Zoetis Cattlemen's College at Montana Stockgrowers Convention

NCBA’s Cattlemen’s College Lineup Set for Feb. 3-4 in Nashville

Zoetis Cattlemen's College at Montana Stockgrowers ConventionAre you headed to Nashville for the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show? Be sure to look us up! Montana Stockgrowers will have a Trade Show booth and we’ll be there all week! Be sure to download the #CIC14 mobile app or join the Facebook event to stay on top of the events.

DENVER — Celebrating its 21st year, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s (NCBA) Cattlemen’s College has established a reputation as one of the most thorough cattle producer education programs in the nation. Sponsored by Zoetis Animal Health, the 2014 edition of Cattlemen’s College offers a wide range of informative, hands-on educational workshops designed for cattle operations of every size and sector.

The program will be held Feb. 3-4, 2014, in Nashville, Tenn., headlining the first day of activities at the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. Early registration for Cattlemen’s College and the convention ends Jan. 10, 2014.

Cattlemen’s College workshops include an outstanding lineup of industry experts during the course of two jam-packed days. On Mon., Feb. 3, participants will first hear from Dr. Arne Anderson as he presents “Manners Matter: Keeping You and Your Cattle Alive and Well”. This first class is aimed at the “dos” and “don’ts” of processing cattle through a chute, with emphasis placed on safety and efficiency for both the cowboys and the cattle.

Following this presentation, Dr. Jerry Lipsey will demonstrate how to select replacement heifers for longevity in a presentation entitled “Can Visual Evaluation Foresee Differences in Fertility?”, and Dr. Kent Andersen will discuss the selection of replacement bulls for fertility.

On Monday evening, Cattlemen’s College participants will be treated to a reception sponsored by Certified Angus Beef. The reception will be an opportunity to visit with fellow cattlemen as well as the afternoon’s speakers.

Starting Tuesday morning at 7:00 am, Cattlemen’s College classes begin with a keynote address by Bob Langert, who is the corporate vice president, and leads corporate social responsibility & sustainability for McDonald’s Corporation. Langert will share McDonald’s overall sustainable supply chain vision and how beef fits in. As sustainability evolves, listen in to see how McDonald’s is working with various stakeholders, including all parts of the value chain, to collaborate on social and environmental opportunities and challenges.

Proceeding Langert’s address, five concurrent classroom sessions will begin at 8:15 am with each classroom having specific areas of emphasis including resource management, animal management, ranch management, finance and business and consumer relations.

“Cattlemen’s College gives producers an opportunity to hear from some of the leading experts in topics that impact their cattle operations every day, as well as the chance to interact with those experts and ask questions,” said NCBA Executive Director of Producer Education John Paterson. “Many of the presenters are legends in the beef industry, and the wide variety of classes offers something for every producer. We highly encourage cattlemen and women to take advantage of this informative and educational program.”

Registration for Cattlemen’s College includes all classes along with lunch on Feb. 4. This schedule allows cattlemen to attend up to five 45-minute workshops.

Cattlemen’s College registration information, as well as a complete schedule for the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show are available at www.beefusa.org.

Collegiate Montana Stockgrowers MSU Northern Convention

Zoetis Cattlemen’s College offers ranchers interactive learning

Collegiate Montana Stockgrowers MSU Northern Convention

See more blog coverage from the 129th Annual Stockgrowers Convention by clicking here.

By Hollyn Cardani and Kaleb Fisher, Montana State University – Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers members.

Friday at the Stockgrowers Convention the MSU-Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers group attended the Zoetis Cattlemen’s college workshop, “Zoetis Ranch.” Out of all the workshops we have attended throughout the week, this one was by far the most interactive.

A few of things Larry and Dan taught our group was about “Progeny Equivalents are used to describe the amount of effect that DNA analysis has on EPD accuracy. To achieve a comparable amount of EPD predictability and accuracy, an Angus animal would have to have the following amount of actual progeny (calves) performance information recorded and submitted.”

Also we played a game where we got put into groups and had to play three separate breeding and marketing seasons with different priorities. In the game we had five different bulls to choose from with all different qualities. The first season you had to purchase two bulls so the first season you wanted to pick the two bulls that would produce the best weaning weight.

After the first year you could either sell your two bulls and buy two new ones or keep the ones that you had already in season one but for the second year you wanted the highest Yearling Weight. So after the second year the goal was to purchase the best two bulls that would produce the best Dollar Beef when there are going to be marketed.

The Cattlemen’s College workshops are a great opportunity for ranchers interactive learning with tools available in the industry today. It is definitely a great way to learn how to apply those tools in their own businesses.

Zoetis Cattlemens College Montana Stockgrowers Convention


Derrell Peel is the Charles Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness in the Department of Agricultural Economics

MSGA 2013 Convention Highlights – Thursday

2013 Montana Stockgrowers Convention Trade ShowHave you registered for the 2013 Montana Stockgrowers Convention and Trade show? Registering and quick and easy through the MSGA Events page!

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be highlighting each day of the convention and introducing the featured speakers. A full agenda and schedule is also available on the MSGA Events page.

The 2013 MSGA Convention kicks off on Thursday, December 12 with Registration beginning at 7:00 a.m. and the Trade Show opens at 11:00 a.m. Many committee meetings fill Thursday’s schedule:

  • 8:00 a.m. MSGA Board of Directors Meeting
  • 9:00 a.m. Montana Public Lands Council Annual Meeting
  • 10:00 a.m. Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Training Workshop
  • 10:00 a.m. MT Red Angus Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium
  • 10:00 a.m. Steer of Merit Committee Meeting
  • 1:00 p.m. Land Use & Environment Committee Meeting
  • 1:00 p.m. Membership Development & Services Committee Meeting
  • 1:00 p.m. Silent Auction Opens

Beginning at 4:00, we have a few great speakers as part of the Zoetis Cattlemen’s College.

Rebuilding the U.S. Beef Industry: Challenges and Opportunities

Derrell Peel is the Charles Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness in the Department of Agricultural Economics

Dr. Darrell Peel

Derrell Peel is the Charles Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness in the Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Economics. He has served as the Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist since arriving at OSU in 1989. He has B.S. and M.S. degrees from Montana State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. He previously served as the Superintendent of the Southeastern Colorado Range Research Station in Springfield, Colorado. His main program areas at Oklahoma State University include livestock market outlook and marketing/risk management education for livestock producers.

Derrell also works in the area of international livestock and meat trade with particular focus on Mexico and Canada and the North American livestock and meat industry. He lived in Mexico on sabbatical in 2001 and has developed an extensive knowledge of the Mexican cattle and beef industry and the economics of cattle and beef trade between the U.S. and Mexico.

ZOETIS RANCH- An Interactive Cow Calf Game Designed to Explore Profit Opportunity From EPDs and HD50K Genetic Tests

Zoetis Cattlemen's College at Montana Stockgrowers ConventionDan Ellis was raised on a purebred Hereford Ranch in Columbus, Montana and received an Animal Science degree from Montana State University. Dan is a Genetics Consultant at Zoetis Animal Health and Administrator of GenomeXchange.com. Ellis’ accomplishments include serving as C.O.O. and Angus Division Manager at Beartooth International and Livestock Manager for Northern International Livestock Show until 1997. In 1992, Dan served as President and founded Western Management, renamed Ellis Management Group (EMG) in 2002 to accommodate commercial feeder cattle brokerage. EMG provides consulting services for management, genetics, and marketing for purebred clients. 

Larry Gran, Regional Manager for Zoetis Animal Genetics, covering South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, grew up on a cow/calf yearling operation in Western Nebraska. Larry currently still has an interest in the family’s Registered Red Angus Operation. Larry Gran started with Bovigen, which is now Zoetis in July of 2007. Previously he was the General Manager, Editor and Sales consultant for Tri-state Livestock News and Graduated from University of Wyoming with a BS in Ag Business. Larry has also managed and owned a back grounding feedlot along with his own Red Angus cows.

Thursday’s schedule wraps up with a Young Stockgrowers meeting and social, the Leaders & Legends Dinner at 5:00 p.m. and the Trade Show Opening, Dinner and NFR viewing starts at 6:30.

Many more events are planned for the week at the 2013 MSGA Convention. Be sure to get your registration sent in. Stay tuned on the blog next week for meeting details for Friday and Saturday’s events! View the full agenda  on the Montana Stockgrowers Website.