Stockgrowers Launches Affiliate Mentorship Program
The Montana Stockgrowers Association is renewing our efforts to connect with local Affiliate groups from across the state. The Affiliate Mentorship Program (AMP), which is a three year program, has been designed to connect the existing dots of communication between state affiliates and MSGA. It encourages individual producers across the state to get involved in the outcome of their own destiny within the ranching community through their local affiliate and on to MSGA.
Our AMP program kicked off with a two-day workshop held in Helena in January

MSGA 2nd Vice President, Bryan Mussard, helped attendees learn more about the services MSGA offers Affiliate members across the state.
85 leaders, representing 18 Local Affiliate Associations from across the state were invited to learn more about what Montana Stockgrowers is doing for members on a state and national level. Attendees were also invited to provide feedback on improvements in communication and opportunities Local Affiliates would like to see from MT Stockgrowers.
The leadership seminar is designed to empower individuals to engage by sharing their thoughts, ideas and concerns in a constructive manner to a constructive audience that can respond in a beneficial way and to become more familiar with how MSGA develops policy and strategies to continue to be an effective leader in the industry.
During the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to meet with the directors of three state organizations who work closely with Montana Stockgrowers: Christian Mackay, Executive Officer of Department of Livestock; John Tubbs, Director of Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; and Jeff Hagener, Director of Fish, Wildlife & Parks. These directors gave a brief overview of their work on current issues affecting Montana ranchers.
Attendees also had the opportunity to hear from Montana Stockgrowers staff members to learn more about the work done at the state level that benefits Affiliates and members across the state. Executive Vice President, Errol Rice, gave an overview of MSGA’s structure and how information flows between state and local levels. Director of Natural Resources, Jay Bodner, informed the group on how MSGA handles policy issues during and between legislative sessions to give Montana ranchers representation on important policy and regulation changes. Manager of Communications, Ryan Goodman, introduced the group to the many ways MSGA is working to build communication channels within membership and to elevate the story of Montana ranchers.
The outcome of the AMP program is to make a more consistent connection between MSGA and the local affiliates. We want to convey the message of who we are and how we are tied together from the local to state levels and then to a national level through existing networking. AMP conveys the message that individuals shape conversations. Those who show up, indeed run the world, however, “It is shaped by those who speak up.”
The AMP program would not be possible without the support of generous sponsors. Special appreciation goes to Merck Animal Health, Montana Livestock Ag Credit Inc., along with the help of several additional private sponsors that wished to remain anonymous.