Continue the Montana Legacy of “The Family Ranch”

The Petroleum County Conservation District and the Montana Grazinglands Conservation Initiative invite you to “Continue the Montana Legacy of ‘The Family Ranch.’” Join them for an afternoon session and supper at the Wrangler in Grass Range on Wednesday, June 1st at 11:00 a.m. Speakers will include Chip Hines and Ron Hanson. Both will discuss ranches in transition from livestock and grazing management to the business and realities of family succession. For more information please call the Petroleum County Conservation District at (406) 429-6646. Start the conversation with your family!

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Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit membership organization, has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

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