Elk-Brucellosis Discussion in Bozeman January 17

Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks logoMontana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will host a half-day discussion on the Montana State University campus in Bozeman, Saturday, Jan. 17, on topics related to the transmission of brucellosis from elk to cattle in southwestern Montana.

FWP has assembled a diverse group of experts to discuss brucellosis in elk, disease genetics, and livestock investigation techniques and processes. A panel discussion among presenters will be facilitated by Dr. Mike Mitchell, leader of the University of Montana’s Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit.

“FWP has heard from some constituents about providing more information on the science that identifies elk as one possible source of brucellosis infection in cattle in parts of southwestern Montana,” said Jeff Hagener, director of FWP in Helena. “In response, we’ve assembled this presentation to illustrate that science.”

The session is designed to describe, inform and discuss data addressing the potential for some elk in southwestern Montana to infect livestock with brucellosis, a disease that can cause some pregnant bison, elk and domestic cattle to abort their first calf.

The talks are open to the public and are set for 8:30 a.m.—Noon on Jan. 17 at 101 Gaines Hall on the MSU campus. For a full agenda visit FWP online at fwp.mt.gov; click “Fish & Wildlife”, then click “Elk“.

Ray Marxer of Twin Bridges completes term on Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors

Ray MarxerRay Marxer of Twin Bridges has completed two terms on the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Board of Directors representing the Western District. Marxer was honored for his service at MSGA’s 130th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings last month.

“I’m thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to serve on the MSGA Board of Directors and Executive Board over the past four years,” said Ray Marxer in his final address at the Annual Convention. “Being able to serve others in an organization such as MSGA is the biggest blessing and I encourage everyone to do the same in setting a positive example for others.”

Ray has many years of experience in managing business and dealing with other interests including government agencies, environmental groups, and wildlife groups. He grew up on a diversified family farm south of Great Falls, attended college for two years then went to work for the Matador Cattle Co. in Dillon where he worked in every phase from cowboy to manager.

After 37 years, Ray retired from the company in 2011. During his tenure, the Matador became a very large diverse operation and an innovator in natural resource management, livestock production and business management, focusing on sustainable business and resources.

“Ray has earned the respect from all on the MSGA Board with his quiet, thoughtful demeanor,” says Tucker Hughes of Stanford, MSGA outgoing President. “He has that ability to listen to all points of view on issues that can be contentious and then work toward a solution. Ray has assisted in providing positive direction for MSGA as a director and on the executive committee for the past four years. I know he and his wife, Sue, will stay involved so we are not losing a resource, but gaining seasoned professionals!”

Ray and his wife Susan have three grown children: Clayton, who is married to Kristine and has two children; and daughters, Kristy, and Anna who left the United States in 2012 to work with missionaries in Moldova establishing and managing the Hannah House, a home for teen-age orphan girls.

Currently Ray and Sue work on their own small acreage and continue to serve the livestock industry as independent contractors in several different capacities, including A.I., herd work, and consulting. Ray also currently serves on Montana’s Elk Brucellosis Committee.

Marxer was elected by MSGA members to the 13-member board in 2010 and re-elected in 2012.

Montana Winter Grazing Seminar to Focus on Sustainability

BILLINGS, Mont. – Perspectives on sustainability in Montana’s agriculture and natural resources will be the central focus of the 2015 Winter Grazing Seminar, to be held Jan. 21-22 in Billings, Mont., at the Billings Hotel & Convention Center.

The first day of the seminar will feature Wayne Fahsholtz, currently with AgWin Group LLC in Dayton, Wyo., and a past president of the Padlock Ranch. Fahsholtz will give a presentation on enabling sustainable ranch success. Jill Herold, from Syngenta, will follow with a talk on sustainability in Montana.

Next will be a rancher panel to discuss a producer’s perspective on sustainability moderated by Dr. John Paterson. The panel will include Dave Mannix of Helmville, Chase Hibbard of Helena and Leo Barthelmess of Malta. The first day presentations will conclude with a discussion on the early buy-out option of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands. Heidi Brewer, Chief Program Specialist with the Farm Service Agency, will talk about the program and rancher Tom Hogan of Broadview will detail the economics of the buy-out option.

That evening, a social hour and banquet will be held at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center. Northern Ag Network’s Russell Nemetz will be the Master of Ceremonies for the banquet. Range Leader of the Year Awards will be given to the winners of the rancher and agency/consultant categories. The High Country Cowboys will be the evening’s entertainment with a variety of country music.

The second day of the seminar will begin with a panel of consultants to speak on sustainability. The panel will include Butch Whitman, nutritionist with West Feeds; Neal Fehringer, a professional agronomist and consultant; and Bill Ramsey, a livestock information manager for DuPont Pioneer. Following the panel talk, Chase Hibbard will give a presentation on behalf of the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) Steering Committee on the new Grazekeeper Record Keeping Program. The seminar will conclude with Dr. John Paterson and his presentation on sustainability in beef and the food market.

This year’s Winter Grazing Seminar is proudly sponsored by the Yellowstone Conservation District and in cooperation with the Rangeland Resources Executive Committee (RREC).

Registration is $50 per person until Jan. 20 and $55 at the door.

For the agenda and registration form please call (406) 247-4420 or visit the DNRC website.

Public Lands Council Logo

NCBA and PLC Accepting Summer Internship Applications

WASHINGTON – The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s and the Public Lands Council‘s government affairs office in Washington, D.C., is accepting applications for the summer 2015 public policy internship. The deadline to submit an application is Feb. 9, 2015.

“NCBA and PLC provide opportunities that very few other internships can offer,” said John Weber, South Dakota State University animal science senior and spring 2014 intern. “They truly make you feel part of the team working on key policy issues that impact the beef industry. The internship gives you the opportunity to cover topics ranging from animal welfare to trade and allows you the chance to advocate on behalf of the industry on Capitol Hill.”

NCBA Executive Director of Legislative Affairs Kristina Butts said this is a great opportunity for students with an interest in the beef industry and public policy.

“The internship gives college students the opportunity to work alongside staff on a range of issues that impact U.S. cattlemen and women,” Butts said. “The internship is designed to work closely with the lobbying team on Capitol Hill; to assist with NCBA and PLC’s regulatory efforts; and to work closely with the communications team.”

The full-time internship will begin May 18, 2015 and end Aug. 21, 2015. To apply, interested college juniors, seniors or graduate students should submit the application, college transcripts, two letters of recommendation and a resume to [email protected]. More information about the NCBA public policy internship is available on BeefUSA.org.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) has represented America’s cattle producers since 1898, preserving the heritage and strength of the industry through education and public policy. As the largest association of cattle producers, NCBA works to create new markets and increase demand for beef. Efforts are made possible through membership contributions. To join, contact NCBA at 1-866-BEEF-USA or [email protected].

Department of Revenue Announces New Online Service for Reporting Livestock

HELENA – Livestock owners can now go online to report the number of livestock they own, the Montana Department of Revenue announced Thursday. Montana law requires all livestock owners to report by March 1 of each year the number of livestock they owned as of February 1. Livestock owners who report online this year will be able to pull up their history for next year’s report, which will make reporting faster, more efficient, and more accurate.

The secure online service is free to use and can be found at ReportYourLivestock.mt.gov. “Even if you own just one horse and have a few chickens, or owned and reported livestock last year but no longer do, you still need to report,” said Cynthia Monteau Moore, administrator for the Department of Revenue’s Property Assessment Division. Livestock per capita fees will be due November 30. The ability to pay these fees online will be available later this year.

Livestock includes all poultry and bees, swine three months of age or older, and all other livestock nine months or age or older including cattle, sheep, goats, horses, mules, asses, llamas, alpacas, bison, ostriches, rheas, emus, and domestic ungulates.

Everyone benefits from programs funded by per capita fees. Livestock producers benefit from programs to monitor animal health, monitor and restrict livestock imports, track animal movements, prevent and investigate livestock theft, and manage predators. The general public benefits from programs that prevent the spread of animal diseases to humans.

Livestock owners are welcome to contact the department’s call center at 1-866-859-2254 or, in Helena, 444-6900 with any livestock reporting questions.

The online livestock reporting service is the result of an alliance between state government and the private sector. It was cooperatively developed and is supported by the Montana Department of Revenue, the Montana Department of Administration’s State Information Technology Services Division, and Montana Interactive, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of eGovernment provider NIC (Nasdaq: EGOV).

Online reporting improves effectiveness in the delivery of public services, which is a key component of Governor Steve Bullock’s Main Street Montana Project.

via Montana Department of Revenue

The Most Recent Beef Demand Numbers and What They Mean | Infographic

via Chaley Harney, Montana Beef Council

We recently caught up with Glynn Tonsor, Associated Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University and Gary Brester, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, for an update about beef demand and the role of the checkoff in helping keep demand strong through targeted marketing efforts.

“Sixteen out of the last 17 quarters we’ve had a year-over-year increase, the only exception being the first quarter of this year,” said Tonsor. “And I think a large part of why that’s going on is continued ongoing success of marketing the right products to the right people, and quite frankly, the segment of the public that continues to purchase beef is a slightly different segment than it used to be.”

Tonsor went on to explain that per capita consumption is going down, but we haven’t simply taken away two pounds from every household in the U.S. Tonsor believes the industry is doing better at recognizing that and aligning what they produce with who is able and willing to buy it.

Quarterly All Fresh Retail Beef Demand Index

Quarterly All Fresh Retail Beef Demand Index

“And I have no reason to think that’s going to stop in the fourth quarter, said Tonsor. “The increase in the third quarter basically reflects the facts that we had less beef consumed, specifically we had a 4.6 percent decline, and it’s important to recognize that consumption decline is mainly just because we produced less. That’s just we produced less therefore per capita consumption is down. And what actually occurred was we had 11.3 percent increase in price in the third quarter compared to the third quarter 2013.”

Tonsor said despite fairly wide-spread confusion on the topic, per capita consumption is not demand, as consumption alone says little about the value consumers place on beef offerings.

“Demand increased. Basically nobody made the public pay more for those reduced pounds, but they did. And they not only paid more, they paid more than we expected. And that only occurs, what they are doing voluntarily, if they are seeing more value in there than was anticipated.”

Brester added that when we have less to go around, and if people still want the product, meaning demand has not declined, then price has to increase because it is the mechanism that markets use to allocate scarce goods and resources.

“Yes, some people will consume less and some will consume none at all. But as Tonsor said, this is what has to happen if demand has not declined for other reasons such as lower incomes and recession. Higher prices are not an indication that demand has declined. They are an indication that either people want more of the product, or we do not have enough to meet those desires,” said Brester.

Tonsor went on to explain what kinds of things are allowing demand to grow despite the supply challenges, and how the checkoff is playing a vital role in that process.
“It’s a fair statement that the beef industry has done a lot better job of target-marketing products and basically developing new products for the appropriate consumer. The flat iron steak did not exist 10 years ago. That is a product now that brings more value to that carcass than was the case using the same poundage somewhere else before. The beef checkoff was one of multiple supporters in that effort. The mix of muscle cut versus ground is not the same across the country and we have mixed data on this. But the industry is doing a better job of coordinating what segment of the population wants ground beef, what segment wants steak, and sending it to the appropriate markets.”

Brester concluded that “From a Montana perspective, cow-calf producers must keep in mind that consumers want beef, not calves. Hence, when consumers want beef products, their preferences are manifest in higher prices at every level of the marketing chain. Ultimately, the largest impacts from changes in demand are disproportionately manifest in that segment of the marketing channel that is most fixed in supply, that is, the most difficult to expand—calves. Good management practices are rewarding including those that provide value, such as quality, consistency and better health, to the rest of the marketing system.”

Beef Demand Consumption Infographic

Click to view full-size version

2015 Montana Legislative Session Podcast – Week 1

The 64th Montana Legislative Session convened this week, on Monday, January 5th, in Helena. MSGA expects this to be yet another busy session, representing the interests of our members on a number of bills that will affect Montana ranchers and land owners. Each week during the session, MSGA Director of Natural Resources, Jay Bodner, and MSGA Manager of Communications will discuss what has taken place during the session and what legislative activity we can expect in the days ahead.

Stay tuned to our website as we will provide regular updates and member-exclusive information on activity during the legislative session. Just go to the Policies & Issues page under the About tab and log-in with your membership information.

Be sure to follow Montana Stockgrowers Association on social media for more information or contact our office in Helena with any questions at 442-3420.

For this week’s podcast, Jay Bodner and Ryan Goodman discuss MSGA’s role working with leadership during the legislative session and how you can track legislative activity through the state’s website.

How to Follow the 2015 Montana Legislative Session

Montana-State SealThe 64th regular session of the Montana legislature convenes in Helena on Monday, January 5, at noon. There are a variety of ways in which the public can monitor and participate in legislative proceedings.

Don’t forget, MSGA members can log-in on the Policies & Issues page of our website to receive updates on Stockgrowers’ activities and learn about bills we’re following throughout the session! Click here to visit the Policies & Issues page.

Watch or Listen

Gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate floor sessions and selected committee hearings will be broadcast on cable television stations throughout the state through TVMT, a statewide government broadcasting service provided by the Montana Legislative Services Division through a contract with Helena Civic Television.

To find out if TVMT programming is available in your area:

  • Visit www.leg.mt.gov/tvmt;
  • Contact your cable or other video service provider (Charter customers can view TVMT on Channel 191 throughout the state); or
  • Call the Legislative Communications Office at (406) 444-3067.

In addition, floor sessions and committee hearings will be video and audio streamed through the legislative branch website at www.leg.mt.gov.

Floor sessions generally begin at 1 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 8 a.m. most Saturdays, while committee hearings usually begin at 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. weekdays.

Contact Your Legislator

Montana legislators are eager to hear from constituents about their positions on pending legislation. There are several ways you can contact legislators during session to express your views.

Beginning January 5, you can leave messages for legislators using an online form available at www.leg.mt.gov/message.

You can also call the Legislative Information Desk at (406) 444-4800. An operator will take your message, which will then be delivered to the legislators. When leaving a message, be prepared to provide the operator with:

  • your name and address
  • the name of the legislator(s) or committee for whom your message is intended
  • the number of the bill you wish to support or oppose
  • a brief explanation for your position on the bill

You may leave messages for as many as five legislators or one legislative committee at a time. The service is available while the Legislature is in session Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to adjournment.

The Legislative Information Desk does not accept anonymous messages or blanket messages to all legislators.

Additionally, you can write to legislators. Letters should be addressed as follows:

Senator (Name)
Montana Senate
PO Box 200500
Helena MT 59620-0500


Representative (Name)
Montana House of Representatives
PO Box 200400
Helena MT 59620-0400

If you aren’t sure who your legislators are, contact your local elections office or visit the legislative website at www.leg.mt.gov and click on the “Legislators” link and then on “Find a Legislator”. The “Find a Legislator” page includes additional details about contacting legislators

Track Bills and Find General Legislative Information

The legislative process relies on the participation of informed citizens. The Legislative Automated Workflow System, or LAWS, is a free online service that provides legislative information before, during, and after sessions. With it, you can find:

  • Complete text of legislative bills
  • Up-to-date status of bills
  • Committee hearing schedules
  • Agendas for committee hearings and floor sessions
  • House and Senate votes on bills

You can find a link to the LAWS website for the 2015 session on the legislative website at www.leg.mt.gov. There is a new link this session on the LAWS website’s main page to an instructional video library. The library contains a number of easy-to-follow videos that explain how to use the system.

The legislative website also contains an array of other information regarding the legislature and the legislative process. Additionally, you can also follow legislative activities through Facebook or Twitter. For details, visit the legislative website at www.leg.mt.gov.

Testify at Hearings

One of the most important opportunities to become involved in the debate over a bill is when it’s the subject of a hearing before a legislative committee. You can communicate personally with legislators at any time about any bill, but the committee hearing is the occasion when anyone may publicly approve, oppose, or suggest changes to a bill.

You can testify on any bill that concerns you. Each committee of the House and Senate is assigned to a specific meeting room in the Capitol. By rule, the time and place of committee hearings are scheduled at least three days in advance. Hearing schedules can be found as noted above through LAWS, or you can call the Legislative Information Desk at (406) 444-4800.

Occasionally, if a hearing is expected to attract a large crowd, it may be moved to a larger room. Such changes are noted on hearing schedules and notices are placed outside the regular meeting rooms. Changes are also posted on the legislative branch website as well as on the legislative Facebook page and Twitter account.

–Press Release: Montana Legislative Communications

NCBA’s Cattlemen’s College Lineup Set for Feb. 3-4 in San Antonio

National Cattlemens Beef USA logoDENVER — The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Cattlemen’s College, now celebrating its 22nd year, has established a reputation as one of the most thorough cattle producer education programs in the nation. Sponsored by Zoetis, the 2015 edition of Cattlemen’s College offers a wide range of informative, hands-on educational workshops designed for cattle operations of every size and sector.

The program will be held Feb. 3-4, 2015, in San Antonio, Texas, headlining the first day of activities at the 2015 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. Early registration for Cattlemen’s College and the convention ends Jan. 9, 2015.

Cattlemen’s College workshops include an outstanding lineup of industry experts during the course of two jam-packed days. On Tuesday, Feb. 3, participants will first hear from Gary Smith, Keith Belk, Daryl Tatum and Dale Woerner on “Feeding to Increase the Quality, Consistency, and Competitiveness from Market Cows.” This first hands-on class will help attendees improve the beef from market cows, identify production practices and learn value concepts from feedlot to retail.

On Tuesday evening, Cattlemen’s College participants will be treated to a Texas BBQ Welcome Reception sponsored by Zoetis. The reception will be an opportunity to visit with fellow cattlemen as well as the afternoon’s speakers.

Starting Wednesday morning at 7:00 am, Cattlemen’s College classes begin with a keynote address by Scott Neal, Senior VP, Produce, Meat and Seafood for Walmart. Neal will address how Walmart perceives increasing beef prices, expanding exports, increased focus on sustainability, world-wide growth and how today’s Walmart customers view beef.

Following Neal’s address, classes focusing on rebuilding the herd, the future of beef production, and many other valuable topics will be held, concluding with lunch session, with legendary farm broadcaster Max Armstrong. Armstrong will talk about how in his view from nearly forty years as a broadcaster, it’s a great time to be in the beef business.

“Cattlemen’s College gives producers an opportunity to hear from some of the leading experts in topics that impact their cattle operations every day, as well as the chance to interact with those experts and ask questions,” said NCBA President and Texas cattleman Bob McCan. “Many of the presenters are legends in the beef industry, and the wide variety of classes offers something for every producer. We highly encourage cattlemen and women to take advantage of this informative and educational program.”

Cattlemen’s College registration information, as well as a complete schedule for the 2015 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show are available online at www.beefusa.org.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) has represented America’s cattle producers since 1898, preserving the heritage and strength of the industry through education and public policy.  As the largest association of cattle producers, NCBA works to create new markets and increase demand for beef.  Efforts are made possible through membership contributions. To join, contact NCBA at 1-866-BEEF-USA or [email protected].

Southwest Montana Stockmen’s Reflect on Active 2014

Over the last year or so we have accomplished some good things and feel that with the help of MSGA and others we have warded off some troublesome issues as well.

Both Beaverhead and Madison counties petitioned and voted to establish a livestock protective committee. The committees are authorized to assess up to 50 cents per head on cattle 9 months or older and 20 cents per head on sheep. These funds could be used in almost any way that protects the interests of the livestock industry in the county as decided upon by the committee. The Department of Revenue will collect this for us for free and the money stays in the county under supervision of the committee. These two groups should complement each other very well dealing with similar problems and close proximity.

Once again, the Yellowstone Bison were a hot topic over the past year. The proposal was to allow bison to venture out of the park to the north into a large designated area. There was an EA done on the issue and SWMSA commented on them. We supported the “no action alternative.” At least for the time being the bison are not allowed out of the usual area.

The sage grouse was at the forefront of almost all natural resource uses in the west this year. The State of Montana and the BLM each have developed management alternatives that will hopefully be enough to suppress the listing of the bird on the endangered species list. We commented on both the State and Federal plans. We don’t necessarily like everything in the alternatives that we supported but they will be better than the mandates if the bird gets listed.

The grizzly bear is currently on the endangered species list. We commented on an EA that had alternatives of management to warrant the de-listing. The numbers of bears are way up and conflicts are increasing. We were in favor of an alternative that provided for more liberal measures of mediating livestock/bear conflicts and did not lock up any additional federal land for multiple use.

In southwest Montana we have wonderful country to live and produce in. It is also a constant challenge to keep up with the times and protect this way of life. We have brucellosis, wolves, grizzlies, sage grouse, water, weeds, dead timber, and a multitude of other issues that affect natural resource use on private, state, and federal lands. We appreciate all that MSGA does on all these issues and more.

John Hagenbarth, President
Southwest Montana Stockmen’s Association
Dillon, MT