Last week, I had the opportunity to travel to our Collegiate Stockgrowers meetings in both Bozeman and Havre. Both groups are preparing for Thanksgiving break and Final Exams. The visit was a good chance to meet many of our members, remind them of the benefits of being a Montana Stockgrowers Student member and the advantage of networking and learning opportunities at our upcoming Convention.
Our Collegiate members are inspired and engaged members of their respective University communities. Although they may come from different areas of the state and study programs, they have a common interest in being a part of the ranching community.
Supporting our Young and Collegiate members lends itself to the strengthening of MSGA in the years to come. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. Every opportunity we can use to help them gain more experience and leadership skills, the better prepared they will be for what lies ahead.
What advice do I have to give to Collegiate members looking for opportunities with Montana Stockgrowers?
- Take advantage of networking opportunities. Events like our upcoming Annual Convention are the best opportunity you will have to meet leaders within our ranching community. Find out what changes are occurring within the ranching community through these events and learn how they may affect you.
- Introduce yourself and leave an impression. Give a firm handshake, look people in the eye, and try your best to remember names. You never know who you may be talking to and leaving a good impression with the right people will pay off down the road.
- Seek hands-on experiences outside your comfort zone. It may seem very uncomfortable at the time, but learning how others work in your industry and gaining a better idea of the larger picture helps you understand more about what you want to do for a career and why you want to do it. Internships on different ranching operations was the best thing I ever did to learn more about how I want to shape my future in the ranching community.
- Find a mentor. Look for people you want to be like and are respected in their circles and abroad. Find someone who is willing to answer questions and gives you encouragement to learn more. Those connections made through mentorship will last a lifetime. MSGA offers a Mentorship program that will connect you with some of the best leaders in Montana’s ranching community.
- Have fun, but stay focused. You’re only young once. Enjoy it, but don’t let a fun night out wreck what you’ve worked so hard to obtain. Take advantage of opportunities to branch out. You can always return home, but when you’re young, it’s easier to travel and explore the opportunities offered to you.
Level of student involvement is highly correlated to student success and development that last well beyond the days of college life. Encouraging our younger generations to get involved in groups like Collegiate Stockgrowers sets us (and them) up for a brighter future.
As a person not far removed from my college undergraduate days, I am very thankful for the mentors I have and those members of the ranching community who gave me opportunity and advice.
What advice do you have for younger members of the ranching community?
Younger members, what development opportunities would you like to see most through a Stockgrowers program?