Leadership Series | Guest Blog Post | Chisholm Christensen
My personal leadership story and why I’m stepping up to live larger by being a part of this program
Post by Chisholm Christensen
Writing is one of the more difficult and important tasks a person can undertake; requiring the author to think critically and explain effectively their topic of choice. Through writing, more so than speaking, we are able to fine-tune, rework and continually reanalyze our position free from external judgement or input until we ourselves are satisfied with the presentation and tone of our offering. This very personal task provides the writer an opportunity for personal growth while at the same time cementing his or her ideas and thoughts about the theme to be drawn upon when future circumstances dictate. We have all heard again and again how important effective communication is in any type of relationship and I think this is an area I personally excel in and a good place to start telling you my individual leadership story.
My passion for an array of subjects led me at a very young age to have an impact on my surroundings. I have a clear picture of how I think things I am passionate about should be and I learned that if I didn’t have a voice or speak up many times those things took a course leading to an outcome altogether different and many times less exemplary than the one I was wishing for. I learned that wishing doesn’t get it done. Getting mad or excessively frustrated or disrespectful didn’t have a positive effect either. I had to learn not only how to make myself heard but also how to exert an influence on other individuals involved.
Most of this learning took place at the middle and high school level as I became more confident in myself and more zealous about circumstances affecting me or having an effect on things I cared about. Being low on the executive ladder posed a problem as well. The opinion of a student, no matter how well stated, carries far less weight than that of a teacher, staff, or any adult. A sad truth I had to deal with but one that taught me the importance of team and tone. When and how you say something can be just as important as what you are saying. I was at a disadvantage at school again because it is not a democracy. In the end the teacher or adult makes the choice. I may have had a voice but I did not have a vote and that taught me how to influence people and plead my case. It has made me, in my mind, an effective communicator and flows directly into how I lead.
I put my hat in the ring to be a part of this leadership series because my passion has not waned and I am passionate about agriculture. And just as I wished to exert an influence on themes deemed significant in my past I continue to desire exemplary results in areas I am passionate about now. This leadership series is providing me with the tools to sharpen my leadership skills and a platform from which my voice can be heard.
The Leadership Series is made possible through the support of MSGA’s Research Education and Endowment Foundation. Want to learn more about our Leadership Series? Check out the website or email [email protected].