Podcast with Janice Person on Controversial Conversations and GMO crops
During the 2015 Young Ag Leadership Conference in Billings, guest speaker, Janice Person from Monsanto, helped attendees learn more about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and how to find resources about the crops and technology online. While at the conference, Janice also conducted a workshop with Daren Williams of NCBA, where the two shared their experience handling controversial topics. Their workshop gave attendees great insight on how to handle these topics in conversations with others who may not know much or may be skeptical of modern agriculture practices.
In this week’s podcast, Ryan Goodman and Janice Person discuss these topics along with Janice’s favorite crop – cotton, which isn’t normally seen in Montana. Also discussed is a major crop in Eastern Montana, sugar beets, and how those farmers have utilized and invested in GM technology.
Connect with Janice online at janiceperson.com and follow her on Twitter and Instagram as @JPLovesCotton.
To learn more about GMO technology and crops, visit GMOanswers.com and discover.monsanto.com.