2014 Montana Property Rights Conference, August 14 and 15

United Property Owners of MontanaThe following is an announcement from the United Property Owners of Montana

he 2014 Montana Property Rights Conference will be held in Billings on Aug 14 and 15. The event features three nationally-recognized speakers, as well Montana-based experts in a number of topic areas. The two-day event is free to elected officials and students, and costs just $25 for everyone else (if registered by Aug 1).

For full event details, please visit: www.MontanaPropertyRightsConference.com

This is a great opportunity to learn more about emerging issues related to property rights and land use. The keynote speakers include:

  • William Perry Pendley, Mountain States Legal Foundation. Mr. Pendley won a major property-rights case before the U.S. Supreme Court in March 2014, setting a major setback to Big Green’s “rails-to-trails’ movement.
  • Paul Beard, Pacific Legal Foundation. Mr. Beard was the lead attorney in the biggest property rights case of 2013, winning the precedent-setting Koontz case in the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Dr. Andrew P. Morriss, Dean of the Texas A&M Law School. Dr. Morriss is a fellow at the Bozeman-based PERC, and an expert on eminent domain as it relates to energy and communications infrastructure.

In addition to the three keynote addresses, the event will also include breakout sessions with Montana experts on sage grouse, public-private land transfers, bison, the Flathead Water Compact, and more.

Take take this opportunity to register for the conference and help make this event a huge success.