MSGA Says “NO” to Mandatory NAIS
The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) opposes any proposed mandatory government National Animal Identification System (NAIS) because the organization feels such a system cannot sufficiently protect producer data, and any government program is likely to grow into a large bureaucracy complete with red tape and unnecessary expense to producers. It has long been MSGA’s stance that a private industry solution would be better for Montana’s cattlemen, while still providing the government with the information it requires in the event of an animal health emergency.
MSGA has long recognized the importance and the need for a national livestock identification system for better livestock control and for disease surveillance. MSGA members want a system that operates at minimal cost and protects producer confidentiality, while also recognizing the hot iron brand as a method of cattle identification for individual states as they see fit. It all begins with a core philosophy. MSGA has long believed in limiting government interference in cattle ranching. MSGA believes in the entrepreneurial tradition of ranchers and that success comes from a rancher’s ability to make his own decisions about how to market his cattle and manage his resources. MSGA favors Congress and USDA working with the industry to develop market-driven solutions to a national identification infrastructure rather than a government mandated system.
MSGA has worked to develop practical cattle identification solutions through technology combined with the hot iron brand. MSGA has been actively involved in developing and promoting Verified Beef, a beef source and age database designed to assist producers in receiving added value for their cattle. This is accomplished by providing certification to the prospective buyer of the age and source of the beef being sold, a requirement for export purposes to many countries. Verified Beef does not require a producer to register for a USDA Premise I.D. in order to enroll. The process is easy and Verified Beef staff members are readily available to help producers through the process. Verified Beef also offers producers the opportunity to certify their cattle as USDA Process Verified, Non-hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC), Never Ever 3 (NE3)/Natural and Grass Fed. Producers can visit for more information.
Industry driven solutions like Verified Beef are already USDA Process Verified and the producer’s information is kept confidential and secure by a private entity, not a government bureaucracy. MSGA is actively working with Congress to get them to see the value in working with the industry to provide value based identification systems that can also serve the purposes of livestock disease surveillance. If the industry is unwilling to participate or to bring proactive solutions to the national animal identification discussion it is highly likely that Congress will attempt to mandate a federal program. MSGA does not want to see this happen.