Montana CattleWomen Inc. offer $1000 Memorial Scholarship for the 52nd Consecutive Year

Montana CattleWomen LogoFor the fifty-second consecutive year, Montana CattleWomen, Inc. is offering a $1000.00 scholarship to a student from a Montana home that is enrolled in one of the state colleges or universities. Preference will be given to an applicant majoring in a field beneficial to the livestock industry.

To qualify for this award, a student must currently be at least a sophomore (in college) and have a grade point average of 2.7 or better. The scholarship will be given to the student who is determined to have the best balance of grades, citizenship, and financial need. The winner will be announced after May 2014.

Application forms are available at college Financial Aid Offices throughout Montana. Interested students may go on-line to our website: to download all necessary information in order to complete the application. They may contact the Scholarship Chair Nancy Schultz, Box 219, Grass Range, MT 59032 or phone (406) 428-2101 or e-mail:[email protected]. COMPLETED APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO MS. Schultz OR SENT TO THE MONTANA CATTLEWOMEN INC. OFFICE (420 N. California, Helena, MT 59601) POSTMARKED BY APRIL 15, 2014.

This memorial scholarship is funded entirely by donations given in memory of friends and loved ones of Montana CattleWomen.


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NILE Scholarships Now Available

Northern International Livestock Exposition Foundation logoBillings, Mont. – The NILE Scholarship program funded by the NILE Foundation, is now accepting applications for scholarships for the 2014-2015 academic year. Since 1990, the NILE has awarded scholarships to deserving FFA and 4-H students that have been actively involved in their respective programs and communities, excelled in the classroom, and participated in NILE events. “New this year are the Joe Fouts Memorial 4-H and FFA Scholarships. Awarding this scholarship to both a 2014 graduate and 4-H member as well as, a graduating FFA member is truly an honor. All of us at the NILE are thrilled to continue the mission of the organization by assisting in the education of our youth.” says Jennifer Noble, General Manager of the NILE. “Fouts was a member of 4-H for 10 years and remained a strong supporter of 4-H and FFA throughout his life. These scholarships will continue his legacy of support for these organizations.”

Similar to last year, the NILE Scholarship Committee will be awarding three levels of scholarships. First will be the one-time scholarship awarded to high school seniors, similar to what the NILE has always done. The second level of scholarships offered will also be a one-time grant, but will be for students already enrolled in College or a Vo-Tech school. Finally, the third level, which will offer the greatest scholarshiped amount, will be a rolling scholarship. The rolling scholarships will be offered to a select group of High School Seniors who will have the opportunity to renew the scholarship yearly, up to four years of their secondary education. Recipients of rolling scholarships will be chosen from the pool of applicants that are current seniors in High School.

Each year the NILE touches the lives of nearly 10,000 youth through its many programs, events, “live” animal scholarships, and college scholarships. Every year the NILE provides over $55,000 in cash and live animal scholarships.

The NILE Foundation was established in 2009 as a supporting arm of the NILE organization, which is dedicated to the promotion of livestock, agriculture education, and respect for the western culture.

Scholarship applications and guidelines can be found at the NILE’s website, or by contacting the NILE Office. Applications must be into the NILE Office by March 14, 2014. Applications incomplete or late will not be considered. Scholarships will be awarded and announced in April.


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Public Lands Council Internship

Washington D.C. intern: Working on behalf of Montana’s Ranchers

The Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation is proud to support our state’s bright and talented youth as they explore opportunities across the country. This fall, we sponsored Rachel Abeh of Livingston, Montana to intern with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association in Washington D.C. During her time there, she worked with the NCBA and Public Lands Council team as they worked on behalf of not only Montana ranchers, but the nation’s beef producers.

If you are interested in helping us send more students, like this one, on once in a lifetime trips, please consider donating to the Foundation today.


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