Stockgrowers Seeking Applications For Manager of Communications and Outreach

msga_regstylelogo_navyThe Montana Stockgrowers Association is seeking applications for a Manager of Communications and Outreach. The position is responsible for all formal Association communications, facilitates outreach programs for Association members, industry and public audiences, and provides staff support for Association programs.

Strong applicants should be familiar with ranching industry communications platforms, media relations, create and design programs and social media outreach strategies. The position works closely with young rancher and collegiate education and leadership programs, as well as event publicity.

Successful candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree in agricultural communications, journalism, public relations, marketing, or related field of study, and/or have relevant experience. A background in livestock or agricultural practices is desired but not required.

Successful candidates should have strong organizational skills, writing and communications skills, and the ability to meet deadlines. Experience and knowledge in photography, video production, social media and website management, Microsoft Office suite of software, Adobe Design suite of software, WordPress, email campaign software, Google products, audio editing and HTML is desired.

For more information about the job opening, contact the Montana Stockgrowers Association at (406) 442-3420. A full job description is available at Please send cover letter and resume to Ryan Goodman at [email protected], or 420 N. California St., Helena, MT 59601.The application process is open until position is filled.

Registration Open for 2016 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show

san diego cicDENVER – Registration and housing for the 2016 Cattle Industry Convention and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Trade Show is now open. The 118th Annual Convention will be held in San Diego, Calif., Jan. 27-29, 2016. Advanced registration is open until Jan. 4, 2016. Convention participants will hear from industry leaders, gather insight on industry trends, enjoy an evening of stars and stripes on the USS Midway and this year’s Cowboy Concert Series will feature Martina McBride. NCBA President Philip Ellis said this convention is a must for everyone involved in the cattle industry.

“The Cattle Industry Convention is the oldest and largest, national convention in the cattle business,” Ellis said. “We look forward to another great meeting in an outstanding location. Once again, NCBA will have one of the largest trade shows in agriculture, with 350 companies exhibiting on nearly 6 acres of show floor. Between the USO show on the USS Midway and Martina McBride, our entertainment will be outstanding.”

In addition to access to all of the 2016 convention events, registrants for the full convention will receive a 50 percent off coupon for Roper and Stetson apparel and footwear at the NCBA Trade Show. To register and secure housing for the 2016 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show, visit or e-mail [email protected].

Follow us on Facebook and join the conversation on Twitter at #beefmeet

Young Ag Leaders Tour Billings Area Businesses

Montana Young Ag Leadership Conference Farm Tour OrigenMembers of several Montana agricultural organizations met in Billings this past weekend for the 2015 Young Ag Leadership Conference this past weekend. The annual meeting offers a variety of workshops, discussion groups and guest speakers to young farmers and ranchers who want to learn more about their respective industries. This year’s meeting had approximately 175 young agriculturalists attend from all corners of the state.

Trailhead Spirits Billings Montana Young Ag LeadershipThe conference kicked off on Friday afternoon with a tour of three area businesses from different sectors of agriculture. Participants visited Trailhead Spirits in downtown Billings, where they learned about the distilling process from local business owner, Casey McGowan. Trailhead’s primary grain source for its products is McGowan’s family farm in the Highwood area of North Central Montana, making the distillery’s products truly Montana Made.

Montana Origen Jared MurninNext stop on the tour was Origen, a Breeder to Breeder Genetics Service located in Huntley. Origen offers a number of genetics services to livestock owners in the region, including bull stud, semen collection, handling, shipping and storage, as well as embryo harvesting and in vitro fertilization. General Manager, Jared Murnin, and Origen staff walked tour participants through each step of their processes and explained how their services provide area ranchers with tools to improve genetics in their cattle herds.

Montana Sugar Beet Young Ag Leadership ConferneceThe final stop on Friday’s YALC tour featured Diamond X Farms, also near Huntley. Tour participants learned about growing sugar beet crops in southern Montana and much of the work involved in the process. The farmers explained how beneficial biotechnology has been to their business by increasing yields and reducing the number of inputs required to grow the crop in the region.

The Young Ag Leadership Conference continued with workshops and speakers on Saturday and Sunday at the Crowne Plaza, with a dinner and live music event with local food trucks at ZooMontana.

A special Thank You to Montana agriculture organizations and businesses who sponsored the event. To learn more, contact your local agriculture organization and look for details of the 2016 Young Ag Leadership Conference, which will take place in October.

View photos from the 2015 Young Ag Leadership Conference by visiting the Montana Stockgrowers Association Facebook page.

Chief Veterinarian Addresses Joint Public Meeting Regarding Antimicrobial Data Collection

Antibiotics Use Livestock ResistanceWASHINGTON – Yesterday, Kathy Simmons, DVM, Chief Veterinarian, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, delivered comments before a joint public meeting of the Food and Drug Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, and Center for Disease Control addressing antimicrobial use and resistance data collection.

“NCBA believes that a clear strategy for data collection, analysis and reporting must first be established before moving forward with the data collection process in order to provide information that correctly represents actual antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals,” said Dr. Simmons, adding that antimicrobial use data collection needs to be revised. “We agree that the antimicrobial drug sales and distribution data currently collected by FDA under ADUFA does not equate to antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals. We are appreciative of the desire of the agencies to obtain broad stakeholder involvement and collaboration in the process to seek the best possible options available for collecting and analyzing on-farm antimicrobial drug use information.”

NCBA has a long history supporting antimicrobial stewardship that directs responsible antibiotic use in all sectors of the beef cattle industry. This commitment dates back to the first release of the Beef Producer Guidelines for Judicious Use of Antimicrobials in 1987, which is still utilized in an updated form by producers today.

“We do not believe that the reduction in the volume of antimicrobial drugs used in food-producing animals should be used as the sole measurement for the success of a judicious antimicrobial drug use strategy,” said Simmons. Instead, “there must be a way to link antimicrobial drug use metrics with the reason for drug use and animal population parameters rather than simply reporting aggregate quantities for which the only goal is reduction.”

Additionally, Simmons cautioned FDA on privacy concerns, stating that ensuring the anonymity of participants and safeguarding the information gathered in the system is of utmost importance to cattle producers.

As the conversation continues in Washington D.C., NCBA will remain engaged. Cattlemen and women appreciate the efforts of FDA to help bring more transparency and increased granularity to the antibiotic sales data for food-producing animals as well as the collaborative approach FDA is taking between industry users, federal agencies, and animal health companies.

–NCBA Press Release

Senate Hearing Reviews Army Corps’ Role in WOTUS

waterWASHINGTON (Sept. 30, 2015) – Today the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water held a hearing on the Army Corps of Engineers’ participation in the “waters of the United States” regulation. The subcommittee focused on internal memos released by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. While the memos show the Corps leadership having serious concerns with the science underlying the WOTUS rule, Jo Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army insisted, as co-author, the Corps supported the final rule.

The hearing provided ample opportunity to highlight the issues raised in the memos and the gulf between the Corps and EPA in the arbitrary standards used in the final rule. Philip Ellis, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president and Chugwater, Wyo., cattleman, said the arbitrary nature of this rule poses a danger to all land uses.

“This rule is clearly not based on science, nor does it relate to keeping our waters clean,” said Ellis. “It is a transparent land grab by the administration and EPA. Cattlemen and women will continue to oppose this rule in Congress and in the courtroom. This rule and the flawed rulemaking process underlie the need for legislation to withdraw the rule and compel the agencies to work with all stakeholders.”

The WOTUS rule became effective in all but 13 states on August 28. A Federal Circuit Judge in North Dakota granted a temporary preliminary injunction on implementation of the WOTUS rule in the case brought by the 13 states before his court. Since enforcement of the rule, 31 states and numerous stakeholders, including the NCBA and Public Lands Council, have engaged in 22 lawsuits challenging EPA’s transparent lack of authority to regulate all waters in the United States.

NCBA and PLC support S. 1140, the Federal Water Quality Protection Act, bipartisan legislation that would direct the EPA to withdraw the final WOTUS rule and work with stakeholders in drafting a new rule to clarify the Clean Water Act.

–NCBA Press Release

Fundraiser Auction Supports Environmental Stewardship

montana environmental stewardship award programOn Friday, September 18, ranchers and Billings-area residents gathered for a night of beef, wine and fun at Yellowstone Cellars and Winery, hosted by Clint Peck. Proceeds from the event go to support the Montana Environmental Stewardship Program (ESAP).

The night’s events included good wine, fresh beef tri-tip grilled by Chef Megan Jessee thanks to the Montana Beef Council, and several donated items auctioned by Ron Dinkle. The auction raised more than $4,000, which will go toward outreach efforts to help ranchers share their stories of environmental stewardship.

In its 25th year, ESAP recognizes Montana ranchers who go the extra mile to preserve and enhance the resources on their land through management that promotes environmental stewardship, conservation and sustainability. These practices include management that promotes

  • Conservation of natural resources,
  • Coexistence with wildlife habitat,
  • Clean water sources,
  • Range health and diversity,
  • Healthy, wholesome beef products, and
  • Sustainable contributions to rural economies

Each year, Montana Stockgrowers recognizes ranchers at the forefront of conservation and stewardship with a commitment toward improved sustainability within the beef industry. Ranchers must complete an extensive application and share their story of work in the areas of

  • Diversity in Rangeland and Wildlife Management,
  • Sustainability on the Ground and in Rural Communities,
  • Partnerships Toward Improved Ranching, and
  • Environmental & Economic Management Goals.

State winners selected by the Montana Stockgrowers Association advance to the regional and national levels. Montana has a strong history of regional and national winners in years since ESAP was established. This year, the American Fork Ranch from Two Dot is the Region V ESAP winner and will continue to compete for the National award, to be announced January 27-29 in San Diego.

The 2016 Montana ESAP recipient will be announced at the Stockgrowers Annual Convention, December 3-5 in Rimrock Auto Arena at MetraPark in Billings.

To learn more about Montana ESAP or to donate to the program, visit

NCF Accepting Applications for Beef Industry Scholarship

National-Cattlemens-Foundation-logoDENVER (Sept. 15, 2015) – The National Cattlemen’s Foundation is now accepting applications for 2016-17 beef industry scholarships sponsored by the CME Group. Ten scholarships of $1,500 each will be awarded to outstanding students pursuing careers in the beef industry.

“The CME Beef Industry Scholarship enables us to invest in the next generation of our nation’s food producers, while helping them understand the importance of risk management to the beef industry,” said Tim Andriesen, CME Group Managing Director of Agricultural Commodities. “For more than 25 years, NCBA has been a key partner in advancing risk management education to future beef industry leaders through this important scholarship program.”

The CME Beef Industry Scholarship was introduced in 1989 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Live Cattle futures contract on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. It recognizes and encourages talented students who will one day be industry leaders. Students studying education, communication, production, research or other areas related to the beef industry should consider applying for the scholarship.

Applicants for the 2016-17 scholarship will be required to write a one-page letter expressing future career goals related to the beef industry. They also must write a 750-word essay describing an issue in the beef industry and offering solutions to this problem. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or full-time undergraduate student enrolled at a two or four-year college.

Applications should be submitted by October 30, 2015 and sent to National Cattlemen’s Foundation, 9110 E. Nichols Ave., Suite 300, Centennial, CO 80112. The winning recipients will be announced during the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in San Diego, Cali., Jan. 27-29, 2016.

For more information visit

Western Ranchers Discuss Policy Priorities during Annual Meeting in Cody

PLC LogoWASHINGTON – The Public Lands Council hosted its annual meeting in Cody, Wyo., last week to discuss issues critical to the western ranching industry. Session topics included the need for modernization of the Endangered Species Act, sage grouse, invasive species, wildfire management, water rights issues, and management of wild horses among others. These hot button items drew a wide attendance and speakers from national affiliate organizations, the Western Governors’ Association, Western Resources Legal Center as well as Bureau of Land Management, the US Forest Service, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

“The western ranching industry is unique in the fact that it faces an added layer of federal bureaucracy in dealing with lands managed by the government,” said Dustin Van Liew, PLC executive director. “Nearly 22,000 ranchers utilize grazing permits to graze on federal lands equating to nearly 40 percent of western cow herd and 50 percent of the nation’s sheep herd spending some time on federal lands. I’m pleased this year’s meeting brought great insight and discussion to the table.”

The potential listing of the Greater Sage Grouse under the Endangered Species Act was top of mind, as the habitat improves and even thrives, specifically in properly-managed ranching areas. James Ogsbury, executive director of the Western Governors’ Association stressed the importance of individual state involvement in land management decisions such as the potential listing of the Sage Grouse, which would not only harm the ranching industry, but potentially halt the successful conservation programs already underway by ranchers and the states.

Western Resources Legal Center Executive Director Caroline Lobdell gave an eye-opening presentation on emerging issues in animal law. One particular issue of concern being tried in the courts, she said, is attributing human rights and personhood onto animals and livestock.

The Public Lands Endowment Trust allocated nearly a half a million dollars to invest in the protection, enhancement, and preservation of the western ranching industry, including a continuation of the communications project that serves to educate policy influencers and the public on the beneficial uses of grazing on federal lands. Since inception four years ago, the Trust has distributed over $1.3 million to projects across the west.

“Grazing continues to represent a multiple use that is essential to the livestock industry, wildlife habitat, open space, and the rural economies of many western communities,” said Van Liew. “This meeting always fosters insightful conversation about the future of the industry, and we greatly appreciate those who sacrifice their time and energy to join the meeting to shape the direction of our industry.”

Public Lands Council Hosts Annual Meeting in Cody

PLC LogoCODY, Wyo. – Western ranchers are gathering this week in Cody, Wyo., for the 2015 Public Lands Council annual meeting. As the only organization in Washington D.C. solely dedicated to representing livestock ranchers who utilize public lands, PLC’s annual meeting will focus on legislative and regulatory updates. This year’s meeting has a schedule full of top-notch speakers covering a wide range of topics.

“Each year this meeting gets better, and this year will be no exception,” said Brenda Richards, PLC president. “Ranchers in the West have had some great wins over the past year, including the passage of key provisions of the Grazing Improvement Act, because of our strong membership base and the engagement of our organization. Annual meeting is an important event as we come together to discuss some of the hot-button issues going on in the industry and develop policy priorities.”

The sessions started Thursday and cover a range of topics including the need for modernization of the Endangered Species Act, invasive species, wildfire management, water rights issues, sage grouse, and management of wild horses, and include speakers from the Western Governors Association, Western Resources Legal Center, the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service as well as industry representatives.

“As has been the case in recent years, there continues to be no shortage of issues to discuss this year, and it’s important for ranchers to engage in the conversation that shape national policy decisions,” added Richards. “With many of the best and brightest minds in the public lands policy and management business here, it is set to be a beneficial and informative meeting.”

For more information about the meeting and learn more about the organization, visit

Cattle Crawl – Progressive Beef Dinner in Billings, October 11

PowerPoint PresentationExperience a night of culinary fusion, Montana style! Meet local chefs and local beef producers as they bring you their latest creations during a walking tour of three premiere downtown Billings restaurants. Registration is open for the 2015 Cattle Crawl, taking place in downtown Billings on Sunday, October 11, beginning at 5:00 p.m.

The Cattle Crawl is an opportunity to acquaint urban consumers with area ranchers to feature beef in a creative way. The tour kicks off at Uberbrew for an opportunity for diners to enjoy beef appetizers at one of the area’s most popular gastropubs and breweries. The dinner tour then continues with stops at The Rex Restaurant and TEN at The Northern.

The annual Cattle Crawl is made possible by Montana beef producers and their Checkoff dollars. Proceeds benefit leadership and education programs for young ranchers involved with the Montana Stockgrowers Association.

Tickets are $65 per person and include food, drinks and a commemorative Montana Cattle Crawl pint glass. Tickets must be purchased by October 1. This event is limited to 30 participants, so be sure to register early to attend this fun evening of beef dishes and fun in downtown Billings.

Click here to register today.