Meet the Leadership Series – Tony Johnson

Tony Johnson



Dillon, MT


Cow-Calf Operator


I grew up and work on a family ranch based just outside of Dillon. We run a commercial cow herd made up mostly of Angus and Red Angus that calve in August and September. The cowherd runs on leased pasture from January through October.

Upon graduation from Northwest College, with an Associates in Farm and Ranch Management, I moved to Livingston and I took over the day to day management on a lease we had just acquired. During that time I also managed a marketing association in Park County for three years. Today I manage the ranch’s four leases in Park County and spend about nine months of the year there. The remainder of my time is spent 150 miles away in Dillon.

What sparked your interest in Agriculture?

Ranching has been important to me since before I can remember. If I was going to pick a point that I knew a career in agriculture was for me I would have to credit it my involvement with 4-H and later FFA. County fair was always the highlight of my summers and I found I had a knack for livestock judging.

What makes a great leader?

A great leader is someone who sets others up for success by inspiring them to do great things. Great leaders are able to inspire others by demonstrating empathy confidence and drive.

If you could learn anything what would it be?

If I could learn anything it would be to keep better financial records and use those records to better plan management strategies. Another area that I am continually working to improve is being a better stockman.

Where do you hope to be in five years?

In five years I would like to continue to be a part of the family operation. I would like to see a lot of improvement in the cowherd, especially those carrying my brand. Most importantly I would like the operation to be at a large enough scale for my brother to be involved in the ranch when he finishes college.

What do you hope to gain from the leadership series?

I signed up for the leadership series to network with other young producers and learn new prospective from each of them. I also wanted to further my involvement with an organization that opens doors for the ag industry in our great state, and having an excuse to get off the ranch doesn’t hurt either. There are a lot of issues facing producers in other parts of the state and I look forward to addressing these issues.

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About Author

Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit membership organization, has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

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