Meet the Leadership Series | Lacey Sutherlin

Lacey Sutherlin

Stevensville, MT


About Lacey:

Lacey Sutherlin was raised in Western Montana. Her parents are Mike & Janet Hunter. She has an older sister, Michele Hunter, who has a son and a daughter. Lacey enjoys being an Aunt. She also has a younger brother Isaac Hunter who works for Montana State University.

Sutherlin attended college at Northwest College in Powell Wyoming for Agricultural Business and then went on to Montana State and received a bachelor’s degree in both Animal Science and Agricultural Communications. She was part of the Livestock Judging team at both NWC and MSU.

Her first job out of college was at ORIgen Breeder to Breeder Genetics near Billings, MT. Lacey started in the distribution department and finished as a Marketing Director. In December of 2015 Sutherlin started with ABS Global as a Beef Sales Team Leader in Montana. She is sales support staff for the beef cattle representatives in Montana and works with beef producers to set-up synchronization-breeding programs via artificial insemination.

Lacey and her husband Chad Sutherlin own and operate 3C Cattle. They raise both registered Black and Red Angus. Sutherlins have annual production sales on the first Friday and Saturday in March at the Sutherlin Farms Feedlot in Stevensville, MT.  They also sell some females by private treaty. In addition to cattle they raise some hay and small grains.


What sparked your interest in Agriculture?

When I was a kid my uncle had a ranch in central Montana that I would visit during the summer and I really enjoyed being around the cattle. My love for animals especially cattle and a passion for the beef industry is also what sparked my interest in Ag. I also enjoy the challenge of the Agriculture industry. It doesn’t matter what season it is every day is different.


What makes a great leader?

I truly think a huge part to being a great leader is being an excellent listener and also knowing how to read people and actually getting the most out of not only yourself but the people around you.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I think after traveling to Costa Rica early this Spring I would learn another language. Communication is a key to being  successful in everything that we do and I think it would create more opportunities for us to market our own agriculture products easier if we knew additional languages beyond English.



Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

I am happy where I am at in life and truly loving the path that I am on. Chad and I are doing great in our operation. We are at the point that genetics we have selected are now having their first calves and it great to see what is being created. I just started working for ABS but thus far I am truly enjoying being out in the country with customers and cattle. In five years I hope to have continued to reach goals in my business ABS by increasing market share in Montana. Chad and I will continue to makes changes to our cattle herd and operation by making constructive breeding decisions and hopefully increase our customer base for both bull sales by offering sound proven genetics.


What do you hope to gain from the leadership series?

I am hoping to work on my public speaking skills and be more confident when giving presentations.  I hope to gain more people to be a strong part of my professional network. And have more resources in my toolbox to not only make myself better but the Montana Agricultural Industry as a whole.

The Leadership Series is made possible through the direct support of our members and the Research and Education Endowment Foundation. To learn more about the Leadership Series, please email [email protected].

About Author

Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit membership organization, has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

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