Update from South Central Montana Ranchers
Winter has returned to central Montana, as I am writing this article it is -18 below zero! We have been blessed with great Fall weather, high cattle prices and plenty of grass in the pastures.
There has been a lot going on around South Central Montana with calves being shipped and cattle work wrapping up just in time for this first winter blast of cold weather. There has been much discussion around the subjects of EPA’s Waters of the U.S., bison being moved to Fort Peck and elk overpopulation here in the Crazy Mountains.
Your Board of Directors has been busy attending local affiliate meetings around the state during November. It is exciting to travel around to the different affiliate meetings, visiting with people and learning about different issues in each area. This is a time when we as MSGA Directors can lend a helping hand and hopefully keep members up to date on issues that are facing ranchers on a state and national level. So please call us of the MSGA office with any questions on issues ranchers are facing in your area.
One of the pressing issues discussed at my local Crazy Mountain Stockgrowers meeting was the overpopulation of elk on the eastern slopes in Sweet grass County. The elk population is placing heavy grazing pressure on area forage stands and competing with hay production on local cattle ranches. Local ranchers have been discussing opportunities to work with hunters to address the issue.
Tim Todd and myself attended the Musselshell Stockgrowers banquet in Roundup in October. We gave an update of what MSGA has been up to. We are very excited to see this group getting back together and offered up any assistance that we can to help that process along. So welcome back Musselshell Stockgrowers!
We’re looking forward to the MSGA Annual Convention in Billings on December 11-13 and hope to see you all there! On site registration will be available if you weren’t able to preregister. The 14+ Cattlemen’s Colleges available, along with all the usual Association meetings will make the trip well worth your time!