Montana’s Next Generation Conference January 30 and 31 in Shelby

Mark your calendar for Friday and Saturday, January 30 and 31, 2015, for Montana’s Next Generation Conference in Shelby, Montana! Hosted by the Glacier and Toole County Farm Service Agency, local MSU Extension, Marias River Livestock Association and the Front Range Counties Farm Bureau, this comprehensive conference including succession planning and production workshops is one you won’t want to miss.

Events kick off Friday morning at 9 a.m. at the Shelby Civic Center with Kevin Spafford of Legacy by Design, LLC. Spafford will lead participants through the succession planning process with hands-on activities for all generations as they learn how to make a successful transition of the farming or ranching operation. The morning session will be a great refresher for those who attended last year or were unable to make it. Following lunch, Spafford will lead an Advanced Succession Planning session to build upon the morning session’s foundation or for those who attended last year.

Friday evening will include a no-host social and trade show, a roast beef dinner and a keynote address from Sandra Hare, “Understanding the Personalities of the Generations.” Hare, a talented human resources executive, has provided expertise to companies such as Wheat Montana and Kalispell Regional Healthcare and comes with a wealth of experience. The evening will conclude with entertainment by the talented Halladay Quist. Halladay, the daughter of musician Rob Quist and a rising performer herself, performs Bluegrass Country, electric folk, and country rock music.

Saturday’s events feature an outstanding lineup of industry speakers and professionals offering a total of 36 workshops for attendees to select from. Each hour will have workshops for crop and livestock producers with a portion of workshops aimed each towards beginning producers and for those who have been involved in agriculture for many years and want to learn about what’s new in the industry.

Crop topics will include crop insurance, Crop Scouting 101 and 201, Strategic fertilizer and chemical programs, Precision Ag, 2014 Farm Bill, CSP and EQUIP for farmers, Grain Marketing 101, Grain Marketing 2015 outlook, and seed updates.

Livestock related topics will feature presentations on Beef Cattle Nutrition 101 and 201, Beginning and Advanced livestock marketing, Beginning and Advanced animal health topics, Genetics and bull selection, forage management, reproductive success in the beef cowherd, CSP and EQUIP for cattlemen, and grazing management.

Financial and management related topics will focus on financial recordkeeping, tax code updates, life insurance, workers compensation, lease options, farm insurance policies, payroll taxes and employee accounting, and entity structure and tax implications.

Saturday’s workshops will fulfill FSA’s Production and Financial Management training requirements. In addition, pesticide applicator credits will be available for those who attend the crop workshops covering pesticides.

The Saturday workshop portion will conclude with both a livestock and crop panel discussion. This feature was a highlight of the 2014 conference as it allows attendees to learn from the successes and challenges of local producers in their daily operations and succession planning. The conference will return to the Shelby Civic Center Saturday evening for a beef brisket dinner by Dr. Dick Kinyon, along with legislative updates, the trade show, and entertainment.

Registration forms are available online or by calling the Glacier County Extension office at 406-873-2239. Conference updates will be available via the Facebook page, Montana’s Next Generation Conference. Cost is $20/individual/day, or $30/couple/day, and registrations are due by January 23. Participants are encouraged to bring the entire family as daycare is available and additional family members will be eligible for the couple discount.

Discounted motel rates of $75/night are available at the Best Western Shelby Inn & Suites (406-424-4560) or the Comfort Inn (406-434-2212) at $70/night for a single room or $75/night for a double room if booked in advance of the conference.

“I’m really excited for our second year of this event,” Maggie Nutter, President of Marias River Livestock Association stated. Nutter continued, “Our first year was such a success and we listened to feedback and have added more breakout sessions that will be great for the young ranchers and farmers or the experienced guy who has been at it a while. Our team is really trying to make the Next Generation Conference fit the needs of our large diverse Montana community. I just think it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

If you have any questions, please contact Lacy Roberts at 406-873-5618 or Kari Lewis at 406-873-2239. Don’t miss this great opportunity to plan for the future and learn from some outstanding professionals!

Gentle Hands Livestock Conference, June 27 and 28 in Shelby

This weekend, MSGA Local Affiliate, Marias River Livestock Association is holding the Gentle Hands Livestock Conference in Shelby, MT. Listen to the following podcast for more information about MRLA and the conference from Maggie Nutter of Sweetgrass. Also, go to for registration and details.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shelby High School Auditorium

8:30 – 9:30am Registration and Coffee

9:30am Welcome and appreciation

9:45- 10:45am Jude Capper- “Lies, damned lies and statistics…exposing the myths about beef sustainability”

Break– snacks

11:00- 12:30pm Temple Grandin- Low Stress Livestock Handling with Q & A period

Move to Marias Fair Grounds

1:00pm Beef brisket Lunch cooked by Dick Kinyon
– Temple Grandin book signing
– Mini Trade show and Beer booth.

2:00-4:00pm Curt Pate- Live Demonstration Low Stress Livestock Handling, Corral Panels, alley and chute provided by Morand Industries.

4:00pm – Door Prize Drawings- (must be present to win)

8:30pm – The Coyote Club & Events Center (137 Main Street) is hosting LIVE music by the fantastic, fiddle-playing, hit-kickin’ The Crawford Bros. Band!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Foreign and Emerging Livestock Diseases

“These Livestock Diseases Could Put You Out of Business: Are You Ready?” Come and Learn How to Protect Your Livelihood!

Location: Comfort Inn and Suites

8:30-9:30am Registration Coffee, Tea and Donuts

9:30-9:35 Welcome and appreciation for sponsors

9:30-10:30 Introductions to Foreign and Emerging Animal Diseases, International and USA Regulatory Authorities, Export Markets: Dr. Carla Huston, Mississippi State University Beef Extension Specialist.

10:30-11:00 PEDV-Porcine Endemic Diarrhea Virus-Now Reportable with Premises management. Dr. Jeanne Rankin MSU Extension Agro-Emergency Projects Coordinator

11:00-11:15 Break- Snacks

11:15-12:00pm  Foot and Mouth Disease- what is it and what regulatory actions are in place; FAD Prep. Montana Department of Livestock and APHIS: Veterinary Services

12:00- 1:00 Foot and Mouth Disease in the United Kingdom-2001: Dr. Carla Huston, Mississippi State University Beef Extension Specialist.

1:00 – 1:45 Lunch- Provided

1:45-3:45 Real Life FMD Scenario, (table-top exercise) in Montana- Tommy Bass, MSU Extension, Livestock Environment Associate Specialist, Dr. Carla Huston, and Dr. Jeanne Rankin and regulatory veterinarians assisting

3:45-3:50 Break

3:50 -4:50 How can I protect my operation? Bio-Security Measures to limit any disease spread. Dr Jeanne Rankin MSU

Letting Your Passion be Seen! (Also on Saturday)

Share Your agriculture story via Facebook and Instagram. (If you eat, agriculture is part of your life.)
This program is geared towards people 13-17 years of age.

Location: Ringside Ribs (439 Harding Ave)

9:00-9:30 am Registration – refreshments

9:30 Welcome and appreciation for sponsors

9:45am – 2:00pm (Lunch provided at Noon)

Topics to be covered by Ryan Goodman, Dairy Carrie, Jude Capper

  • The Magic in Your Post- The surprising positive power you have to influence others.
  • Ready, Set… GO! Your account, hashtag? Forever out there, Privacy settings
  • Show what you Know- 98.5% of people don’t live on farms/ranches.
  • Selfie or Felfie, IT’s you close up and personal doing what you do.
  • Billboards on your phone.. making picture posts with meaning.

Marias River Livestock Association