Montana Ranching Family Kiley Martinell

Martinell to represent MSGA on Beef Council

Kiley Martinell Montana Beef Council StockgrowersKiley Martinell of Choteau, recently joined the Montana Beef Council Board as a representative for Montana Stockgrowers.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the MSGA for nominating me for the position on the Montana Beef Council Board. I grew up on a farm/ranch in Choteau, and my interests always tended to lean toward the animal side of my family’s operation. I attended college at MSU-Bozeman, where I earned a degree in Animal Science and met my future husband Heath Martinell. Upon graduation, I worked for Trans Ova Genetics as a bovine embryologist. After four years with Trans Ova we decided it was time to move back to Heath’s family’s ranch in Dell. We currently work together with his parents, Allen and Yvonne Martinell, raising commercial cattle. In addition to helping on the ranch, I work part time for Dr. Chuck Gue as an embryologist and stay involved in our community by serving on the school board, the Lima swimming pool board and as a 4-H leader. We feel fortunate to raise our children on a ranch in a rural community (Macie (12), Taryn (9), and Kalen (6)).

I am excited to serve on the Montana Beef Council Board, representing beef producers across the state to help with decisions on promoting and educating people about beef. I look forward to helping the Beef Council continue to push forward for a strong beef industry and a terrific product. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns, I will get them addressed as best I can. The Montana Beef Council has a mission statement that sums up their purpose in the beef industry. “To protect and increase demand for beef and beef products through state, national, and international consumer marketing programs (promotion, education and research), thereby enhancing profit opportunities for Montana beef producers.”

Thanks again for this chance to be an advocate for beef!