Giving Back Foundation online auction fundraiser now open

The Giving Back Foundation (GBF) is holding its first annual online auction fundraiser. The Giving Back Foundation, founded by singer/songwriter T.J. Casey, is based on the unchanging, unwritten cowboy code of neighbor helping neighbor, and is dedicated to America’s ag producers. “Mother Nature makes no provisions for the blood, sweat and tears farmers and ranchers put into keeping an outfit together,” said Casey. “When nature’s devastation hits, it can wipe that operation out completely. That’s where the Giving Back Foundation can help. We don’t want anyone leaving agriculture due to a natural disaster.”

In order to have reserves for potential needs, the Giving Back Foundation has a number of items on its website,, up for auction including a limited edition Martin DX 175th Anniversary Guitar donated by Martin Guitar. The DX 175th Anniversary Model is a Limited Edition with anniversary artwork created by artist Robert Goetzl. The inspired graphics for this Dreadnought’s soundboard captures the essence of Martin’s legacy and heritage from 1833 to 2008, and onward. Other auction items include 2011 Breeding to Stallion “RLB Git Er Dun Bueno” from Three Two Bar Ranch; horseshoe-art items from T.J. Casey; business consulting services from Media Media, Inc. in Reno, Nev.; a 3-CD Set from T.J. Casey; handcrafted cowhide chaps made by Bill’s Custom Leather of Billings, Mont.; and an 18×24 giclee digital black and white image, “California Rigging.”

The auction is open through Oct. 17, 2010. GBF will be adding additional items throughout this time and is actively seeking additional donations. To learn about the Giving Back Foundation, visit

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Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit membership organization, has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

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