Meet New Southeastern Director, Jess Drange of Ismay
Greetings from southeastern Montana where the new year has brought plenty of snow and cold. I keep telling myself that the calender says January, not July, but it is not helping a whole lot to ease my mind. As I write this it is 10 below with wind chill at around 40 below. I guess that keeps the mosquitos out of your ears and the flies off the cattle.
For those who are not aware, when Fred Wacker was elected to the executive board as 2nd Vice President at the convention in December, it left his seat as a director from the southeast district open. I was then nominated and approved as his replacement by the board of directors at the conclusion of convention. I will serve as a director for the next year at which time a normal election will be held.
Ismay, Montana is where I call home, which is between Miles City and Baker. We run a family owned and operated, commercial cow/calf and yearling operation in Fallon and Custer counties. There is no farming done so, with the exception of dryland haying, it is pretty much a grass and cattle outfit. My great, great uncle homesteaded here in 1906, which makes me 4th generation. My wife and son, dad and mom, and sister and brother in law are all here and active in the day-to-day operations.
As we look at the upcoming year, I see many positives in this part of the state. We still have great markets, leftover grass, and should have soil moisture to start more in the spring. I am sure there will be challenges that we will face as they arrive, that is just part of the job.
MSGA is coming off another great convention last December that was well attended and enjoyed by all. I would highly recommend that anyone who has not attended before do so. It is a great time to see your membership at work, meet others from across the state, help to set policy, and become involved. The more input there is from the members, the clearer the path becomes for the leadership. Remember, this is a member driven organization so your opinion matters. Be sure to contact the director from your area with any concerns or comments.
The legislature is in session and MSGA will be monitoring several topics as it moves along. Be sure to stay updated and aware of what is happening as important ag issues may be at stake. We are all guilty sometimes of concerning ourselves with our own interests and forgetting the big picture. Montana is a big state and we need to stay not only involved but also informed on what is going around it. Let us be proactive instead of reactive, let us play offense instead of defense. Let us make sure our way of life is protected for the future.
I look forward to working with the other directors and staff of MSGA throughout the year as well as producers from across the state. Feel free to contact me with questions and comments. Have a great year.