The Montana Stockgrowers Association MSGA is a non-profit membership organization that has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world. The beef industry is important to the fabric of this nation – environmentally, nutritionally and economically.
The cattle industry today sits squarely in the middle of some of the most complex, controversial and challenging public policy debates. Issues relating to:
• Trade
• Food safety and nutrition
• Energy
• Taxes
• Environment
Your customers, CATTLE PRODUCERS, are directly impacted by dominate legislative and regulatory agendas. Resolution of these issues will define the future of our industry.
For MSGA to succeed, we need your support. Success on Capitol Hill and in state legislature requires a comprehensive and unified effort by all service providers and suppliers to the cattle industry. Every company that has a stake in the future of this industry should invest in a membership with MSGA.