Young Stockgrower Visits King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management

Todd Inglee Ralston Valley Beef King ranch headquartersBy Travis Brown, Sand Springs, Young Stockgrowers Vice-Chair

What an exciting time to be involved in this industry! Record high calf prices, strong demand, an expanding cow herd, and good moisture across much of the United States has made this an electrifying time in our business. I am also very encouraged by the young leaders who are looking at beef production as a great way to make a good living.

I had the opportunity last week to travel to Kingsville, TX and attend the John B. Armstrong Systems Thinking Lectureship put on by the King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management. It was a great chance to think through some of the micro- and macro-economic issues facing the beef industry ranging from questions about defining sustainability, endangered species protection, water usage, beef promotion, and production challenges. Throughout the intensive 4-day lectureship we discussed, and admired these issues hoping to begin to understand them better.

It was a humbling feeling to be surrounded by young, innovative, progressive thinkers who all have a vested interest in all of our future. The teacher of the lectureship, Michael Goodman, helped us to understand how the structure of our business or industry creates the results that it does. How we can make a long-term improvement on our ranch, or in our state Capitol that will make a lasting difference on the real problems we are facing. In out instant gratification society, it is often easy to look for the “quick fix” which may have unintended consequences to the long-term solution.

King ranch lectureshipOne of the highlights of the trip was having the chance to go on a private tour with Vice President & General Manager of the King Ranch, Dave DeLaney to get a look at where they brand the famous Running W. For over 150 years, they have run cattle in South Texas, between Corpus Christi and Brownsville. There is an incredible amount of history on this storied ranch, and an exciting future.

I could not help but be excited for what is in store for our own Young Stockgrowers. We have the upcoming Cattle Crawl, giving us a chance to interact with our consumers and show them what a great tasting, healthy, and environmentally friendly product we are proud to produce. We also have our biannual Calling on the Capitol coming up where we will have a real opportunity to interact with our legislators to make a difference on the issues facing our industry here in Montana. Our annual convention coming up in December will help us to set the policy of Montana Stockgrowers, to ensure that we have a united voice within our industry to institute positive change on the state and national level.

Registration Opens for 2014 Young Ag Leadership Conference!

YALC Young Ag Leadership Conference MontanaRegistration is now open for the eleventh annual Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC)! This exciting, one-of-a-kind conference is set to take place October 3-5 at the Holiday Inn in Bozeman, MT. YALC is a collaborative effort between nine of Montana’s agricultural organizations, offering attendees a chance to discuss current ag issues, take part in various workshops, meet with industry leaders and network with fellow young people who live Montana agriculture.

Anyone aged 18-40 and interested or involved in agriculture is encouraged to attend. The conference is put together by a committee of representatives from each of the following: Montana Agri-Business Association, Montana Cattlemen’s Association, Montana 4-H Foundation, Montana FFA Foundation, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, Montana Farmers Union, Montana Grain Growers Association, Montana State University College of Agriculture, and the Montana Stockgrowers Association.

The weekend kicks off on Friday with never-before-offered industry tours! This optional excursion will depart the hotel at 1PM and return in time to join the rest of the incoming attendees for the social at 6 PM. Friday evening offers “Dinner and a Movie” to get participants ready for Saturday’s full schedule of workshops, discussion groups and networking opportunities.

During Saturday’s breakfast, Matt Rush will wake everyone up with his keynote, “There is a Snake in My Bumper!” Participants will then choose from an expanded slate of workshop topics including everything from using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) on your operation to water rights and what employers look for during the interviewing process. Back by popular demand, we are excited to have Dr. John Paterson of NCBA talk about opportunities available for young producers in today’s cattle market, as well as other leadership development and industry-important topics on our agenda. Saturday’s luncheon will feature an insightful and entertaining talk called “Estate Planning is Easy…If You Have a Time Machine” by Debra Conroy of Fairfield & Woods, P.C., which will be followed up with more workshops and the always well-liked discussion groups. This year’s topics highlight two important themes facing young ag producers today: Ag Issues at a Glance, a lively discussion highlighting the current issues affecting today’s agricultural industry; and Local Food Co-ops, buying local is all the rage, but where does conventional farming fit in and how can these two industries work together?

Saturday will wrap up with supper and a good old-fashioned barn dance but the event doesn’t conclude until we hear “The Impact of One” from Janice Person, Online Engagement Entrepreneur for Monsanto Company on Sunday morning.

The cost of registration is only $25 for the entire conference, with all meals provided. After the pre-registration date of September 26, fees increase to $35. To register, go to or contact Mariah Baumann Shammel at (406) 462-5639 or [email protected].

NILE Merit Heifer Applications Now Online!

nile merit heifer programThe Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) is once again taking applications for participants in the 2014 – 2015 NILE Merit Heifer Program.  The Merit Heifer program is a “live animal” scholarship that strives to help youth get a start in the beef cattle business by awarding heifer calves to participants chosen based on merit, future goals, and ability to care for the animal. Any youth ages 12-16, who is a 4-H or FFA member, may apply.

Applications must be postmarked no later than September 15.  An application is available online at or by calling the NILE office.

During the program duration, participants are responsible for raising the heifer, arranging for her to be bred, completing the record keeping procedure and bringing the animal back one year later as a bred replacement heifer for exhibit at the NILE Stock Show.

Bill Pelton, Merit Heifer Chairman, says, “This program would not be possible without the generous support of our donor ranchers and we are very grateful to them.”  This year the NILE will select twenty-five recipients and match them up with donors from across the region.  In addition to application from eligible recipients, the NILE is also taking applications from ranches wishing to participate through the donation of a heifer calf.

All application must be postmarked by September 15, 2014.  For more information and applications regarding the Merit Heifer Program, please go to: or call the NILE office at 406.256.2495.

Montana Young Stockgrower Spends Summer Down Under

Written by Kelsey Haughian

Kelsey in the lead of 500 weaner calves to trail across the river.

Kelsey in the lead of 500 weaner calves to trail across the river.

Gidday all! I am Kelsey Haughian, a senior animal science student at Montana State University, who has recently returned to Montana after 3 months on a remote cattle station in South Central Queensland, Australia. I was asked to give a little break down of my internship and experience down under!

I interned with Australian Agriculture Company (AACo), a company that is on its way to becoming fully integrated in the beef industry (from breeding/genetics to feedlots to slaughter facilities). AACo owns about 600,000 cattle across wide areas of Australia‘s Queensland and Northern Territory. The property I was at, Wylarah Station, is the breeding and genetics base for AACo. They operate on 30,300 hectares (about 117 sections) with a carrying capacity of 7,000 head on 550mm (22 inches) of rain a year.

Trailing 700 Wagyu cows in the dust to the next paddock.

Trailing 700 Wagyu cows in the dust to the next paddock.

I had the opportunity to work with the world’s largest herd of Wagyu cattle as well as elite Brahman/Santa Gertrudis/Bonsmara/Senepol/Charolais composite herds owned by AACo. The Wagyu stud herd (female sires) are now the largest herd of Wagyu in the world and produce offspring for AACo’s branded beef product that is sold mostly to Japan. This beef is very unique as the feeder cattle are on feed anywhere from 400 to 700 days! This length of time is for adequate marbling and growth time for the best quality of Wagyu. These cattle are fattened at one of the company’s feedlots (I had the opportunity to visit it during my stay and it is quite impressive!). At my station (Aussie term for ranch), we had about 2,000 Wagyu studs that were monitored like any registered herd in the US ­ records on performance are highly extensive!

The elite Composite herds at the station have been closely monitored for economically important traits (high fertility, adaptability, fast growth, feed conversion efficiency, as well as carcass traits) to increase efficiency and productivity of the company. My station provides the base genetics of Composites for the larger stations in the northern region of Australia, including bulls and replacement heifers to keep optimal levels of each breed within the Composite breeds itself.

Kelsey at the backgrounding paddocks with "re-hydrating" bullocks in the background.

Kelsey at the backgrounding paddocks with “re-hydrating” bullocks in the background.

One of the most unique aspects of the my internship was the actual handling of cattle. As is well known, cattle have distinct flight zones, and a good grasp on these zones makes for easier, more efficient processing/gathering/etc. Wylarah hires a contractor who specializes in “breaking” cattle; “teaching” them to work with people, horses, and dogs as well as process through yards (known as corrals to us!). The contractor works with the newly weaned calves for a couple weeks. The idea behind this “breaking” is to increase efficiency and decrease stress. If the cattle are relaxed and stress free, performance is increased. It is also used on the genetic side; to cull the flighty and keep the calm cattle, which is important with the large scale of the company. The low stress handling was a constant learning experience for me; the cattle work for you, you don’t work for them. I will miss mustering(also known as gathering) with a couple packs of dogs!

Looking out over the bush at the far end of the station.

Looking out over the bush at the far end of the station.

I can’t say enough how exhilarating this “holiday” was for me! The personal growth and cultural experience was just as beneficial as the livestock experience. I can’t express how thankful I am to the Wylarah Station staff who accepted me as one of the “family.” This internship would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the financial assistance from scholarships, grants, and family. MSU’s Exc.e.ed Grant helped tremendously with airfare and transportation; I am very appreciative to receive their financial assistance to fulfill a life long dream. I have so many stories and experiences to share, so feel free to contact me with questions!

Call it an internship, working holiday, or an experience of a lifetime…either way, I had the most amazing opportunity in Australia on a working cattle station!

Advocacy and Involvement Important For Young Stockgrowers

Lacey SutherlinBy Lacey Sutherlin, Stevensville, Young Stockgrowers Chair

Greetings from the Beautiful Bitterroot Valley! I just finished our annual board meetings at ORIgen last week. And it has been an exciting year in cattle genetics thus far. Semen sales are up substantially in 2014. We are tending to see in an increase in sales to commercial customers verse registered due to many people keeping replacement heifers.

While in Billings, I also attended part of the Northern June Video sale. It was exciting to see all the smiles on the producers faces that evening at dinner as many of them had sold their calves for record setting prices earlier that day. It was also mentioned that it was the first Northern Video Sale that every single lot that day sold; they did not have any no-sales recorded that day.

Back at the ranch in Stevensville, we are haying like crazy and the yields are impressive! We are done with first cutting alfalfa and are working on grain and grass now. After the finish initial rinse cycle on some of the first hay we cut, we have been able to put up some of the most beautiful green hay that I have seen in a while.

Baler wisdom: As I travel around in circles in my tractor and baler I was thinking of what advice I could give the YSG members. The most important thing I can think of is be involved and become an advocate of agriculture! We are the future of the industry and we need to everything we can to protect it. I encourage you to become involved at least on a local level and eventually a state level. I realize we are all busy but at least join an organization and pay your dues to give that organization some support to have a voice in Helena and in Washington.

I think the biggest issue we have is that people that are negative towards agriculture because they are uneducated about what we really do. And who would better to inform them than the young people living in the industry every day. I am not asking you to take on the world but I do challenge you to take moment at your local grocery to start up a conversation with a consumer or if you travel have that “elevator speech” ready to tell people who you are and what you do for them!

We had an AWESOME Young Stockgrower Meeting at Mid-Year in Miles City. In summary, we had a presentation on Social Media, a Beef Industry Update, a Land Appraisal Update, a presentation on Cover Crops and speaker about Land Prices and Ag Real Estate. We also had an excellent question and answer session to wrap-up the meeting. We are already planning a great meeting a state convention in December so make sure you plan to attend! Between now and then we have the T-Bone Classic Golf Tournament and it would be great if we could get some YSG attendance. Also October 3-5 will be the Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC) in Bozeman. The committee has a great agenda slated for the conference and I encourage you to attend this as well.

I hope the haying season is going well for all of you and I look forward to seeing all of you along the road somewhere! If you have any questions or need info on any of the events mentioned above feel free to contact me. [email protected]

Conference Expands Education on Issues That Matter To Young Cattlemen

By Ryan Hughes, Dillon, 2014 Montana Delegate for Young Cattlemen’s Conference

Ryan Hughes Montana Young Cattlemens Conference“Life’s hard. It is harder when you are stupid,” is a quote from a famous man we all know, John Wayne. 35 years ago in June, he moved on to greener pastures. I am not sure if there is a correlation but since June 1979 (35 years ago,) Montana has been sending delegates to the to the NCBA’s Young Cattlemen’s Conference to expand our education on matters that affect the cattle industry.

Many of you have heard the stories, known someone who has gone or have gone yourself, so I am just going to give you a quick overview of the destinations and focus more on the whirlwind of knowledge that is presented over the ten day trip.

The trip starts in Denver, CO where 60 total strangers from all over the US embark on a journey together that challenges their knowledge, ignites passions, questions the possibilities and practices, builds lifelong friendships and severely deprives you of sleep! While in Denver, we spend two days in class covering CattleFax markets, Beef Check-Off programs, how to deal with media, self-reflection and discovery pertaining to our personalities and how to deal with others, Safeway/Cargill retail perspectives, and the NCBA’s missions for the beef industry. One day we traveled to Greeley, CO to tour JBS Five River’s Feed Yard, JBS packing plant and meet with the JBS executive team.

Then off for 24 hours in Chicago, IL to tour Chicago Midway dining, Chicago Board of Trade, and OSI (massive hamburger patty processing facility). And on our final descent to Washington D.C., we are briefed on political issues challenging the beef industry, meet with our state delegations, a quick monument tour, tour the New Zealand Embassy and discuss trade, and repack our bags with an amazing experience and newly acquired insights to share and utilize with others.

Touring JBS Five Rivers

Touring JBS Five Rivers

“A goal, a love and a dream give you total control over your body and your life,” said John Wayne. I would also add your business and ranches. That really encompasses what the NCBA brought to light throughout our industry, while giving us a tour of its segments.

We are all dedicated to the same goal of being the best and providing the best product, whether we sell beef, promote beef, package beef, and feed or raise beef. There wasn’t one person that I met on the trip or I work with here at home, that doesn’t love and have a huge passion for their role in our industry. Our dreams are very similar, but tend to be focused closer to our segment of the industry rather than the entire industry. The trip really lets you look at those dreams individually and opens the doors so you can visualize the possibilities when you combine them. The NCBA really works for all the segments and strives to combine the passions and dreams of each segment to enhance our industry as a whole. I was amazed by what our beef check-off does to support and sell beef for every rancher. Their focus isn’t just on those who eat beef but also those who don’t and how they promote beef is mind boggling.

“Don’t pick a fight but if you find yourself in one I suggest you make damn sure you win,” said John Wayne. Welcome to Washington D.C. Folks, if you don’t think our way of life isn’t threatened every second of every day, I would like to be in the spot you are hiding. The amount of legislation that is proposed which affects us and our livelihoods is astonishing. The number of teams assembled and amount of money spent just trying to ensure we can continue raising beef is staggering. I know I can’t be there every day to fight for my beliefs so I am dang sure going to support the people who do! And your 10 minute phone call to a representative goes a long way. Do it because your opposition is making those calls.

Thank you to the Montana Stockgrowers, the Research and Education Endowment Foundation and everyone who made this trip possible. It is an amazing opportunity that you should attend. “We’re burning daylight,” said John Wayne.

MSU students tie for second in national animal science competition

Montana State University Animal Science Academic Quadrathalon(The following is a press release from Montana State University. To learn more about the team’s regional win earlier this year, click here.)

BOZEMAN — Four students from the Department of Animal and Range Sciences at Montana State University tied for second place in the National Academic Quadrathlon, held July 20-21 in Kansas City, Mo., and Manhattan, Kan.

Anna Downen of Columbia Falls, Preston Kiehl of Winnett, Jessica Roloff of Bozeman, and Ben Stokes of Pflugerville, Texas, competed in a four-part contest that consisted of a comprehensive written exam, impromptu oral presentation, hands-on lab practicum, and a double-elimination quiz bowl tournament.

The MSU team competed with four other universities, including Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University and Texas A&M University. The MSU team won the oral presentation and took second in the lab practicum.

“Anna, Preston, Jessie, and Ben did a fantastic job representing MSU at the contest. I’m extremely proud of them and their hard work. It’s exciting that MSU holds our own with much larger schools. It only increases our confidence that our program is turning out students who are well-prepared for their future careers,” said team adviser Rachel Endecott.

Three of the four students graduated from MSU in May. Kiehl has one semester remaining and plans to return to his family ranch. Downen now lives in Fairview and works at a Sidney veterinary clinic. Roloff works on a ranch near Lewistown. Stokes is starting a master’s degree at Iowa State University.

The national contest was held in conjunction with the 2014 joint annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association, and Canadian Society of Animal Science.

Big Timber native awarded W.D. Farr Scholarship from National Cattlemen’s Foundation

Ariel Scholarship Presentation Plaque--Ariel Overstreet-Adkins, a native of Big Timber, was recently awarded the W.D. Farr Scholarship from the National Cattlemen’s Foundation. The $12,000 scholarship is awarded to two graduate students each year, recognizing superior achievement in academics and leadership, while working to benefit the beef cattle industry. The award was presented at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver, Colorado.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the National Cattlemen’s Foundation (NCF) and NCBA for the incredible honor,” said Overstreet-Adkins as she accepted the award. “It has been great to learn more about W.D. Farr’s life, leadership, vision and legacy; and it is certainly humbling for my name to even be mentioned in the same sentence as W.D. Farr.”

Ariel continued showing her appreciation by adding, “I have been incredibly blessed this summer to receive support from my friends in the cattle industry, with scholarships from the Montana Stockgrowers Foundation, Montana CattleWomen, and today from NCF. These scholarships mean a tremendous amount to me and my family as we work to pay for law school. These scholarships will allow me to graduate with less debt, which is significant because it means that I am going be able to work on issues for the people that I care about.”

Overstreet-Adkins is especially thankful to MSGA and MCW for their support. “Both associations have been instrumental in my professional development. Working for MSGA in communications, then having the opportunity to lobby for the Stockgrowers and CattleWomen at three Montana legislative sessions, really solidified my passion for the cattle industry.”

Ariel is a student at the University of Montana School of Law in Missoula. Expecting to graduate in 2016, Overstreet-Adkins intends to help ensure the continued influence of agriculture and rural America, by practicing with a focus on natural resource and environmental law, especially water law from an agricultural perspective.

Overstreet-Adkins received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University, where she graduated with Honors while studying Cultural Anthropology in 2006. For the five years prior to law school she worked for the Montana Stockgrowers Association in charge of the Association’s communications efforts and serving as a lobbyist at the Montana legislature for three sessions to help advocate for Montana ranchers.

The annual W.D. Farr Scholarship awards were established by the National Cattlemen’s Foundation in 2007 to recognize outstanding students who plan to pursue careers in meat science and animal agriculture. W.D. Farr was the first president of the National Cattlemen’s Foundation, and served as president of the American National Cattlemen’s Association, which would later become the NCBA. His career spanned 75 years and included innovations in cattle feeding, uniform beef grading, water conservation and banking. Farr died at age 97 in August 2007.

Show Your #FairThanks

By Jennifer M. Latzke, Associate Editor, High Plains Journal

FairthanksRibbons and trophies and banners and premiums—oh my.

Whenever we tell the story of youth programs, we tend to focus on who won the rosette, whose name will be engraved on the trophy, who gets to place that placard above their stall reading, “Grand Champion Market Beef.”

It’s too easy to take for granted, however, the small business owners and individuals who make those rewards possible for our youth.

You know them. They’re your neighbors who have the beauty shops on main street, the local bank or hardware store. They’re the rancher down the way who sponsors the plaque for the champion heifer in the breed they raise. They are the bidders at the premium sale who may not know how to judge livestock but they make sure that even a red ribbon pig gets a little bump for the kid who tried so hard.

They don’t do it for fame. No one writes a check year after year after year for glory or a photo in the community newspaper. They do it because they are members of the community and they feel it’s their duty. Those local donors—big and small—do it because they see how these programs build skills in the next generation.

Donors see the rate of return on their investment not in currency, but in intrinsic things. See, it may look like a trophy to you, but to them it looks like a child’s self-esteem, and recognition of their hard work and leadership.

Oh sure, we make sure the kids write sweet thank you notes. (Let me tell you, a sweet thank you note in crayon in a youngster’s own printing makes even the gruffest rancher melt.) Our fair boards hand out sponsor ribbons for businesses to display. We might list them in show programs and we host yearly thank you barbecue dinners before the premium auction.

Those are all wonderful ways of showing our appreciation, to be sure.

But this summer, when you post those pictures to Facebook of your kids and their prize-winning projects, why not recognize the local sponsors who made that honor possible, in a new way? Why not go beyond the usual to show your support of their businesses to your extended networks of friends?

All you have to do is tag the sponsors who made those prizes possible in your photos. Just search if they have a Facebook or Twitter account for their business, and then tag it in your photo caption.

You could even share pictures of your kids and their prize-winning projects to their Facebook business pages. Share links to their company websites in the captions of the photos you post. Post pictures of your youth thanking them with plates of cookies or handwritten notes. The ways are endless and bound only by your creativity.

Let’s make this a movement. You’re already posting pictures all over social media just add one more thing to those posts. And, if you use the #FairThanks, I will repost a few through my Twitter account, @Latzke, and the High Plains Journal Twitter feed. I might even feature your post in an upcoming column if it’s really creative.

Just two steps is all it takes to show those local businesses we appreciate them— Tag their accounts and use #FairThanks

Let’s come together and show our local businesses our #FairThanks for their support.

Jennifer M. Latzke can be reached by phone at 620-227-1807 or by email at [email protected].

By Jennifer M. Latzke, Associate Editor, High Plains Journal. Shared with Permission.

Specialists, Generalists, and Working with People

Rachel Endecott Montana Young Stockgrowers Mid Year Miles CityDr. Rachel Endecott, Belgrade, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist

Sometimes, it seems that the world wants people who specialize. For example, my job title is Extension beef cattle specialist; however, “beef cattle” is a fairly general topic. In fact, I’m trained as a ruminant nutritionist, but I help folks with cattle reproductive physiology, genetics, marketing, health, and general management questions on a regular basis in addition to their nutrition questions. I’ve found that my clientele don’t care how I was trained; they just expect answers to their beef cattle questions. My ranch background and animal science training has made me pretty comfortable with the generalist role. And if you think my work makes me a Jill-of-all-trades, think about your county Extension agent. Many of you live in single-agent counties, where that one person handles all the questions that come into the office.

What kind of tree is this? What kind of bug is this? Is this bug killing my tree? Can you help out with the community forum on the new swimming pool? Can you test my pressure cooker before canning season starts? Can you come take a look at the damage the hailstorm did to my wheat? Should I test my grain hay for nitrates? And I’ll leave all the 4-H related questions up to your imagination! I’d encourage you to sit down with your county agent(s) sometime and ask about the variety in their job; you might be surprised.

At Mid Year, I was invited to speak at the Young Stockgrower meeting about issues and trends in the beef cattle industry. I’d say that was a pretty generalist topic, so I started with changes in the use of feed-grade antibiotics and we had a good discussion about that and a few other topics. At the end, all the speakers took questions as a panel, one of which was “What advice would you give to a young person who wants to talk to their folks or grandparents about making a change on the operation?”

My answer was this: Get some soft skill leadership training before you have that conversation. Now this might raise an eyebrow or two out there in MSGA readership land, and probably did that day in Miles City, too. But here’s where I’m coming from: in school, we choose our area of interest to study with the goal specializing in that area of interest, be it animal science, ag business or whatever. I think most would agree that as you enter the workforce (and for the rest of your career), you might have to generalize some depending on the job.

Did you learn about how to effectively work with people from other generations or different personality types? I know I didn’t. And (as I was reminded at the ranch rodeo by one of my clientele), I’ve gone to a lot of school! But you know what a major part of my job is? Working with people. I bet it’s a pretty big part of your job, too. What would it be like to have some training to help you work more effectively with people?