Montana Seedstock and Commercial Cattle Directory
The Montana Seedstock and Commercial Cattle Directory, published each August by the Montana Stockgrowers Association, is your resource for Montana cattle. This premier directory is mailed to MSGA members, livestock markets, feeders, and cattle buyers across the U.S. It is also distributed at the numerous national and statewide trade shows, seedstock sales, and other national and state agricultural events.
The Cattle Directory has gone digital with a fully interactive, digital publication. Viewers can flip through the pages just as you would in a hard copy magazine, but in this digital edition, you will find live website links and email addresses. Click on these as you read throughout the Directory to visit advertiser websites or send them a direct email. Search through the pages for key words and phrases and access the information on all your electronic and mobile devices!
Want to have your cattle or ranching service listed or advertised in the Cattle Directory?
For advertising rates and design guides, see the MSGA 2019/2020 Cattle Directory Rate Card and Design Guide or contact [email protected].
Full-page, full-color advertisement sales are available exclusively through the Priority Page Auction during the MSGA Annual Convention & Trade Show each December.
To have your cattle or services listed in the 2019-2020 Cattle Directory, submit a Cattle Directory Listings Form. Deadline for submissions is June 1 each year. Listings and Advertisers must be a current MSGA member.