MSGA Video Update – April 16, 2010
Errol Rice, MSGA’s Executive Vice President, recaps this week’s events at the Montana Stockgrowers Association. This week, MSGA continued working on meaningful tax reform including work on the Estate Tax, which will jump up to 55% on most Montana ranches next year if Congress doesn’t act soon. This week, MSGA also joined the Montana Coalition to Prevent Double Taxation, a broad coalition of taxpayers, businesses and affordable housing groups to put forth a constitutional amendment (CI-105) to prohibit the state legislature from imposing a Real Estate Transfer Tax on property now or in the future. Also this week, MSGA President Tom Hougen sent a letter to the Montana Board of Regents expressing MSGA’s concern about Governor Schweitzer’s proposal to cut $1.2 million from the base budget of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Stations and $600,000 from the MSU Extension Service (Read more at our blog). MSGA was also in attendance at this week’s Interagency Bison Management Plan where Yellowstone National Park announced that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for vaccinating bison in the park for brucellosis is moving forward. Dr. Brian McCluskey from USDA-APHIS also gave us the heads up that APHIS’s final brucellosis rule will be released soon.