GMOs, Hormones, Sustainability, Water to Highlight Educational Forum
The 2015 Montana Stockgrowers Annual Convention & Trade Show is just a few days out. This year’s meeting offers a great lineup of speakers and educational workshops for Montana ranchers. To view all the highlights from this year’s Annual Convention, click here. RSVP on the Facebook event so you do not miss a thing. If you are following along on social media, share your experience (and anticipation!) with the hashtag #MSGA15 on Twitter and Instagram. View the tags from all networks on Tagboard.
The Montana CattleWomen will be hosting an Educational Forum with speakers on several different topics on Saturday, December 5 at 2:00 p.m.
Jill Herold presents Mythical Creatures; We’ve all heard about it (GMO’s, Sustainability, Gluten Free, etc.), but have we really seen it or know about them? Let’s look at the definition of sustainability, how it applies to agriculture in the U.S. and globally. We’ll myth bust with GMO’s and Gluten Free, plus find out some valuable resources for answers.
How do growth promoting implants and feed additives work? And how do they impact the final product? Learn about the science behind these technologies and more with Dr. Rachel Endecott, Montana State University Extension Beef Cattle Specialist.
Nancy Labbe with World Wildlife Fund’s Sustainable Ranching Initiative is working to establish a productive dialogue with stakeholders in the beef supply chain. By partnering with ranchers, retailers, regional and national producer groups, consumers, and other conservation organizations, WWF is working to develop a thriving global marketplace for sustainable beef that values intact grasslands, abundant natural resources, and producer livelihoods. The local to global approach is key for WWF. In the Northern Great Plains region, WWF supports the ranching community with capacity-building grants, bird surveys, and outreach support. We’re driven by the goal of maintaining intact grasslands the Northern Great Plains by supporting the ranching community and communicating with consumers about the benefits of ranching on this landscape. More broadly, WWF serves as a key representative on the Global, US, and Canadian Roundtables for Sustainable Beef, influencing the future of the sustainable beef market with a reasonable, informed approach.
Hertha Lund ranches with her husband in south central Montana. Her firm, Lund Law, focuses on water and natural resources. She will speak on the basics of property interests in water rights with and current issues related to water rights in Montana including changes in the law made during the 2015 legislature, water rights adjudication and whether your water rights might be in the Water Court’s bulls eye in the coming year. Additionally, she will touch on stock water rights and other issues important for ranchers to consider in further protecting their property rights.