Calling All Montana CattleWomen to Mid-Year
Wanda Pinnow, Baker, Montana CattleWomen President
I would like to take this time to invite you and your members to come to Montana CattleWomen’s Mid-Year meeting to be held in wonderful Livingston. Park County CattleWomen will be our host for this year’s event on June 20-21 at the Yellowstone Inn and Convention Center.
We have several items available for each affiliate who attends this year’s Mid-Year meetings. To guide you in presenting to local classrooms, we will have DVDs on the Cheeseburger and “Wow the Cow” programs. There will be Beef Checkoff signs available as well. With the help of Bayer and American National Cattlewomen, each Affiliate that attends Mid-Year will receive the book, “Our Star Goes West” by the Chaney Twins. This book will be provided for you to take into local classrooms and read to the class or to donate to donate to the library of your choice.
We will close out the meeting with a few speakers this year including the new Montana Beef Ambassador, Landra Lucas and Park County’s own Lois Olmstead. You might think you have heard Lois before, but she has promised something new and entertaining. Montana Stockgrowers’ Ryan Goodman will wrap up the day with a discussion on how we can be advocates for the ranching and beef communities across Montana.
We always have learning experiences at our Mid-Year and Winter conferences and we encourage more Montana CattleWomen to take advantage of these workshops. We learn by sharing ideas and discussing our dilemmas that we run into.
Registration is $60 and includes dinner on Friday; breakfast, lunch and snacks on Saturday; along with speakers and materials. Rooms are available at $79.99 per night plus taxes if reserved by June 1. Contact Suze Bohleen of the Park County CattleWomen for more information and registration details. We hope to see you in Livingston!