MSGA Member Receives National Recognition
MSGA member, Larry “Skip” Ahlgren and Diane Ahlgren of Winnett, Montana received the National Association of Conservation Districts(NACD)/National Resources Conservation Service(NRCS) Olin Sims Conservation Leadership Award during the 2016 NACD Annual Meeting in Reno, Nevada. The Ahlgrens were recognized for their superior service to the conservation community and commitment to promoting and leading conservation on private lands. Diane serves on the Rangeland Resources Executive Committee for the Montana Department of Natural Resources. Larry serves as Secretary/Treasurer for the Grass Range Grazing District, as one of the Directors of the Williams Coulee Grazing District, and on the Board of Directors for the Montana Association of State Grazing Districts. The Ahlgrens ranch and produce cattle on their land in Eastern Montana.
Source: National Association of Conservation Districts