Gentle Hands Livestock Conference, June 27 and 28 in Shelby

This weekend, MSGA Local Affiliate, Marias River Livestock Association is holding the Gentle Hands Livestock Conference in Shelby, MT. Listen to the following podcast for more information about MRLA and the conference from Maggie Nutter of Sweetgrass. Also, go to for registration and details.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shelby High School Auditorium

8:30 – 9:30am Registration and Coffee

9:30am Welcome and appreciation

9:45- 10:45am Jude Capper- “Lies, damned lies and statistics…exposing the myths about beef sustainability”

Break– snacks

11:00- 12:30pm Temple Grandin- Low Stress Livestock Handling with Q & A period

Move to Marias Fair Grounds

1:00pm Beef brisket Lunch cooked by Dick Kinyon
– Temple Grandin book signing
– Mini Trade show and Beer booth.

2:00-4:00pm Curt Pate- Live Demonstration Low Stress Livestock Handling, Corral Panels, alley and chute provided by Morand Industries.

4:00pm – Door Prize Drawings- (must be present to win)

8:30pm – The Coyote Club & Events Center (137 Main Street) is hosting LIVE music by the fantastic, fiddle-playing, hit-kickin’ The Crawford Bros. Band!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Foreign and Emerging Livestock Diseases

“These Livestock Diseases Could Put You Out of Business: Are You Ready?” Come and Learn How to Protect Your Livelihood!

Location: Comfort Inn and Suites

8:30-9:30am Registration Coffee, Tea and Donuts

9:30-9:35 Welcome and appreciation for sponsors

9:30-10:30 Introductions to Foreign and Emerging Animal Diseases, International and USA Regulatory Authorities, Export Markets: Dr. Carla Huston, Mississippi State University Beef Extension Specialist.

10:30-11:00 PEDV-Porcine Endemic Diarrhea Virus-Now Reportable with Premises management. Dr. Jeanne Rankin MSU Extension Agro-Emergency Projects Coordinator

11:00-11:15 Break- Snacks

11:15-12:00pm  Foot and Mouth Disease- what is it and what regulatory actions are in place; FAD Prep. Montana Department of Livestock and APHIS: Veterinary Services

12:00- 1:00 Foot and Mouth Disease in the United Kingdom-2001: Dr. Carla Huston, Mississippi State University Beef Extension Specialist.

1:00 – 1:45 Lunch- Provided

1:45-3:45 Real Life FMD Scenario, (table-top exercise) in Montana- Tommy Bass, MSU Extension, Livestock Environment Associate Specialist, Dr. Carla Huston, and Dr. Jeanne Rankin and regulatory veterinarians assisting

3:45-3:50 Break

3:50 -4:50 How can I protect my operation? Bio-Security Measures to limit any disease spread. Dr Jeanne Rankin MSU

Letting Your Passion be Seen! (Also on Saturday)

Share Your agriculture story via Facebook and Instagram. (If you eat, agriculture is part of your life.)
This program is geared towards people 13-17 years of age.

Location: Ringside Ribs (439 Harding Ave)

9:00-9:30 am Registration – refreshments

9:30 Welcome and appreciation for sponsors

9:45am – 2:00pm (Lunch provided at Noon)

Topics to be covered by Ryan Goodman, Dairy Carrie, Jude Capper

  • The Magic in Your Post- The surprising positive power you have to influence others.
  • Ready, Set… GO! Your account, hashtag? Forever out there, Privacy settings
  • Show what you Know- 98.5% of people don’t live on farms/ranches.
  • Selfie or Felfie, IT’s you close up and personal doing what you do.
  • Billboards on your phone.. making picture posts with meaning.

Marias River Livestock Association

Fantastic Outcome for Foundation at MSGA’s Mid-Year Meeting

MSGA's Foundation Trustees at Mid-Year Meeting 2014.

MSGA’s Foundation Trustees at Mid-Year Meeting 2014.

The 2014 Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Mid Year Meeting in Miles City provided a fantastic outcome for the Research & Education Endowment Foundation (REEF). At multiple fundraising events throughout Mid Year, the Foundation brought in generous donations, totaling more than $15,000, to help support Montana’s youth via scholarships and educational opportunities for the ranching community.

This year, the Foundation was lucky to receive many auction items donated from Montana ranchers and the community. REEF trustees also hosted a fundraiser pancake breakfast for meeting attendees on Saturday morning. The proceeds from the events go to the Foundation’s scholarship funds.

This year’s auction items included an original commissioned David Graham painting, along with several prints, featuring generations working together on the ranch; a beautiful saddle from the Pilster family of Alzada, honoring their late son, Shawn Pilster; and a Montana State University football package that consisted of Athletic Director box seats and a gift certificate to Ferraros in Bozeman. The auction items brought in over $13,500 to support REEF scholarship funds.

During the Ranch Tour dinner, the Foundation honored this year’s Montana Educational Heritage Scholarship winner, Ariel Overstreet-Adkins. She is currently attending law school at the University of Montana with hopes to one day help Montana’s ranchers with legal issues in the areas of Natural Resources.

The Foundation also transitioned its chairman seat from Dusty Hahn of Townsend to John Grande of Martinsdale. “I’ve really enjoyed my time on the Trustee board and seeing the Foundation go to the next level in educating youth and our membership,” said Hahn after completing his five year term as REEF Chairman. Nancy Ereaux of Malta was voted in as vice-chair.

If you missed this year’s Mid-Year Meeting and would like to contribute to the Foundation, please visit to learn about ways you can help. Also, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily news and features.

We want to thank those in attendance for their support of the Foundation. The Montana ranching community wouldn’t be the same without you.

Foundation Trustees with auction items.jpg

Some of the Foundation Trustees pictured with the auctioned saddle and painting.

Ariel Overstreet-Adkins with Dusty Hahn.

Ariel Overstreet-Adkins with Dusty Hahn.

Dusty Hahn, Outgoing Foundation Chairman

Dusty Hahn, Outgoing Foundation Chairman

John Grande, Incoming Foundation Chairman

John Grande, Incoming Foundation Chairman


Comment Period Opens on DSA Boundary Adjustment; Public Meeting Set for July 2

DSA-map2_closeupPublic comment on expanding the state’s Designated Surveillance Area (DSA) for brucellosis to include a 365-square mile chunk of land between Norris and Three Forks (see map) opened late last week.

The Montana Board of Livestock at its last meeting approved putting the proposal out for review after learning that 10 of 60 elk in the corresponding elk hunting district (HD311) recently tested positive for exposure to brucellosis. State veterinarian Dr. Marty Zaluski said brucellosis-positive elk were not previously known to exist in the area, which is home to about 50 cattle producers and 12,000 head of cattle.

Created in 2010 with extensive input from the livestock industry and USDA-APHIS, the four-county (Beaverhead, Gallatin, Madison and Park) DSA is designed to prevent the spread of brucellosis and protect the marketability of Montana cattle. Cattle within the DSA are subject to additional testing, vaccination and identification requirements.

If approved, the boundary adjustment would be the third since the DSA was implemented in January 2010. Other adjustments occurred when brucellosis-positive elk where found in 2011 and 2012 on the western edge of the DSA in Beaverhead County.

The department will host a public meeting at 10 a.m. on July 2 at Headwaters Livestock Auction in Three Forks to discuss the proposal. Public comment will be accepted at the meeting, or can be submitted via email at [email protected] or via US postal mail at Christian Mackay, 301 N. Roberts St., Room 308, P.O. Box 202001, Helena, MT 59620-2001.

The public comment period closes July 12.

Stockgrowers Continue Tradition, Host Mid Year in Miles City

MSGA Directors Jim Steinbeisser and Jack Holden in the Parade in Downtown Miles City

MSGA Directors Jim Steinbeisser and Jack Holden in the Parade in Downtown Miles City

The 2014 Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Mid-Year Meeting drew over 300 ranchers from across the state for policy meetings and MSGA’s annual Ranch Tour. The meeting also hosted several events for the community, including a concert with the Bellamy Brothers, an All-Horse/Livestock Parade through downtown, and the Miles City Ranch Rodeo.

Here are some of the highlights from the 2014 MSGA Mid-Year Meeting:

-Opening General Session featured Bob McCan, Texas Cattleman and President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. McCan discussed several issues affecting Montana ranchers today. The NCBA continues working on rancher’s behalf including the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. proposed ruling, and foreign trade opportunities.

-The 2014 MSGA Ranch Tour began at the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Center where ranchers learned more about the Center’s research work with forage establishment, cow longevity and grazing recovery following range fires. MSGA then traveled to the Range Riders Museum and WaterWorks Art Museum. Finally, the tour traveled to OptiBlend Industries to learn about work in the oil and gas fields, which has a large impact on the economy in Eastern Montana.

The Stockgrowers Ford at Mac's Ford in Miles City

The Stockgrowers Ford at Mac’s Ford in Miles City

-Following the Ranch Tour, a delicious dinner was served at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds. MSGA’s Research and Education Endowment Foundation (REEF) awarded Ariel Overstreet-Adkins of Helena the 2014 MSGA Educational Heritage Scholarship and held a fund-raiser auction to benefit education programs. The auction included a commissioned painting by local artist David Graham and a saddle donated in memory of the late-Shawn Pilster. The saddle garnered over $10,000 for REEF programs in a rollover auction.

-The community of Miles City also joined in on the Mid Year festivities. On Friday night, the Bellamy Brothers came to the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds for a well-attended concert opened by Copper Mountain Band. On Saturday morning, prior to the Miles City Ranch Rodeo, Stockgrowers hosted an All-Horse/Livestock parade through downtown.

-Two interim policies were passed through during committee meetings on Friday and Saturday mornings. The Beef Production & Marketing Committee passed interim policy in opposition of proposed importation of beef products from Brazil due to concerns of Foot and Mouth Disease being brought to the U.S. The Land Use & Environment Committee passed interim policy regarding the Montana Water Court, encouraging the completion of adjudication.

Ranchers in Policy Meetings at Miles Community College

Ranchers in Policy Meetings at Miles Community College

-The Membership Development & Services Committee passed a new dues structure that will allow Montana’s small ranchers to join MSGA through a fair-share dues structure. Rancher dues for those owning 1-60 head of cattle are now set at $75. Higher due levels are set for those ranchers owning larger numbers of cattle as a part of the dues structure.

-The Young Stockgrowers held a meeting on Thursday afternoon with five featured speakers. Topics ranged from changes in antibiotic use in livestock, soil management, land appraisals, market outlooks and advocacy.

-Mid-Year photos can be seen on MSGA’s Flickr page –

-Plans are already underway for MSGA’s Annual Convention and Trade Show, which will be held Dec. 11-13 in Billings at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana. Watch for more information to be announced at

Inside Trade Agreements – The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)

Editor’s Note: Part two of a series of articles (Part 1) in which we will look at trade and the organizations that set the standards for these agreements. The next article will focus on the Codex Alimentarius. Provided by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association for educational purposes. By: Mallory Gaines, NCBA Policy Analyst, Cattle Health

As discussed in the first article in this series, trade is a fundamental part of America’s cattle industry and the NCBA supports free and fair trade based on internationally-accepted, sound science. The framework supporting this principal is the World Trade Organization, which relies on guidelines developed by groups like the OIE.

In 1995, with the establishment of the WTO, the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures entered into force. The purpose of the SPS Agreement was to ensure member countries that their consumers were being supplied with food that is safe to eat, but what is considered safe by international standards? The SPS agreement sets out the basic rules for food safety and animal and plant health standards, allowing countries to build upon this foundation to set their own standards. However, the agreement dictates that those standards and regulations must be based on science. This basis on science separates protection from protectionism. The World Organization for Animal Health, known by its French acronym OIE, is one body that sets those scientific standards.

Established in 1924, the OIE started with 28 countries. The U.S. joined in 1976, and in 1994, the OIE was designated by the WTO as the scientific reference body for animal health. Today the OIE has 178 member countries, with one country – one vote. The OIE collects and disseminates information on disease events, harmonizes health standards for trade in animals and animal products, and provides guidance for disease control and eradication. But today, the OIE is expanding with new mandates, and looking at developing guidelines on animal welfare, food production and safety, and helping member countries improve their veterinary services.

The OIE enforces strict reporting obligations for member countries for listed diseases.  For routine diseases TB and blue tongue, annual and six-month reporting is required. For emergency or foreign animal disease the requirements are for immediate reporting, within 24 hours of confirmation. This applies to FMD, vesicular stomatitis, and BSE.

The OIE is made up of four specialist commissions.  NCBA works most closely with the commission which develops the standards and recommendations for the safe trade of animals and animal products. Moreover, this commission oversees the work on animal welfare and food production and food safety.

As a member country, the U.S. participates at various levels, preparing the U.S. position based on science, sending official comments and working within our Region to build consensus. The OIE played a major role in our trade relationship with the first case of BSE in the U.S. in 2003.  Their recognition of the U.S. as “controlled risk” for BSE helped our negotiators to rebuild foreign market share following market closures and protectionist attitudes. In May of 2013, with the work of USDA APHIS, the risk status was upgraded to “negligible risk” which further helped in gaining market share lost in the Pacific Rim, including Japan. And it is based on the standards out of the OIE that we continue to press for greater access to countries like China, Russia and Korea.

At the end of May, NCBA will attend the annual meeting of the OIE as part of the U.S. delegation. The OIE will adopt a chapter to the code of Terrestrial Animal Health and work on other policy issues. The official U.S. delegate to the OIE is Dr. John Clifford, USDA Chief Veterinary Officer, but the delegation often relies on the expertise of industry in crafting their recommendations and comments. It is important for all cattle producers that NCBA ensures the concerns of our members are addressed at the OIE and to ensure that standards considered and passed fit the needs of our industry. This will become all the more important as this body moves on to consider issues like animal welfare, on farm food safety practices and antimicrobial resistance.

Inside Trade Agreements – World Trade Organization (WTO)

Beef Offal Export Values World Trade OrganizationEditor’s Note: Part one of a series of articles in which we will look at trade and the organizations that set the standards for these agreements. The next article will focus on the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Provided by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association for educational purposes.

Trade is a fundamental part of America’s cattle industry, and with new pacts on the horizon like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade Investment and Promotion agreement the beef industry is poised to take advantage of greater opportunities ahead. Ninety-six percent of the world’s population lives outside of United States’ borders, and it is critical to capitalize on these foreign markets to maximize profit margin. Beef demand looks different across the world, and foreign markets drive demand and increase profitability for beef cuts that are less popular here in the states, drivers our cattle industry can capitalize on. In 2013, trade brought home more value to the producer than ever in the past – $307 per head or $6.15 billion total. This premium underlines the value of trade for all segments of our industry. And the major regulator of these opportunities is the World Trade Organization.

The WTO has a long history in international trade. Its formation reaches back to the Treaty of Versailles and the end of World War I, with the establishment of the League of Nations. After World War II, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was formed. And in 1995 with the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations, under the age is of the GATT, the WTO was formally created to discuss and negotiate the further development of trade rules and seek peaceable resolution to trade disputes. With its history in war, the main function of the WTO then as now, is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

To secure these market opportunities, countries work through the WTO. The WTO was built around trade agreements which were negotiated and signed by many of the world’s leading trade nations. These documents provide the legal ground rules for international commerce. They are essentially contracts, binding governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits. Although negotiated and signed by governments, the goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business, while allowing governments to meet social, environmental and safety objectives.

Economic development and well-being is dependent upon free trade and as such, the WTO’s overriding purpose is to help trade flow as freely as possible — so long as there are no undesirable side effects. That partly means removing obstacles and ensuring that individuals, companies and governments know what the trade rules are around the world, and giving them confidence and security without fear of sudden policy changes.

Which brings us to the point of why WTO is important and what their role is in international trade. The NCBA does not necessarily work with WTO directly; we work with our government, the U.S. Trade Representative and the governments of other nations affected by decisions at the WTO. But the WTO makes many of their trade decisions based on standards set by other organizations. WTO gives these organizations credence by recognizing the standards they set. These organizations, like the World Organization for Animal Health, known by its French acronym OIE, and Codex Alimentarius, set the precedent that WTO looks at and that the cattle industry can use as a guide for animal health and food safety.

When our membership calls for free and open trade based on internationally recognized science, OIE and Codex provide the science that underlies that notion. And that is where NCBA works. Over the past several years and through the next months, we will be attending meetings and submitting comments and documents to ensure that the standards set on the global level for animal health and welfare and food safety are in line with the most recent science and that these standards work for the U.S. cattle industry.

An example would be a beef trade dispute with a country that refused to accept U.S. beef that was at any time fed a beta-agonist. Codex, has a set maximum residue level, or MRL, for certain beta-agonists in meat based on the scientific evidence presented by a varied committee of nations, experts and researchers. Since this level has been recognized internationally, it would be among the standards used if the U.S. were to take up a case against that country’s action at the WTO. And that is the type of action that preserves our ability to trade openly with other nations.

Of course not all WTO disputes are based on sound science. There are many other barriers to trade that the U.S. beef industry works with. There is protectionism both domestic and abroad. Policies like COOL, that discriminate against our trading partners and threaten retaliatory action against our beef exports to Canada and Mexico, which alone make up one-third of our total beef exports. And as with other trade disputes, the WTO is not the only way to work out our differences. As with our relations with China, Japan, the European Union and others; the decisions on how to move forward involve not only the possibility of enforcement at the WTO, but diplomacy and leadership through the Administration and our ambassadors and attachés. But we will continue to work with all of these groups to ensure we can provide the same great high-quality beef we raise and produce here in the U.S. to our customers across the world.

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Northeast Montana Update | Bakken and ranchers

By Jim Steinbeisser. Sidney, Northeast Region Director

jim steinbeisser, sidney montanaBy the end of May, spring is finally underway! This sure is a great time to be in the cattle business, isn’t it? Strong cattle markets and with that, positive balance sheets for our individual businesses, give us an opportunity to reevaluate where we focus our resources.

Being from the Sidney area in the heart of the Bakken oil boom, I am asked occasionally what it is like to ranch in the middle of all that. I will say it is mostly good. The economy of the area is certainly strong! We have many buildings going up, more businesses starting and more people coming to live here. However, there is a down side. The roads are busier than I would like although after the initial drilling, the traffic does lessen. Crime has increased some and housing is in short supply but even now, it is starting to catch up. Overall, it is a net benefit for our communities. As drilling expands to areas not very experienced with the oil activity, I would encourage landowners and renters to talk to folks who have already been through the process of leases, easements, etc. You do not need to make all the mistakes that have been made by ranchers in the past. Just pick up your phone and call. It could be very helpful!

Being on the MSGA board now for the second year, I can really see the issues that need to be and are being addressed. Your very competent staff is not only working on the front-page issues that we read about or hear about but also working on the smaller, lesser-known issues that are equally important. The board members, officers and staff take all the challenges that we, as an industry face very seriously. Everyone is encouraged to contact us with any concern they may have or just to share their thoughts on a matter. We really are working to build an even better communication channel between the leadership and the members of this great organization.

The newly developed AMP (Affiliate Mentorship Program) will also help us with building dialog with our affiliates. Please get to know the program and its benefits. It is worth knowing, for example, that there is the Affiliate Top Hand Club where your local affiliate can win a John Deere Gator, generously donated by Frontline Ag! Be sure to check the newsletter or our website for all the details! I hope to see you in Miles City for our Mid-Year Meeting in June 13 & 14. It will be a grand time with good meetings and good fun.

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National Cattlemens Beef USA logo

DOT Exempts Livestock from Hours of Service Requirement

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation has granted a one-year exemption to the Hours-of-Service requirement for the transportation of livestock. The Hours-of-Service rules required all commercial motor vehicle operators, including livestock transporters, to take a 30-minute rest break for every eight hours of service. This is in addition to all scheduled stops not counting time for refueling and other breaks.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President and Victoria, Texas, cattleman, Bob McCan said the move alleviates many of the concerns of cattlemen and women as they face warmer temperatures this summer.

“This is great news for livestock producers and for the health of our herds,” said McCan. “As we come into summer, cattle producers have expressed concerns to the DOT that these rules would jeopardize the health and safety of our cattle. For over a year this has been a major priority for the NCBA and our members, but we will continue to urge DOT to make this exemption permanent. This exemption is a common-sense move that keeps our herds and our nation’s highways safe.”

The hours of service exemption will be effective immediately. More information can be found on the DOT website here.


The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) has represented America’s cattle producers since 1898, preserving the heritage and strength of the industry through education and public policy. As the largest association of cattle producers, NCBA works to create new markets and increase demand for beef. Efforts are made possible through membership contributions. To join, contact NCBA at 1-866-BEEF-USA or [email protected].

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Fred Wacker Montana Cross Four Ranch

Southeastern Montana Update | Sage Grouse, Small Ranchers, and Mid Year

By Fred Wacker, Miles City, Southeastern Region Director

Fred Wacker Montana Cross Four RanchHere in Southeastern Montana, Miles City, surrounding towns and communities are all abuzz with talk of the up-coming 2014 Mid-Year Montana Stockgrowers Convention on June 13 & 14. People are excited to welcome Montana Stockgrowers members, guests, and supporters to Miles City for the 130th convention of Montana’s oldest and most respected agriculture organization. People are excited about the concert, featuring The Bellamy Brothers, who are known to play music that everyone enjoys. The concert, along with the all horse and livestock parade, and the convention, with featured speakers, Montana Governor, Steve Bullock, and President of the NCBA, Bob McCan, has the entire area looking forward to a great convention with lots of fun and something for everyone. Thanks to the business community for all of their financial support, this mid-year convention will be one of the best ever.

Stockgrowers members in Southeastern Montana have voiced support for the new smaller rancher dues structure that was unanimously passed by Montana Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors, and will be offered for adoption to the general membership at the Mid-Year convention. A review of the ag census data clearly shows that there are many more small ranchers in Montana that are not members of the Montana Stockgrowers Association. This new dues structure should allow the Association to have more members, which brings more clout when dealing with important issues.

Most all of Southeastern Montana is in the area involved in the new Sage Grouse plan. The restrictions and rules concerning the average ranch operation are of great concern to all ranchers and landowners in Southeastern Montana. MSGA board members, association members, and other interested parties have appeared at many hearings concerning Sage Grouse, and are keeping a watchful eye on the situation.

The wonderful moisture condition in Southeastern Montana, this spring, has brought green grass, full reservoirs and ponds to most areas. It appears to be the start of a great grazing and haying season, which is so important to all ranchers. The reports of above average snow pack, in the mountains, has everyone along the rivers hoping for an orderly melting of snow in the mountains that will not cause flooding in the area.

2014 brings continued enjoyment of an excellent cattle market. There have been many reports of early interest in contracting calves and yearlings at record prices. If the rains continue, and we have a great corn crop, this could be a record year for Montana ranchers.

As I am in my 3rd year as a board member of the Montana Stockgrowers Association, I can assure you that your association has a very dedicated and capable staff, officers, and board members who all work hard for the good of Montana ranchers. It is a pleasure to be a part of this fine organization. Make plans to come to Miles City, and take in the 130th mid-year convention. Hope to see you in Miles City, where the cowboys ride.

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National Association of Counties

Montana’s Lesley Robinson Chosen President of Western Counties Group

Commissioner Lesley Robinson, Phillips County, Mont., National Association of Countieswas sworn in on May 23 as president of the Western Interstate Region (WIR), a caucus affiliated with the National Association of Counties (NACo). During her swearing-in at NACo’s WIR conference in Anchorage Municipality, Alaska, Robinson spoke of her commitment to be a strong voice for Western county policy priorities at the federal level. Lesley and her her husband, Jim, are ranchers in Dodson area and long-time active members of the Montana Stockgrowers Association and Montana Public Lands Council.

“As president of NACo’s Western Interstate Region, I will help shape federal policies that directly affect Phillips County and other counties across the country,” said Robinson. “With critical legislative and regulatory issues being debated in the nation’s capital, I want to make sure Western voices are heard loud and clear.”

Top WIR issues include reauthorizing MAP-21, the surface transportation bill; securing long-term funding solutions for counties through the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and Secure Rural Schools (SRS) programs; and amplifying county voices on the newly-proposed definition of “waters of the U.S.” and endangered species act legislation.

Robinson’s swearing-in took place at the conclusion of the annual WIR conference where hundreds of county officials gathered to discuss and address issues particularly important to local communities. For more information about WIR, visit:

The National Association of Counties (NACo) is the only national organization that represents county governments in the United States.  Founded in 1935, NACo assists America’s 3,069 counties in pursuing excellence in public service to produce healthy, vibrant, safe and resilient counties.  NACo promotes sound public policies, fosters county solutions and innovation, promotes intergovernmental and public-private collaboration and provides value-added services to save counties and taxpayers money. More information at:
The Western Interstate Region (WIR) is affiliated with NACo and dedicated to the promotion of Western interests within NACo. These interests include public land issues (use and conservation), community stability and economic development and the promotion of the traditional Western way of life. WIR’s membership consists of fifteen Western states: Alaska, Hawaii, Wash., Ore., Calif., Idaho, Nev., Ariz., Mont., Wyo., Colo., N.M., Utah, N.D., S.D. 
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