Ranching For Profit Workshops offered in Dillon, Livingston and Red Lodge in November

The Western Sustainability Exchange is hosting three workshops on ranching profitability. Learn the three “secrets” for increasing profit and how to use production, economic and financial benchmarks to identify profit drivers and “Dead Wood.” You’ll find out what you can do to improve your triple bottom line.

Dave Pratt, who has taught the Ranching For Profit School for almost 20 years, will discuss core Ranching For Profit concepts at each of these workshops. He will introduce you to the three secrets for increasing profit and show you a simple method for “crunching” the numbers. Dave will introduce you to several simple but powerful benchmarks for comparing key performance indicators on your ranch to other profitable ranches. You will also learn how to increase profit by structuring your operation to be in sync with natural cycles.

The Ranching For Profit School has helped thousands of ranchers on four continents increase profit and transform their ranches into sustainable businesses. These workshops are your chance to begin applying the concepts to your own operation.

Dillon, MT…..Monday, November 15th 8:30a.m. – 12:00p.m., Matthews Hall, Lewis & Clark Room, 710 South Atlantic St.

Livingston, MT…..Tuesday, November 16th 1:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m., Sterling Savings Bank, 123 South Main St.

Red Lodge, MT…..Wednesday, November 17th 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Bridge Creek Backcountry Kitchen and Wine Bar, 116 South Broadway

Cost: $25 per person; $30 at door(20% discount to WSE Market Connection members). RSVP to [email protected], (406) 222-0730, or www.westernsustainabilityexchange.org. Please respond by November 10th to reserve a space.