Rangeland Livestock Production: Surviving Difficult Economic Times meeting to be held Nov. 19 in Great Falls
The International Mountain Section (IMS) of the Society for Range Management (SRM) is hosting a day-long meeting focused on Rangeland Livestock Production: Surviving Difficult Economic Times on November 19th, 2010 at the Great Falls Hampton Inn. The International Mountain Section of SRM is one geographic section that encompasses western Montana and Alberta. IMS is hosting this session as part of their Fall Meeting, which rotates back and forth between western Montana and Alberta.
The day-long program will focus on rangeland management strategies that have aided ranchers in surviving the fluctuating economy. The program will include university researchers, Extension personnel, and Montana ranchers. Extension personnel and university researchers will provide insight into the economic benefits of managing pastures in fair to good range condition versus excellent condition, the sociological effects of the economy on rural communities, and how consumer satisfaction and perception is tied to ranching and meat production. Ranchers on the program will highlight their management systems and share with the group the approaches they use that have helped them to stay in business, including grass-fed beef and lamb, grazing rotations, and other sustainable grazing management practices. The program will conclude with a banquet and IMS Section awards that evening.
Please consider attending this event – the IMS would love to have your participation! Registration, the agenda, and local information can be found at: http://ims.rangelands.org/2010%20Fall%20Meeting%20agenda.shtml. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Tracy Mosley, MSU Park County Extension Agriculture Agent at (406) 222-4156.