Carbon Conservation District to Host Montana Range Days

The Carbon Conservation District, along with the local and state Montana Range Days planning committee, is hosting the annual Montana Range Days event at the Fairgrounds in Red Lodge, Mont., June 18-20, 2018.

Montana Range Days began in 1976 in Jordan, Mont., and has continued throughout the years to provide an educational format to youth ages 4-19, as well as adults of all ages, to have an on-the-ground, hands-on learning experience.  Rangeland professionals and landowners alike learn new and innovative ways of managing natural resources in Montana. Rangeland is the largest of those natural resources with rangelands, grazable pasture and forestlands covering 70 percent of the state.

“We are ready for our second year as host of Montana Range Days. It is a great opportunity to educate folks about Montana’s largest natural resource, rangelands.  It also provides us a chance to showcase the Red Lodge area,” said Scott Blain, chairman for the local planning committee.

Estimating an average of 300 participants each year, this event has reached more than 10,000 people.  The value of the increased knowledge and awareness of rangelands in Montana cannot be overstated, Blain said.  “Montana Range Days is the premier rangeland educational event in Montana.  Montana Range Days plays a critical role in educating, training, and inspiring future natural resource managers,” said Blain.

Registration is available online at through June 9. After June 9, registration will be on site, at the fairgrounds, in Red Lodge, Mont. Registration for individuals costs $50.00 before June 9 and $60.00 after June 9. For families (up to 4 members), the cost is $100.00 before June 9 and $125.00 after June 9.

If you have any questions or require special accommodations, please contact Darlene Schwend at (406) 962-3641 ext.105 or email at [email protected].

Carbon Conservation District to Host Montana Range Days

The Carbon Conservation District, along with the local and state Montana Range Days planning committee, is hosting the annual Montana Range Days event at the Fairgrounds in Red Lodge, Mont., June 19-21, 2017.


Montana Range Days began in 1976 in Jordan, Mont., and has continued throughout the years to provide an educational format to youth ages 4-19, as well as adults of all ages, to have an on-the-ground, hands-on learning experience.  Rangeland professionals and landowners alike learn new and innovative ways of managing natural resources in Montana. Rangeland is the largest of those natural resources with rangelands, grazable pasture and forestlands covering 70 percent of the state.


“We are excited to have this opportunity to educate youth and others about Montana’s rangelands and all our natural resources and to showcase the Red Lodge area,” said Scott Blain, chairman for the local planning committee.


Estimating an average of 300 participants each year, this event has reached more than 10,000 people.  The value of the increased knowledge and awareness of rangelands in Montana cannot be overstated, Blain said.  “Montana Range Days is the premier rangeland educational event in Montana.  Montana Range Days plays a critical role in educating, training, and inspiring future natural resource managers.”


Registration costs to attend the 2017 event are:

Individual:  $50.00 before June 9 and $60.00 after June 9.

Family:  $100.00 before June 9 and $125.00 after June 9.

Registration is available online at through June 9.

After June 9, registration will be on site, at the fairgrounds, in Red Lodge, Mont.


If you have any questions or require special accommodations, please contact Darlene Schwend at (406) 962-3641 ext.105 or email at [email protected].

Wheatland County Hosts 2015 Montana Range Days

Wheatland Co. Stockgrowers cooking beef at the Range Days Dinner. Image via @lanecoynordland Twitter

Wheatland Co. Stockgrowers cooking beef at the Range Days Dinner. Image via @lanecoynordland Twitter

The 2015 Montana Range Days competition was held in Wheatland County on June 15-17, with events taking place at Chief Joseph Park, Winnecook Ranch and several locations in Harlowton. The annual event celebrates “the importance of range and provides opportunities for learning about range and range management” through studying and competition. On Tuesday night, the Wheatland County Stockgrowers hosted the Beef Banquet for participants.

Three scholarships in the amount of $1,000 are offered to youth based on involvement in range activities, leadership in school and community, academic achievement and financial need. This year’s winners included Amanda Williams of Miles City, Brandon Gould of Ulm, and Dianna Ball of Harlem.

Several participants were recognized for their achievement during Range Days activities. A few of the top winners included:

  • Top Individuals
    • Open Adult – Jason Holt, Hinsdale
    • Rancher – Lisbeth Paige, Judith Gap
    • Youth-FFA – John Power, Wheatland
    • Youth-Open – Grace Holzer, Moccasin
    • Wrangler – Melanie Power, Harlowton
    • Superstarter – Laura Power, Harlowton
  • Top Teams
    • Youth-FFA – Wheatland FFA, John Power, Taylor Berg, Lauren Glennie, Hattie Cavill
    • Youth-Open – Sweet & Salty, Grace Holzer, Andrew Helland, Nolan Ostendorf
    • Wrangler – Candy Crushers, Hannah Butler, Reace Lannen, Joleen Frost, Kodie Booth
    • Superstarter – Sasafras, Angus Glennie, Hunter Pertrosky, Caroline Wright, Kade Lannen
  • Range Display – John Power, Wheatland
  • Greenhand – Isabel Reh, Missoula
  • Range Plant Collections – Jean Blackman, Cascade
  • Rangehand – John Power, Wheatland
  • Illustrated Talks – John Power, Wheatland
  • High Point Plant ID
    • Superstarter – Laura Power, Wheatland
    • Wrangler – Melanie Power, Wheatland
    • Youth-Open – Graze Holzer, Moccasin
    • Youth-FFA – John Power, Wheatland

Congratulations to all the winners and participants taking an interest in learning more about Montana range management! We’re glad to have you as a part of Montana’s ranching communities!

Montana Range Days Havre Montana

Montana Range Days Coming to Hill County

Montana Range Days Havre Montana2014 marks the 38th year of Montana Range Days and the final time this premier range education event is coming to Havre. It’s not very often when your four year old can become a buckaroo for the day; your 13 year old can become a wrangler; and parents get a taste of the rancher division and learn about one of Montana’s most important resources: Range.

Montana Stockgrowers Association Research and Education Endowment Foundation, Montana Cattlewomen, and Montana Association of Grazing Districts are proud to sponsor Montana Range Days.

This year’s event begins Monday June 23rd in Beaver Creek Park, the Nation’s Largest County Park. Having Range Days in this part of the state introduces new grasses, forbs, trees and possibly weeds, both noxious and introduced, that perhaps participants haven’t seen before. The first day will be an opportunity for those serious about the competition to get onto the practice site and begin studying plants that may or may not be in the contest. Those interested in weed control can tour Dalmatian Toadflax biological control plots in the area.

Tuesday, June 24th is full of activity, with workshops for all ages going on at Camp Kiwanis, Beaver Creek Park. The 4 to 6 year old (Buckaroos) will learn about rangeland environments with lots of hands-on activities. The 7 to 8 year olds (Ecosystem Explorers) will learn about range and our ecosystem through fun games and activities. For the 9 to 11 year olds (Superstarters) they get a little more serious and begin to learn about plant anatomy and identification to prepare them for the contest on Wednesday. The Wrangler division is for those junior high age students who want to learn about proper grazing, stocking rates, plant anatomy and identification. There are also the Open and FFA Divisions for 14 to 19 year olds to learn about the many aspects of range. While the kids are learning, the adults can be participating as well in the Rancher / Open Adult workshops or attend the tour slated for Tuesday. Tuesday’s tour includes: The Blaine County Wildlife Museum, the Blaine County Historical Museum and the Bear Paw Battlefield.

Montana Range Days Havre Montana WorkshopsWednesday, June 25th is the final day of Montana Range Days and also marks competition day in which teams of 3 or 4 members will compete on what they learned the day before in such areas of plant ID, soils, anatomy, monitoring and range management. There are several awards like Top Superstarter, Top Wrangler, and the Top Range Hand award of the event. Those participants who are too young to participate in the competition can take part in an educational program put on by the Montana Cattlewomen’s Association at Camp Kiwanis, while adults can tour Havre Beneath the Streets and the Wahkpa Chu’gn Archeological Site.

Montana Range Days is open to all families, all ages, and all skill levels. Come be a part of an event that has been going on for more than 30 years and has encompassed more than 15 communities in our great State and learn about this wealth of nature that covers nearly 70 percent of Montana better known as Rangelands.

Find the online electronic registration form at

For more information you can call Jennifer at the Hill County Conservation District at 406-265-6792 ext.101 or email [email protected] or go the website at

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