Reproductive Vaccines and Technology Advantage | Stockgrowers College Preview
The 2015 Montana Stockgrowers Annual Convention & Trade Show is just a few weeks out. This year’s meeting offers a great lineup of speakers and educational workshops for Montana ranchers. To view all the highlights from this year’s Annual Convention, click here. RSVP on the Facebook event so you do not miss a thing. If you are following along on social media, share your experience (and anticipation!) with the hashtag #MSGA15 on Twitter and Instagram. View the tags from all networks on Tagboard.
Stockgrowers College sessions will be held at different times all three days of the Annual Convention. Times vary and some sessions repeat. Check the final meeting program for times and room assignments.
Zoetis Cattlemen’s College
New vaccine options for reproductive protection in cowherds
Time: Thursday, December 3 at 2:00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Scruggs
Heifer development is of course important to the lifelong productive of the cow. Heifer development and cow vaccination programs may seem complicated and at sometimes awkward, but results from a 3 years reproductive study at Auburn University reveals some unique options available for cow herd vaccination strategies with solid data on expected protection in the face of BVD and IBR exposure.
Are we really using all of the available technology to the best of our advantage on the cow calf operation?
Time: Thursday, December 3 at 4:00 p.m., Repeats Friday, December 4 at 10:30 a.m.
Speaker: Dr. Blaine Corners
Cattle producers have spent their lives and vast resources improving genetics on their herd. Results are apparent in operation after operation. The questions posed are these: are we, as an industry, providing supporting management to fully capitalize on genetic gains? Do we provide basic nutrition that promotes optimal growth, reproductive efficiency, and immune response? Do we properly safeguard our investments with sufficient and proper vaccination protocol, deworming and strategic use of anti-infectives? If growth-promoting implants have been pulled from our operations giving us opportunity to sell into niche markets, are potential premiums covering lost productivity? Do our operations capitalize on time tested feed additives? Dr. Corners talk will examine a few pieces of gold that we might step over, or just miss completely.
Our sponsor, Zoetis, makes these Stockgrowers College sessions possible. Be sure to visit their booth in the Trade Show – Thursday from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. or Friday and Saturday from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m.