Regional Pesticide Education Trainings offered across Montana in 2018
The Montana State University Pesticide Education Program (PEP) is coordinating five regional private applicator initial certification trainings across Montana. These seven-hour training opportunities are designed for individuals desiring to learn more about pesticides, while simultaneously qualifying for a Montana private applicator license. A private applicator license allows individuals to apply restricted use pesticides on land they own, rent or lease. Training opportunities are available within Northern Cheyenne Reservation (Lame Deer) on January 17th, Blackfoot Reservation (Browning) on January 30th, Stillwater County (Columbus) on February 1st, Fort Belknap Reservation (Harlem) on March 6th and Broadwater County (Three Forks) on March 15th.
Each program will cover many subject areas of interest including integrated pest management, pesticide movement in the environment, pesticide safety and toxicity, pesticide law, calibrating ground spray equipment, understanding the private applicator license, reading and understanding the pesticide product label. Montana State University and Montana Department of Agriculture trainers speaking at these events include Dr. Jane Mangold (MSU Rangeland Weed Specialist), Dr. Cecil Tharp (MSU Pesticide Education Specialist), Amy Bowser (MSU Pesticide Education Technician), Theresa Schrum (MDA District Officer), Diana DeYoung (MDA District Officer) and Michaela Hystad (MDA District Officer). Surrounding MSU Extension county and tribal agents will also be assisting with many of the presentations.
Cost and Private Applicator Credit Opportunities
The registration fee varies by location with Lame Deer ($15), Harlem (Free), Columbus ($15), Browning (Free), and Three Forks ($27). This fee (when applicable) covers necessary manuals, speaker costs, and a catered lunch. Private applicators may attend the entire program for 6 private pesticide recertification credits. Attendees will qualify for a private applicator pesticide license by attending the entire event. Once qualified, individuals may send in a new applicator permit with license payment to the Montana Department of Agriculture to attain their Montana private applicator license. Attendees are strongly urged to pre-register as space is limited. See initial pesticide training details on the following page:
Initial Training Details and Registration
Date | Host | Location | Info | Fee | Registration |
3/15/2018 | MSU PEP
Broadwater County |
Three Forks Headwaters Livestock Auction
25 Wheatland Road |
Agenda | $27 | Online
994-5178 |
3/6/2018 | MSU PEP
Ft. Belknap Reservation |
FBIC Transportation Building 258 Agency Main St. |
Agenda | Free | Online 994-5178 |
2/1/2018 | MSU PEP
Stillwater County |
Columbus Columbus Fire and Rescue
944 E Pike Street |
Agenda | $15 | Online 994-5178 |
1/30/2018 | MSU PEP
Blackfeet Reservation |
Glacier Peaks Hotel 46 Museum Loop |
Agenda | Free | Online 994-5178 |
1/17/2018 | MSU PEP
Northern Cheyenne Reservation |
Lame Deer Charging Horse Casino
½ US 212 |
Agenda | $15 | Online 994-5178 |
Follow the links above for location-specific agendas and registration or use the full links below. • Agendas: http://www.pesticides.montana.edu/pat/education/initial.html
• Registration: http://www.pesticides.montana.edu/event.html
Contact Amy Bowser (406-994-5178; [email protected]) regarding registration questions or Cecil Tharp (406-994-5067; [email protected]) with other pesticide education questions.