MSU students win regional animal science competition for second year in a row

Members of the MSU quadrathlon team are (from left) Ben Stokes, Jessica Roloff, adviser Rachel Endecott, Anna Downen and Preston Kiehl. (Photo from the American Society of Animal Science).

Members of the MSU quadrathlon team are (from left) Ben Stokes, Jessica Roloff, adviser Rachel Endecott, Anna Downen and Preston Kiehl. (Photo from the American Society of Animal Science).

BOZEMAN — Four students from the Department of Animal and Range Sciences at Montana State University won the Western Region Academic Quadrathlon, held June 23-25 in San Angelo, Texas. They will now advance to the national competition to be held July 20-21 in Kansas City, Mo.

Anna Downen of Columbia Falls, Preston Kiehl of Winnett, Jessica Roloff of Bozeman and Ben Stokes of Pflugerville, Texas, competed in a four-part contest that consisted of a comprehensive written exam, impromptu oral presentation, hands-on lab practicum and double-elimination quiz bowl tournament. This is the second year in a row that MSU has won the regional contest.

The MSU team competed with five other western region universities, including California State University-Chico, Brigham Young University-Idaho, New Mexico State University, Oregon State University and University of Wyoming.

“Anna, Preston, Jessie and Ben did a spectacular job representing MSU at the contest. I’m very proud of their hard work. It’s exciting that MSU now has back-to-back wins in the regional contest,” said team adviser Rachel Endecott.

Three of the four students graduated in May. Kiehl has one semester remaining and plans to return to his family ranch. Downen now lives in Fairview and works at a Sidney veterinary clinic. Roloff is working on a ranch near Lewistown, and Stokes is starting a master’s degree at Iowa State University.

The regional contest was held in conjunction with the 2014 Western Section American Society of Animal Science meetings, hosted by Angelo State University. The national contest will be held in conjunction with the joint American Dairy Science Association, American Society of Animal Science and Canadian Society of Animal Science meetings.

Stockgrowers Continue Tradition, Host Mid Year in Miles City

MSGA Directors Jim Steinbeisser and Jack Holden in the Parade in Downtown Miles City

MSGA Directors Jim Steinbeisser and Jack Holden in the Parade in Downtown Miles City

The 2014 Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Mid-Year Meeting drew over 300 ranchers from across the state for policy meetings and MSGA’s annual Ranch Tour. The meeting also hosted several events for the community, including a concert with the Bellamy Brothers, an All-Horse/Livestock Parade through downtown, and the Miles City Ranch Rodeo.

Here are some of the highlights from the 2014 MSGA Mid-Year Meeting:

-Opening General Session featured Bob McCan, Texas Cattleman and President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. McCan discussed several issues affecting Montana ranchers today. The NCBA continues working on rancher’s behalf including the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. proposed ruling, and foreign trade opportunities.

-The 2014 MSGA Ranch Tour began at the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Center where ranchers learned more about the Center’s research work with forage establishment, cow longevity and grazing recovery following range fires. MSGA then traveled to the Range Riders Museum and WaterWorks Art Museum. Finally, the tour traveled to OptiBlend Industries to learn about work in the oil and gas fields, which has a large impact on the economy in Eastern Montana.

The Stockgrowers Ford at Mac's Ford in Miles City

The Stockgrowers Ford at Mac’s Ford in Miles City

-Following the Ranch Tour, a delicious dinner was served at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds. MSGA’s Research and Education Endowment Foundation (REEF) awarded Ariel Overstreet-Adkins of Helena the 2014 MSGA Educational Heritage Scholarship and held a fund-raiser auction to benefit education programs. The auction included a commissioned painting by local artist David Graham and a saddle donated in memory of the late-Shawn Pilster. The saddle garnered over $10,000 for REEF programs in a rollover auction.

-The community of Miles City also joined in on the Mid Year festivities. On Friday night, the Bellamy Brothers came to the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds for a well-attended concert opened by Copper Mountain Band. On Saturday morning, prior to the Miles City Ranch Rodeo, Stockgrowers hosted an All-Horse/Livestock parade through downtown.

-Two interim policies were passed through during committee meetings on Friday and Saturday mornings. The Beef Production & Marketing Committee passed interim policy in opposition of proposed importation of beef products from Brazil due to concerns of Foot and Mouth Disease being brought to the U.S. The Land Use & Environment Committee passed interim policy regarding the Montana Water Court, encouraging the completion of adjudication.

Ranchers in Policy Meetings at Miles Community College

Ranchers in Policy Meetings at Miles Community College

-The Membership Development & Services Committee passed a new dues structure that will allow Montana’s small ranchers to join MSGA through a fair-share dues structure. Rancher dues for those owning 1-60 head of cattle are now set at $75. Higher due levels are set for those ranchers owning larger numbers of cattle as a part of the dues structure.

-The Young Stockgrowers held a meeting on Thursday afternoon with five featured speakers. Topics ranged from changes in antibiotic use in livestock, soil management, land appraisals, market outlooks and advocacy.

-Mid-Year photos can be seen on MSGA’s Flickr page –

-Plans are already underway for MSGA’s Annual Convention and Trade Show, which will be held Dec. 11-13 in Billings at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana. Watch for more information to be announced at

MSU Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers Havre

MSU-Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers Head into Summer with busy schedule

Jaylee Berg (Secretary/Treasurer) and Hollyn Cardani (President), MSU-Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers

MSU Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers HavreWith the end of school and summer right around the corner we would like to give you a little recap of what our MSU Northern Collegiates have been up to this Spring semester. Picking up where we left off with our last update, as previously planned, our group had the opportunity to tour the Northern Agricultural Research Center at Fort Assinaboine.

Darrin Boss and his associates were kind enough to answer all our questions we had and did a great job showing our group around their facility. The tour consisted of a very well formatted calving barn that incorporated Dr. Temple Grandin’s livestock handling corral designs and the bud box system. They were in the peak of their calving season so we were able to witness first-hand how the science worked behind the scenes.

Darrin Boss, Julia Dafoe, Les Gray and Andy Matakis spoke to us about some of the different types of research experiments they are currently conducting; including many studies on cross-breeding and genetics. One test that particularly interested me was studying what causes newborn calves to immediately get up and nurse the cow. We greatly appreciated the hospitality that Darren and his crew showed us and are looking forward to future learning experiences with them.

A few days later some of our members headed to Chinook, just 20 minutes east of Havre, to represent our Collegiate Stockgrowers group at the Nissen Angus production sale (Jeff & Christie Nissen). Then, a few weeks later, we went back to Chinook Livestock for the Montana Northern Premier Angus sale which includes breeders such as Top Notch Angus (Marv Cross), Whistling Winds Angus (David & Katie Sattoriva), Kel McC Angus (Kelly McCracken), Peterson Grain & Cattle (Kim, Nola & Andee Peterson).

Next on our agenda was Jeff Solomon’s branding. This was the second year our group was invited out to help and we were very thrilled for that opportunity. We are always excited and willing to lend a hand to our local Hi-Line ranchers.

As the end of the year came around, we had our second annual end of the year barbecue. We had a great turn out at First Lake out at Beaver Creek Park and reminisced on all this year’s great opportunities and experiences. Our group would like to give a huge thank you to all of our supporters that have helped us grow and prosper over these last few years. We look forward to next year and many more to come.

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25 Valuable Skills College and High School Graduates Should Possess

By John Paterson, NCBA Executive Director of Education

With college and high school graduations recently having been completed, I was curious what professors and employers believe are the ideal qualifications for the new graduate. I sought the opinion of nationally respected university professors and industry professionals. Here are their answers:

Dan Kniffen, Animal Science Professor, Penn State University: Employers pursue individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to showing up on time and completing a full day. Education will be assumed. If you have attended school they will anticipate you should have acquired a level of skill and problem solving.

The next generation of employers will look for the individual who has displayed a level of leadership and one that assumes responsibility as they move through their undergraduate program.

Communication will become even more important. As students become more attached to electronic devices and lose the interpersonal skill of one-on-one or group communication, the ability to engage people in communication will become even more important. Students who have either held club officer positions or have been a part of a university judging team will be heavily recruited.

The most important educational value of participation on a judging team is the life skills an individual develops. Developing problem solving, reasoning and presentation skills will be second to note as individuals prepare for their careers.

Tom Field, Director of Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program and the Paul Engler Chair of Agribusiness Entrepreneurship, University of Nebraska: Successful agriculturalists through time have shared one common skill – the ability to solve problems. And so it will be in the future.

The application of creativity, adaptability and resilience has and will define success in agricultural endeavors. Underpinning problem solving capacity is the desire to vigorously pursue continuous learning.

As technology and information have proliferated, the importance of curiosity has risen in concert. However, given the vast amount of available information and the growth of specialization in the disciplines related to agriculture; it is impossible to expect any one individual to master all the domains of knowledge.

Through the intentional creation of local and global networks, agricultural decision makers can harness not only their own capabilities but the shared capacity of their network as well. Undergraduate education should focus on enhancing these three human capacities – problem solving, learning and meaningful networking.

Greg Lardy, Animal Science Department Head, North Dakota State University and President, American Society of Animal Science: In addition to a degree from an accredited institution, graduates need the following:

Excellent communication skills – both written and oral; demonstrated leadership skills/experience; the ability to think critically and keen understanding that we live in a global society; the ability to analyze data to solve problems and make decisions and/or recommendations to supervisors; a basic understanding of finances, profitability and return on investment; the ability to work in a team and independently; a positive attitude; a willingness to start at an entry level position and work your way up; and a lifelong willingness to learn.

Mike Siemens, Cargill Meat Solutions: When visiting with new interns or recruits we always find out the basics such as their academic strengths and weaknesses and GPA. I also try to find out their depth of knowledge of the potential job that they are applying for. Quite often that depth of knowledge is somewhat shallow due to inexperience, but that is OK because much of the required knowledge will be taught to them if selected for a position.

In searching out good young talent, I always look for the basics first. Are they smart and wise (smart comes from a book; wise comes from experience)? Do they have the ability to work with other people and be an active and welcomed participation in a team setting? Are they passionate and motivated for the right purpose, which should be to showcase their talent and not just position themselves to move up the next rung of the ladder.

After years of visiting with many young people, I think the most successful interviews come down to the intangibles. Leaving a positive impression with an interviewer is what will make them remember you and hopefully lead to greater opportunities. Be authentic when you visit with people, be reliable when you say you are going to do something, and be punctual; no one likes to be kept waiting.

Jerry Lipsey, Former Professor, University of Missouri and Retired Executive with American Simmental Association: Be sure to know the demands for intellect, experience, work ethic and personality. No person is perfect, so plan which of the above your team can advance/improve. Experience and work ethic are the result of good mentoring.

Intellect and personality modifications are tough to teach. Be wary of references. I’m jaded, but a large proportion of references evaluate the candidates as far too superior. Be sure your team’s evaluation is similar to the reference.

I think students who have significant work experiences, especially interactive work-settings, have been more successful. Of course, this depends on the position description, but one of the most common factors of employee failure is inability to get along with others. Experiences in meeting customer satisfaction and service are often a trait of employee success.

This is old fashioned, but three things often explain the potential of a candidate: How they look, how they talk and how they write gives me an indication of their passion to join, serve and succeed in a work team. A Ron Jon Surf Shot tee, inability to interact both one-on-one and when addressing a group, and discomfort with pen or chalk doesn’t fit many situations.

Finally, passion. Indicators of real passion for the goals of our businesses, and usually, the vision that winning is a team-thing makes all the difference between a super successful hire and “just another person in the building.”

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Montana 4-H Brand an Animal Program Supports Youth

Montana 4-H Brand an Animal photo

The Montana 4-H Foundation “Brand an Animal for 4-H” program expands learning opportunities for more than 20,366 4-H youth and 4,200 volunteers throughout the state. By branding an animal for 4-H, you can help offset the costs of statewide events and activities available to all Montana 4-H Youth, enabling more kids to experience 4-H.

The brand is applied to the left rib on cattle, either by use of a bar iron in multiple steps, or a one-piece branding iron which can be obtained from the Montana 4-H Foundation, or by contacting your County Extension Agent. When the animal is branded, the top of the 4 is closed, and the bottom bar of the 4 must connect to the dash and the centerline of the “H.” Once branded, the animal becomes the property of Montana 4-H. When each animal is sold, the State Brand Inspector overseeing the sale will see that proceeds are sent to the Montana 4-H Foundation as the registered owner of the brand. If you prefer not to brand an animal with the 4-H brand, proceeds can be designated to 4-H at the time of sale. All recognition still applies.

Donors will receive a decorative plaque, will be listed in annual publications, and recognized at statewide events.

Funds will support statewide 4-H programs and help create opportunities for 4-H youth to attend and compete at events such as MT 4-H Congress and West- ern Roundup in Denver. Priority will be given to the 4-H Livestock programs, including 4-H Livestock and meat judging teams. We thank you for helping to make this a successful program and for supporting MT 4-H youth!

For more info call: (406) 994-5911 Or e-mail: [email protected]. To participate, send the Donor Name, Address, Phone, E-mail, and Animal Description to Montana 4-H Foundation, 211 Taylor Hall Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.

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Spring Includes Branding, Rodeo, and Helena Visit for MSU Collegiates

Collegiates MSGA OfficeThis Spring has been exciting and eventful for the Collegiate Stockgrowers at MSU. The month kicked off with a work crew heading to Harrison to brand at the Sitz Ranch, then proceeded to stay busy with some of the members spending a day in Helena at the MSGA office, and wrapping business up as we prepare to part ways for the summer.

In the midst of the MSU Rodeo, the club got a call that asked for a branding crew and members were more than eager to fill the role. A group consisting of five members set off on a road trip to Harrison, MT to represent the club at the Sitz branding. The day was a successful one with no injuries or accidents, and everyone was back in time to enjoy the Saturday night rodeo action!

Keeping the events rolling, a group of members was Helena bound on April 11. The group was able to tour the MSGA office to talk with Errol Rice, Jay Bodner, and Ryan Goodman about the issues the association deals with on a day to day basis.

Lunch was enjoyed at the Overland Express before heading to the Department of Livestock to talk to a few of the directors about brand inspection, diseases affecting livestock throughout Montana, and a day in the life of a Department of Livestock director. We greatly appreciate being able to visit with DOL Executive Director, Christian Mackay; Chair of the Board of Livestock, Jan French from Hobson; Brands Enforcement Director, John Grainger; and State Veterinarian, Marty Zaluski.

Collegiates Historical Society Trip

Following the visit to the Department of Livestock was a trip through the Montana Historical Society to see a special Charlie Russell exhibit partially sponsored by the Montana Stockgrowers Association.

In all, this Spring been a busy one filled with activities as the school year draws near the end. However, there has been just enough spare time to spend partaking in some fun activities with the Collegiate Stockgrowers. For more information, be sure to follow the MSU Collegiates on Facebook.

Collegiates 2014 Branding Sitz

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Preview to the Young Cattlemen’s Conference with Montana’s Delegate – Ryan Hughes

Ryan Hughes Montana Young Cattlemens ConferenceEach year, the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation sends one Young Stockgrowers member on a trip of a lifetime. The Young Cattlemen’s Conference (YCC), hosted by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, takes a group of bright and motivated young beef industry leaders on a cross-country exploration of the supply chain, ending with conversations of the nations representatives in Washington D.C.

This year, the Foundation selected Ryan Hughes of Stanford, Mont. to be the Montana representative for the trip in June. We wanted to share a brief introduction about Ryan before he departs:

Ryan grew up commercial cow ranch south of Stanford, Mont. and graduated from Montana State University with a degree in Agricultural Economics and a minor in Agricultural Business. He has lived in several western states including Colorado, Idaho and Arizona before settling in Dillon, Mont. to work for Westfeeds. He also owns a small herd of registered Angus cattle and does sales consulting and purchasing for purebred Angus breeders and commercial producers across the west.

Ryan is excited about being selected as the YCC participant: “I’ve heard a lot of good things about the trip, especially its focus on leadership and the preservation of agriculture across the US.” With this comprehensive look at the entire cattle business, Ryan is hopeful to meet other industry leaders and gain from their shared experience, “Life and business evolve around who you know and there will be many influential people on the trip with me.”

The experience of the trip will not only help Ryan, but in return, will help benefit his future life in Montana. “I have always wanted to ranch in Montana. You either inherit the family ranch or manage one for someone who has been successful in other endeavors. As all young people in agriculture know, it is near impossible to start your own ranch from scratch in Montana.”

“As I work toward that goal, I am lucky enough to be involved in many operations from a nutritional, genetic, and marketing standpoint. I want to be the best resource for those people on the ranch that I can be.”

Be sure to check back in the July newsletter to read a re-cap of Ryan’s trip. To help support future YCC participants and other educational programs for Montana’s youth, please consider a donation to the MSGA Foundation. You can make donations online at

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Young Stockgrowers to Host Meeting at Mid-Year in Miles City

Today’s Ranching Industry & Planning for the Future

Young Stockgrowers LogoRanchers under 40 years of age have an additional reason to attend this year’s MSGA Mid Year Meeting in Miles City, June 13 & 14. Prior to the main Mid Year events, the Young Stockgrowers are hosting a workshop and leadership training geared toward younger generations on the ranch. These workshops will give young ranchers an opportunity to network with their peers and learn skills and information they can take back to the ranch.

The Young Stockgrowers meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 12 at the Miles City Community College, Room 108. The meeting will have a series of speakers, workshops, and wrap up with a networking-social where attendees will have the opportunity to meet the Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors.

Workshops will include:

  • “Current Topics & Issues in the Beef Industry” with Rachel Endecott, Beef Cattle Specialist with MSU Extension
  • “Improving Soil Health” with Kate Vogel, North 40 Ag Agronomist
  • “Land Appraisals” with Christine Murphy, Appraiser at Northwest Farm Credit Services
  • “You get MORE with LESH” with Monte Lesh, Broker/Owner of Lesh & Company Real Estate
  • “Online Tools for Today’s Young Stockgrower” with Ryan Goodman of Montana Stockgrowers Association

“The YSG officers have put a diversified and outstanding group of presenters together for the workshop,” said Lacey Sutherlin, Young Stockgrowers Chair. “We will conclude the workshop with a panel discussion/question & answer session including all of our presenters and finalize the deal with a social event. This will be a great place to network with other producers facing the same challenges as you are within the Ranching and Farming Industry. It is going to be an excellent event and we encourage all of you to attend at no cost to you just a great investment of your time!”

The Young Stockgrowers meeting is made possible by generous sponsors from the Montana ranching community: Jocko Valley Cattle, Volberg; ORIgen Inc., Huntley; Gateway Simmental. Lewistown; Idland Cattle Co., Circle. YSG extends a great appreciation to these companies for their support and encouragement of young ranchers in Montana.

The YSG meeting is included in 2-day registration for the Montana Stockgrowers Mid Year meeting, June 13 & 14. Registration forms can be found online at or by contacting the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420 or emailing [email protected].

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Winner of the Montana Educational Heritage Scholarship

Ariel - Scholarship Winner.jpgEach year, the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation awards a student with the Montana Educational Heritage Scholarship, worth $1,000. This year, we are proud to announce that Ariel Overstreet-Adkins has been selected as the winner.

Ariel served as MSGA’s director of communications for five years and has been actively involved in bettering the ranching industry through journalism, lobbying and leadership roles. Currently, Ariel is attending the University of Montana School of Law where she is pursuing a juris doctor (J.D.) degree. She says her goal is to become a more effective advocate for agriculture and rural Montana and focus on natural resource and environmental water law.

“I believe that having strong advocates for agriculture with legal experience and expertise will be very important for the future of our industry,” said Ariel.

Ariel grew up on a small horse ranch outside of Big Timber and attended high school in Reed Point. She went on to study at Princeton University, earning a degree in cultural anthropology with honors. Her senior thesis “High School Rodeo: Growing Up Cowboy,” was based on original field research at high school rodeos in Montana, and was awarded the Senior Thesis Prize in Anthropology.

While working for MSGA, Ariel learned about the many different issues facing Montana’s ranching families, which is what inspired her to go to law school.

“I believe a law degree will help me work to ensure the continued influence of agriculture and rural Montana, and improve the legal, policy, and business climate for farmers and ranchers in Montana and the nation,” said Ariel.

Ariel also volunteers with groups like the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame, Montana Board of Milk Control, Rural Advocacy League, Princeton Alumni Schools Committee and the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance.

“I was honored and thrilled to be selected for the scholarship. I am so thankful to the great people involved in REEF and MSGA for the assistance and support in my pursuit of a law degree,” said Ariel. 

If you’d like to help support Montana’s students, please consider making a donation to the Foundation. In order to keep our scholarship program active, we need your help! Please call our office at (406) 442-3420 for questions or email Lauren: [email protected].

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Put to Work on the Homestead: Collegiate Stockgrowers Join Crew

Travis and Tamara Choat of Homestead Cattle Company in Terry, Montana recently hired a temporary work crew of our Collegiate Stockgrowers (CSG) members. To show support for the students, the Choat family offered a donation to the CSG club for their work.

“We were thankful for the opportunity to find a great weekend crew through the Collegiate Stockgrowers. They got the job done well and were a tremendous help, and their energy and ambition were appreciated,” said Tamara. 

 I think this act of generosity is a fine example of how the Montana ranch community cares for each other and is willing to teach the next generation. Today, we share a glimpse of the work crew’s responsibilities… 

By Gwynn Simeniuk, Collegiate Stockgrowers at Montana State University 

John Manley, Gwynn Simeniuk, and Chris Hereim

John Manley, Gwynn Simeniuk, and Chris Hereim

Chris Hereim, John Manley, and I processed about 1000 head of yearling heifers and steers at the feedlot, which consisted of administering vaccines, fly tags, and implants. From my experience, working yearlings tends to be one of the more challenges aspects of cattle operations, especially when they may not be familiar with the facilities, and with only three or four people moving 150-300 head at a time, everyone needs to be on the same page.

What helped us out the most was being able to communicate with one another and create a plan of action to ensure our process of moving, handling, and sorting was efficient, we could determine the best solution when we had breakdowns, and we were able to each others’ spirits up even when we were stuck knee deep in mud.

How are the tasks going around your place this Spring?

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