MSGA’s Commitment to Communication and Engagement
By Tucker Hughes, Outgoing MSGA President
At our ranch the calves are shipped, the cows are tested, the replacement heifers are bangs vaccinated and I am finishing up visits with MSGA members for what I call “The Fall Drive”.
Your board of directors, officers and staff are committed to attending local affiliate meetings not only to inform members on topics of importance, but also to listen to our members. The issues across the state are complex and vary a great deal. This is one of the reasons the Affiliate Mentorship Program was developed so affiliates members can sit down with the leadership to have those vital discussions on topics that affect the ranchers in Montana. The 2015 AMP Program is scheduled for February 12 & 13. Local Affiliate groups should contact the MSGA office to learn more about being involved in the meeting.
As I cross the state there is lots of optimism and the youth are returning to our rural communities. The young folks are attending meetings and are engaged so let’s keep the welcome mat out for them. MSGA hosts both Student and Young Stockgrowers memberships, and remains involved in programs for these age groups, including three Collegiate Stockgrowers programs, Young Ag Leadership Conference, Young Ag Couples Conference, Young Cattlemen’s College and the Educational Heritage Scholarship from REEF. If you know a young man or women who would like to attend a convention or these conferences, contact myself, one of the officers, directors or staff. We are committed to the younger generation of ranchers!
The 2014 elections are over and there is enthusiasm for what agriculture might accomplish in the coming years. I first met both Steve Daines and Ryan Zinke at Montana Stockgrowers events and I first met Jon Tester at the Judith Basin Courthouse in Stanford. I feel as we move forward these men will represent our interests well in D.C., but we need to stay actively engaged. The Montana Stockgrowers will remain the premier ranching institution in the state of Montana by engaging both national, state and local policy makers by providing accurate, credible information. We all can make a big difference, both as individuals and collectively.
The last 24 months have been rewarding and educational as your President of the Montana Stockgrowers. The staff, officers, past & present, directors, past & present, have made the position gratifying. It has been a real pleasure serving you. Thank you very much for the opportunity.
I hope your holiday season was filled with joy, hope, prosperity and good health.