Montana Angus Breeders Donate Heifer to Benefit Stockgrowers
A new tradition begins at the 2015 Montana Stockgrowers Annual Convention with the generous donation of a 2015 purebred Angus foundation heifer by the Stars of Montana group. The Angus heifer (Reg. 18229568) will be auctioned during the Grand Finale Banquet, Saturday, December 5 in Rimrock Auto Arena at MetraPark. All proceeds go to support MSGA programs.
The Stars of Montana network of Angus breeders were founded in 2011 and host a joint female production sale the second Saturday in December at the Midland Bull Test Station in Columbus, Montana. This year’s event is slated for December 12, 2015.
Idland Cattle Co. of Circle are the donors of this year’s heifer. Glen, Connie and Reece Idland have assembled one of the great cowherds in eastern Montana, backed by truly elite cow families. This program has topped several NILE and National Western Foundation Female Sales with their production and performance oriented genetics. They are Montana’s home to RB Tour of Duty 177, sire of the 2015 donation.
The heifer, ICC Blacklass 5208 (Reg. 18229568) has cutting edge performance EPDs from one of the disciplined seedstock herds in Montana. Support the future of the beef industry in Montana and attend the auction to purchase the 2015 Stars of Montana heifer.
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