Ray Marxer of Twin Bridges completes term on Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors
Ray Marxer of Twin Bridges has completed two terms on the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Board of Directors representing the Western District. Marxer was honored for his service at MSGA’s 130th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings last month.
“I’m thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to serve on the MSGA Board of Directors and Executive Board over the past four years,” said Ray Marxer in his final address at the Annual Convention. “Being able to serve others in an organization such as MSGA is the biggest blessing and I encourage everyone to do the same in setting a positive example for others.”
Ray has many years of experience in managing business and dealing with other interests including government agencies, environmental groups, and wildlife groups. He grew up on a diversified family farm south of Great Falls, attended college for two years then went to work for the Matador Cattle Co. in Dillon where he worked in every phase from cowboy to manager.
After 37 years, Ray retired from the company in 2011. During his tenure, the Matador became a very large diverse operation and an innovator in natural resource management, livestock production and business management, focusing on sustainable business and resources.
“Ray has earned the respect from all on the MSGA Board with his quiet, thoughtful demeanor,” says Tucker Hughes of Stanford, MSGA outgoing President. “He has that ability to listen to all points of view on issues that can be contentious and then work toward a solution. Ray has assisted in providing positive direction for MSGA as a director and on the executive committee for the past four years. I know he and his wife, Sue, will stay involved so we are not losing a resource, but gaining seasoned professionals!”
Ray and his wife Susan have three grown children: Clayton, who is married to Kristine and has two children; and daughters, Kristy, and Anna who left the United States in 2012 to work with missionaries in Moldova establishing and managing the Hannah House, a home for teen-age orphan girls.
Currently Ray and Sue work on their own small acreage and continue to serve the livestock industry as independent contractors in several different capacities, including A.I., herd work, and consulting. Ray also currently serves on Montana’s Elk Brucellosis Committee.
Marxer was elected by MSGA members to the 13-member board in 2010 and re-elected in 2012.