Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg Testifies Against NREPA
The Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Public Lands Council and the Montana Association of State Grazing Districts all have been in opposition to The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act, proposed in 2007 and again in 2009. Representing livestock producers, who make a living on operations of combined private, state and federal lands, we know this means fewer livestock in these designated areas. This piece of legislation, introduced by Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY),most recently on May 5th, would designate nearly 7 million acres of public land in Montana as wilderness. The livestock industry in Montana takes exception to this type of wilderness designation from a Representative that has never even set foot in our state.
Our organizations have historically supported the multiple use of public lands, but the designation of additional wilderness eliminates many multiple uses and will seriously curtail others, such as livestock grazing.
We support Congressman Rehberg’s statement, “This approach may work in Manhattan, New York, but it doesn’t work in Manhattan, Montana.” Any effort of this magnitude needs to be developed from the ground up. It is Montanans that know what is best for Montana.
Thank you, Congressman Rehberg, for your efforts in opposing The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act.
what a corporate toolHey stockgrowers NREPA doesnt affect any existing grazing permits or rights.
6:30 pm - May 8, 2009