Conference Expands Education on Issues That Matter To Young Cattlemen

By Ryan Hughes, Dillon, 2014 Montana Delegate for Young Cattlemen’s Conference

Ryan Hughes Montana Young Cattlemens Conference“Life’s hard. It is harder when you are stupid,” is a quote from a famous man we all know, John Wayne. 35 years ago in June, he moved on to greener pastures. I am not sure if there is a correlation but since June 1979 (35 years ago,) Montana has been sending delegates to the to the NCBA’s Young Cattlemen’s Conference to expand our education on matters that affect the cattle industry.

Many of you have heard the stories, known someone who has gone or have gone yourself, so I am just going to give you a quick overview of the destinations and focus more on the whirlwind of knowledge that is presented over the ten day trip.

The trip starts in Denver, CO where 60 total strangers from all over the US embark on a journey together that challenges their knowledge, ignites passions, questions the possibilities and practices, builds lifelong friendships and severely deprives you of sleep! While in Denver, we spend two days in class covering CattleFax markets, Beef Check-Off programs, how to deal with media, self-reflection and discovery pertaining to our personalities and how to deal with others, Safeway/Cargill retail perspectives, and the NCBA’s missions for the beef industry. One day we traveled to Greeley, CO to tour JBS Five River’s Feed Yard, JBS packing plant and meet with the JBS executive team.

Then off for 24 hours in Chicago, IL to tour Chicago Midway dining, Chicago Board of Trade, and OSI (massive hamburger patty processing facility). And on our final descent to Washington D.C., we are briefed on political issues challenging the beef industry, meet with our state delegations, a quick monument tour, tour the New Zealand Embassy and discuss trade, and repack our bags with an amazing experience and newly acquired insights to share and utilize with others.

Touring JBS Five Rivers

Touring JBS Five Rivers

“A goal, a love and a dream give you total control over your body and your life,” said John Wayne. I would also add your business and ranches. That really encompasses what the NCBA brought to light throughout our industry, while giving us a tour of its segments.

We are all dedicated to the same goal of being the best and providing the best product, whether we sell beef, promote beef, package beef, and feed or raise beef. There wasn’t one person that I met on the trip or I work with here at home, that doesn’t love and have a huge passion for their role in our industry. Our dreams are very similar, but tend to be focused closer to our segment of the industry rather than the entire industry. The trip really lets you look at those dreams individually and opens the doors so you can visualize the possibilities when you combine them. The NCBA really works for all the segments and strives to combine the passions and dreams of each segment to enhance our industry as a whole. I was amazed by what our beef check-off does to support and sell beef for every rancher. Their focus isn’t just on those who eat beef but also those who don’t and how they promote beef is mind boggling.

“Don’t pick a fight but if you find yourself in one I suggest you make damn sure you win,” said John Wayne. Welcome to Washington D.C. Folks, if you don’t think our way of life isn’t threatened every second of every day, I would like to be in the spot you are hiding. The amount of legislation that is proposed which affects us and our livelihoods is astonishing. The number of teams assembled and amount of money spent just trying to ensure we can continue raising beef is staggering. I know I can’t be there every day to fight for my beliefs so I am dang sure going to support the people who do! And your 10 minute phone call to a representative goes a long way. Do it because your opposition is making those calls.

Thank you to the Montana Stockgrowers, the Research and Education Endowment Foundation and everyone who made this trip possible. It is an amazing opportunity that you should attend. “We’re burning daylight,” said John Wayne.

Young Cattlemen's Conference Montana Application

The Young Cattlemen’s Conference, Trip of a Lifetime

Is your dream to travel the country and learn about the different aspects of the beef industry? The Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation, along with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, can send you on this once in a lifetime trip… via the Young Cattlemen’s Conference.

Denver, Chicago, Washington D.C.

Young Cattlemen's Conference Montana ApplicationEach summer, NCBA takes around 62 participants from across the US on a multi-city, two-week journey through the beef supply chain. The tour will begin in Denver with a comprehensive overview of the industry.  The group will take an in-depth look at many of the issues affecting the beef industry and what NCBA is doing to address these issues on behalf of its members, plus receive a comprehensive view of market information from Cattle-Fax.

The group will then travel to JBS Five Rivers’ Kuner Feedyard, one of the nation’s largest cattle feeding operations, a one-time capacity of over 100,000 head located in Northern Colorado.  They will then tour the JBS Greeley facility, one of the nation’s largest beef packing and processing plants.  JBS will host the group and will be sharing with them their views of the beef industry from a processor standpoint.

Chicago is the next destination.  Here the group will visit the Chicago Board of Trade & OSI, Inc. one of the nation’s premiere beef patty manufacturers. The participants will then travel to the nation’s Capitol.  They will get a chance to meet with their respective congressmen and senators.  In addition, the group will visit with a number of regulatory agencies that make decisions affecting agriculture.

Last YCC trip, Montana’s representative Travis Brown had the wonderful opportunity to testify on behalf of Montana’s ranchers at the House Natural Resources Committee Hearing.

Apply for YCC by February 15th

Are you interested in participating this summer? MSGA’s Research & Education Endowment Foundation will select one applicant to send on the YCC trip – covering the conference tuition expenses and $500 in airfare. It is packed-full of adventure, education and networking with fellow young cattlemen and women…and it serves as an experience that will impact the way you view the beef industry for the rest of your life.

Fill out your 2014 Montana YCC application online –

“The Montana Stockgrowers Association and Foundation is committed to investing in the development and education of leaders in the agriculture business, and the Foundation sees a positive return on the investment in the Young Cattlemen’s Conference delegates,” said Dusty Hahn, Foundation chairman.

MSGA’s Foundation is only able to send one participant per year. This year’s application deadline is Feb. 15. To apply, you must be between the ages of 25-50 and can commit to two weeks this June. Please contact the MSGA office to get the application: (406) 442-3420 and for more information, email MSGA’s Lauren Chase at [email protected].

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