, goats and horses are permitted to graze approximately 260 million acres of public lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, significantly degrading wildlife habitat—even for far-ranging species.

The analysis found a high potential for conflict between livestock grazing and large carnivores such as wolves, given that ranchers often call for wolves to be killed where conflicts with livestock grazing occur. Almost 2,600 grazing allotments covering more than 19 million acres of public land are located in estimated gray wolf current range in the northern Rocky Mountains, while 82 percent of the Mexican gray wolf recovery area in the Southwest is on public land permitted for livestock grazing.

The report also analyzed the overlap between active grazing allotments and current, historic and/or potential range of northern aplomado falcon and lesser prairie chicken in New Mexico; Columbian sharp-tailed grouse; Mexican spotted owl; Chiricahua leopard frog and jaguar.

“The species included in our report are representative of the hundreds of wildlife species that are threatened by public lands grazing on our forests, grasslands, and deserts in the West,” said Salvo.

To counter the effects of public lands livestock grazing, WildEarth Guardians and partners are working to protect imperiled species under the Endangered Species Act and institute voluntary grazing permit retirement programs to reduce grazing conflicts on public land. Conservationists hope that listing wildlife and encouraging voluntary grazing permit retirement will help recover declining species and restore ecosystems.

“Voluntary grazing permit retirement will become an increasingly important tool for managing grazing conflicts on western public lands,” Salvo commented.

View the Western Wildlife Under Hoof report here or contact Mark Salvo at [email protected].

Schweitzer Vetoes Coal Bed Water Measure

Governor Schweitzer was quick on the draw with his veto pen this week and struck down HB 575. The bill sponsored by Represenative Bill McChesney, a Democrat from Miles City was designed to revise water laws in Montana relating to coal bed methane water use. Currently, as a result of litigation ranchers cannot be permitted to use coal bed methane water for watering their livestock. Nor can ranchers use the water for any other beneficial use.

Many ranchers from southeastern Montana came to Helena to testify in favor of the measure. They said the use of this water could make a positive difference in the productivity of their ranches and their livestock. The water is already permitted to discharge into rivers and holding ponds but it would not be allowed for watering cattle. From a livestock watering perspective this bill made sense!

Brucellosis Action Plan to take effect May 15; testing may be required in seven counties

MDOL – The Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) today announced it expects its Brucellosis Action Plan to be implemented by May 15. Designed to support the marketability of Montana cattle and enhance the state’s prospects for regaining brucellosis-free status, the plan will primarily affect livestock producers in a seven-county area surrounding Yellowstone National Park.

“Starting on May 15, producers in the seven counties around Yellowstone Park may be required to test their cattle for brucellosis, and those producers who want to sell or move cattle to a county outside that area will be required to test,” said Dr. Marty Zaluski, state veterinarian.

Zaluski emphasized that the state Legislature approved funding to support costs of the action plan, which will help offset the burden on producers. The seven counties designated for increased surveillance by the Brucellosis Action Plan (BAP), identified in the plan as “Area 1,” are Beaverhead, Carbon, Gallatin, Madison, Park, Stillwater and Sweetgrass counties.

The BAP will require producers in Area 1 to complete a risk survey that the department will use to prioritize testing requirements, Zaluski explained. He said the department will then follow up with a letter to each producer to clarify his or her specific testing requirements. In addition, he said the plan will require testing of all cattle 12 months of age and older going to market or sold to another producer, and cattle moving to a county outside the targeted area.

“We want to assure both in-state and out-of-state cattle buyers, along with officials from other states, that we are doing all we can to reduce the risks of brucellosis,” Zaluski said. “These extra testing requirements are an important part of our strategy to preserve the marketability of Montana cattle as we work to regain our brucellosis-free status.”

The tests will be evaluated at the department’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, typically with a one-day turn-around time, he said. The seven counties were identified as increased-risk because the only known source of brucellosis comes from Yellowstone National Park’s bison and free-ranging elk in the Greater Yellowstone Area.

The BAP will remain in effect for six months after Montana regains its brucellosis-free status, Zaluski said. The department plans to apply for Class Free status on May 27, and hopes for a favorable decision from USDA on its application soon thereafter.

More information about the BAP, including answers to “Frequently Asked Questions,” is available at the agency’s website at

New web service offered to help control game damage – Recently, a Montana company launched a free online service for Montana farmers and ranchers experiencing game damage problems. is a new web service aimed directly at excessive numbers of wildlife damaging croplands and haystacks. The website is simple, easy to use, and loads quickly on rural dialup internet connections.

Currently, the only recourse landowners have to control wildlife is to open their land to public hunting, either through the FWP Block Management program, or through a self managed system. Both methods have their drawbacks. Most hunters are looking to harvest bucks and bulls while farmers and ranchers need to harvest does and cows. Therein lies the rub. offers a novel solution: matching hunters willing and even eager to harvest female wildlife with landowners suffering crop damage. The website works by first registering a landowner’s contact info in a secure, password protected database. The landowner then enrolls their land parcels in the database according to hunting districts and species available.

Beginning May 1, 2009, doe/cow hunters will be able to view the number of acres enrolled in their hunting districts. If enough acres have been enrolled to interest them, hunters may then proceed to register and purchase a listing in the hunter database. Hunters will choose districts or regions and species for which they have doe/cow tags. A profile page may be filled out with a picture and info describing themselves to landowners.

Prior to the hunting season, landowners will be reminded to return to the website and begin inviting hunters who have registered in their districts. Invitations will be generated through the website, protecting the identity of both parties. Once an invitation has been accepted the website has done its job for both the landowner and the hunter. Hunters get tasty backstraps while helping out a local farmer or rancher with their crop damage problems. is owned and operated by Carl and Patti Lee of Belgrade, Montana. Carl is a lifelong hunter and 20 year Montana resident. Patti is a 5th generation Montanan with homesteader roots in the Sweetgrass Hills (Tomshek family) and Brockway (Haglund Ranch) areas.

Landowners interested in this concept of wildlife control are invited to visit the website to learn more and enroll their properties. Areas with more land enrolled will attract more hunters for landowners to choose from when setting up their own doe/cow hunts.

Working Stock Dog Clinic to be held in Belgrade May 22-24

May 22-24, Rose Cattle Company and Circle L Arena in Belgrade will present a Working Stock Dog Clinic with Elvin Kopp of That’ll Do Ranch. The class will start on Friday at 3 p.m. and run until 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, classes will be hands-on in the arena from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Participant fee is $350 for all three days and a half price fee is available to audit the class. For more information, or to register, please contact John Rose at (406) 285-6849 or (406) 580-6849. Class size is limited, please call early.

Range Riders orientation camp set for May 28-30 in Cameron

Press Release from Keystone Conservation

Range Riders: Supporting the Coexistence of Wolves and Livestock

Bozeman – “How can increasing wolf populations and successful livestock operations coexist?” This is the question to be posed at a three-day workshop scheduled for late May. The Madison Valley Ranchlands Group and Keystone Conservation are offering a forum for sharing information about ranching near wolves and an orientation to range riding for livestock producers and riders. By gathering people raising livestock near wolves and biologists intent on making coexistence work, the orientation offers the chance to gain insight into wolf/livestock interactions and share experience on successful (and unsuccessful) practices.

Wolves represent a major new challenge to livestock production in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. In an attempt to reduce conflict between wolves and livestock, the Antelope Basin Range Riders program began in 2004, as a collaborative effort of the Madison Valley Ranchlands Group and Keystone Conservation. Each summer, Range Riders Jim and Marilyn Powers patrol 35,000 acres of public land in Antelope Basin, near Henry’s Lake on the Montana/Idaho border. The Riders pursue the task of keeping wolves and cattle apart through a combination of vigilant observation, tracking, herding, and non-lethal hazing techniques. They have shown exceptional skill at their work. Very few cattle or wolves have been lost during their tenure, despite growing numbers of wolves. This camp will provide an opportunity for others to learn from their vast experience, as well as a forum for a wide variety of participants to share their expertise.

The Range Riders Orientation Camp will take place on May 28-30, 2009, at the Wall Creek Wildlife Management Area, south of Cameron, Montana. The program will include time afield alongside Range Riders Jim and Marilyn Powers, as well as in-camp presentation and discussion sessions devoted to understanding wolf ecology and the variety of tools and practices that can be applied to reduce wolflivestock conflict. For more information, livestock producers or riders interested in attending the orientation camp should contact Cecily Costello, Keystone Conservation, 406-284-3477, [email protected] or Lane Adamson, Madison Valley Ranchlands Group, 406-682-3259, [email protected].

About the Madison Valley Ranchlands Group
The Madison Valley Ranchlands Group works to protect the ranching way of life and the biologically healthy open spaces on which ranching depends. See

About Keystone Conservation
Keystone Conservation has worked to protect and restore native predators and their habitats in the Northern Rockies since 1991. Keystone Conservation pioneers innovative solutions that help people and wildlife coexist. See

MSGA excited to announce partnership with Montana Ford Dealers; members will have chance to win brand new Ford F-150 truck!

Today the Montana Stockgrowers Association announced its exciting new partnership with Montana Ford Dealers, designating Ford “The Official Truck of the Montana Stockgrowers Association.”

“We are so thrilled to have partnered with Ford,” said Tom Hougen, MSGA president. “Ranchers rely on quality, dependable trucks that can hold up to the demands of a working ranch. Ford trucks have a rich history and a strong reputation with ranchers, so we think this is going to be a great program for our members.”

One lucky MSGA member will drive home with full ownership of a 2009 Ford F-150 truck at MSGA’s annual convention in Billings, December 10-12. Must be current MSGA member and present at the Grand Finale Banquet to win.

MSGA is also kicking off its “Spring Membership Roundup.” In honor of MSGA’s 125th anniversary this year, MSGA is offering a special new membership for $125. MSGA will celebrate its 125th anniversary June 10-13 in Miles City. Planned events include a joint anniversary party with the Miles City Club, complete with a traditional pork dinner, period dress and a mustache/beard contest; a breakfast celebrating frontier photographer Evelyn Cameron and honoring 100 year-or-older working livestock ranches; the Stockmen’s Ball; a horse drawn parade down Main Street, including wagon trains; a ranch rodeo; and a street dance. There will also be a golf scramble, a variety of tours in the Miles City area, wonderful music performances, commemorative item auctions and great food!

“If you are not already a member, there has never been a better time to join,” Hougen said. “We are celebrating a great history of serving the cattle industry in Montana, and now members have about a 1 in 500 chance of winning a brand new Ford truck!”

For more information about the MSGA/Ford partnership, MSGA’s 125th Anniversary Celebration, or to find out how to become a member, please visit or call (406) 442-3420.