Low Stress Livestock Handling Workshops in Western Montana

Low Stress Livestock Handling Workshops feat. Curt Pate to be held in Western Montana 

This is a field-based workshop that will occur in three locations in western Montana. Curt Pate is a renowned stockman who has been leading stockmanship and safety demonstrations, workshops, and clinics for over a decade. The workshop will focus on livestock handling methods that reduce cattle stress, making for safer and more effective cattle movement. Low stress, efficient stock movement can help improve soil health under improved grazing strategies, while also producing a high quality finished product, a win-win!


More details on this workshop and registration is on the Missoula Conservation District website: http://missoulacd.org/announcements/upcoming-events/


Contact the Missoula Conservation District at [email protected] or 303-3427 with any questions on this event.



Montana Rancher Q&A Feature: Curt Pate on Stockmanship


Curt Pate at Stockmanship Clinic.

Many of us have had the pleasure of attending one of Curt Pate’s stockmanship and stewardship clinics, and today, we would like to feature him in our Montana Rancher Q&A spotlight. Curt has a keen eye for handling livestock, but also, a great ability to teach. He is a blessed with a wonderful family that supports him and has passion for cattle, too.

Tell us about your family’s history with ranching in Montana. 

My grandfather, Leonard Frank, was a cattle trader and a butcher in the Helena Valley, and owned several different small places there.  My wife Tammy’s kinfolk all ranched in the Ryegate area, and we currently own and live on a small place their along with a small place in Texas.

Please tell us about your current work in the cattle industry.

My focus and work is stockmanship and stewardship demonstrations and clinics.  I work in the U.S. and Canada.  I contract with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association to help promote Beef Quality Assurance practices.

How did you become interested in livestock stewardship practices?

I have always worked with horses to get them to handling better, and when I started hearing about some things with cattle, it just made sense to get better. It has become a passion.  The two go so well together.

Why is it important for Montana’s ranchers, and ranchers across the country, to implement safe livestock handling procedures?

Profit, safety, and marketing to the consumer.  In that order.

Do you think working with family in business is a good idea? Why?

Mesa and Tammy Pate

Mesa and Tammy Pate

I think it is good if it is done right.  Ranching properly is very challenging.  There must be discipline and direction, and time management is so important.  It is a business that requires traditional skills that take time to develop, and technology to keep up with the world we are trying to keep up with and market our products.

What other work is your family involved with? 

My son Rial is one that stays out of the spotlight, but really cares about tradition, the environment, and working properly with animals. (And having a good time while he is doing it).

Mesa is very involved in the bucking bull business and has become very well known.  The thing that people don’t know is how hard she works.  She can do anything from drive a semi to rope bulls and drag them out of the arena.  She likes to write and is real good at promoting the western lifestyle.

My wife Tammy does horsemanship/yoga clinics, helps run my business and also is very involved in the bucking bull world.  She also builds boots, remodels houses, and is a great cook.

What would you say about the value of growing up on a ranch?

I just can’t see how anyone not growing up on a ranch or in agriculture can learn all the lessons needed to live a full life.  I think it may be why we have so many challenges facing society today.

What is one piece of advice you can offer to Montana’s young ranchers about running a successful business?

9Make sure your skill level is higher than your debt level.

What is one thing you wish beef consumers knew more about?

I wish they knew how important grazing animals are for sustaining our environment.  I can’t understand why something that nature has been doing for so long can be looked at as bad.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I think ranchers must remember that we are selling to a customer of our product.  We need to listen to what the customer is saying and provide what the customer wants.  We should all remember that people don’t have to eat beef, but want to eat beef.  It’s our job to produce what they want.  I think we can use tradition, technology and the strong moral values that Montana ranchers have to do just that.

For more information on Curt’s clinics, please visit his website by clicking here.

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Gentle Hands Livestock Conference, June 27 and 28 in Shelby

This weekend, MSGA Local Affiliate, Marias River Livestock Association is holding the Gentle Hands Livestock Conference in Shelby, MT. Listen to the following podcast for more information about MRLA and the conference from Maggie Nutter of Sweetgrass. Also, go to MariasRiverLivestock.com for registration and details.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shelby High School Auditorium

8:30 – 9:30am Registration and Coffee

9:30am Welcome and appreciation

9:45- 10:45am Jude Capper- “Lies, damned lies and statistics…exposing the myths about beef sustainability”

Break– snacks

11:00- 12:30pm Temple Grandin- Low Stress Livestock Handling with Q & A period

Move to Marias Fair Grounds

1:00pm Beef brisket Lunch cooked by Dick Kinyon
– Temple Grandin book signing
– Mini Trade show and Beer booth.

2:00-4:00pm Curt Pate- Live Demonstration Low Stress Livestock Handling, Corral Panels, alley and chute provided by Morand Industries.

4:00pm – Door Prize Drawings- (must be present to win)

8:30pm – The Coyote Club & Events Center (137 Main Street) is hosting LIVE music by the fantastic, fiddle-playing, hit-kickin’ The Crawford Bros. Band!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Foreign and Emerging Livestock Diseases

“These Livestock Diseases Could Put You Out of Business: Are You Ready?” Come and Learn How to Protect Your Livelihood!

Location: Comfort Inn and Suites

8:30-9:30am Registration Coffee, Tea and Donuts

9:30-9:35 Welcome and appreciation for sponsors

9:30-10:30 Introductions to Foreign and Emerging Animal Diseases, International and USA Regulatory Authorities, Export Markets: Dr. Carla Huston, Mississippi State University Beef Extension Specialist.

10:30-11:00 PEDV-Porcine Endemic Diarrhea Virus-Now Reportable with Premises management. Dr. Jeanne Rankin MSU Extension Agro-Emergency Projects Coordinator

11:00-11:15 Break- Snacks

11:15-12:00pm  Foot and Mouth Disease- what is it and what regulatory actions are in place; FAD Prep. Montana Department of Livestock and APHIS: Veterinary Services

12:00- 1:00 Foot and Mouth Disease in the United Kingdom-2001: Dr. Carla Huston, Mississippi State University Beef Extension Specialist.

1:00 – 1:45 Lunch- Provided

1:45-3:45 Real Life FMD Scenario, (table-top exercise) in Montana- Tommy Bass, MSU Extension, Livestock Environment Associate Specialist, Dr. Carla Huston, and Dr. Jeanne Rankin and regulatory veterinarians assisting

3:45-3:50 Break

3:50 -4:50 How can I protect my operation? Bio-Security Measures to limit any disease spread. Dr Jeanne Rankin MSU

Letting Your Passion be Seen! (Also on Saturday)

Share Your agriculture story via Facebook and Instagram. (If you eat, agriculture is part of your life.)
This program is geared towards people 13-17 years of age.

Location: Ringside Ribs (439 Harding Ave)

9:00-9:30 am Registration – refreshments

9:30 Welcome and appreciation for sponsors

9:45am – 2:00pm (Lunch provided at Noon)

Topics to be covered by Ryan Goodman, Dairy Carrie, Jude Capper

  • The Magic in Your Post- The surprising positive power you have to influence others.
  • Ready, Set… GO! Your account, hashtag? Forever out there, Privacy settings
  • Show what you Know- 98.5% of people don’t live on farms/ranches.
  • Selfie or Felfie, IT’s you close up and personal doing what you do.
  • Billboards on your phone.. making picture posts with meaning.

Marias River Livestock Association